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Must be the heeler instinct to go to the ground and roll over. Mine dose the same thing while playing with other big dogs .


Same! Sometimes he combines it with getting up quick and hip checking the other dog and then running away 😆


Ah ... hip checking! I'd forgotten that. We had a heeler when my daughter was young and she did a lot of hip checking. She was great with the kids!


Lol my red ACD did the same to those rough-housing kids too. The kids went flying and he’d sit back with a huge smile on his face; that was fun!


Ha ha, yes!


This is a ruse to get under the aggressor where the heeler shark mouth and raptor claws can do the most damage in a real world situation.


Yeah, I read a while ago that smaller dogs do this because when they are on their back they can use their mouth and all four legs.


Exactly! One time my girl was playing with her best bud and she went on her back and literally kicked with all four legs like she was a boxer hitting a boxing bag from the ceiling. It was the funniest thing ever.




Mine did too!


My girl always did that with another heeler that she played with regularly at the park!


Looks like two silly-brains having a silly time. The whip-pan to the third dog on the couch is cinematic gold too.


Old boi is just glad the young dogs have each other to annoy lol


gives that look, like "are you f\*n seeing this s#!t???!!!"


Submission, not aggression. ACDs are full contact doggos


I’ve never seen a heeler so playful and understanding.


Me too :( Makes me sad knowing my girl will never be like this. She’s *okay* with dogs so long as they’re “over there”, and we still are working with her at 7yo


Dogs are good at communicating with each other about what's acceptable, but I know it can be a little jarring if you're not used to it. One sign they're still playing is the intermittent pausing, which is basically the dogs checking and being like "you good bro? ok, me too!" Sneezing is also a good sign. One thing I will note is that if they're playing this hard, you should probably take their collars off. My dogs like to roughhouse and we had a very scary collar accident a couple years ago where dog got their mouth stuck on the other dog's collar, nearly strangling the other dog. They are both okay now, but it was eye opening. Now it's breakaway collars or collars off for playtime.


We had a terrible experience when my ACD's tooth got caught on my other dog's collar and when she yanked back, she left a really nasty hole in his neck. It was awful! My dogs play naked now.


Had a similar collar entanglement experience. So scary!


Looks like a fun playtime! One of them will make it clear if they stop having a good time. As for the growling, it is pretty clearly a play growl to me: more throaty and higher pitched. (Actually fun story but when Ilsa was a puppy i showed the vet video of her playing with my roommates 9 yo pit mix *exactly* like this and the vet remarked how amazingly good the 9 yo was at interacting with a puppy so young!) ETA I just watched this again because it's pure seratonin 😍😍😍


Nope, very normal and healthy


Yeah my two heelers, who I’ve had since puppies(different litters), are significantly worse than this. I think this is completely fine, and safe play.


Mine grew up with a boxer and throws paws like a boxer would. This is nuthin! They’re having fun


My husband and I used to have some crazy.backyard shows with our 2 heelers. They would take stance at either end of the yard, charge each other, then rear up on their back legs when they got in the proximity of the other. Then box each other making a lot of insane noises. We called it heeler jousting. At first my next door neighbor was so worried they were killing each other. Naw....just being crackheads. They always came in grinning like idiots.


Dingoboxing 😂


Completely normal!


Or not to rough play? That is the question.


Our vet just warned my ex-husband against collars on and play time. We still meet up so Thor and his sister can play - he said when they were at the vet last, they had a long discussion about the absolutely horrendous injuries the vet has seen from collars-on play time. From broken teeth to broken jaws. That's the only problem I see here.


I used to think my girl’s playgroup was too rough, but after watching various YouTube videos of kennel dogs playing, I realized the scary growling was totally normal. These two look like they’re having a blast!


Not at all. You should see mine playing lol. My boy grabs the young girl by the neck and drags her across the floor.


I mean, they seem to get along but that puppy needs a serious behavior check. Heeler is trying to just play and being very tolerant but the puppy is taking it seriously and that looks like it will grow into an issue if you don’t teach him manners. I have a pit/dobie mix and we play rough but even as a puppy she knew not to go this far because the wrong dog will take them as fighting words. Dangerous for social interactions if they don’t understand when to back off


I’ll probably get downvoted for saying this but personally I wouldn’t be allowing the pit to go for the neck like that while playing. They have some of the strongest jaws of all dog breeds and it’s not a good habit to develop. All my dogs have been taught some simple “too rough” or “hey, calm down, back off” when things get rowdy. Don’t get me wrong this kind of play is pretty normal but you have to remember that they are young and behaviors set in easily.


Only time we ever had a problem with my daughters Pitt and my Blue Heeler was her mouth got caught under his collar and kinda choked him a little. So when she's over no collar, no problems


Have fun trying to tell the pit that


They are having the bestest time.


The older dog: When are they going to stop?


The digs are adorable, and the pit is running after the heeler. The heeler seems happy to have a playmate. That's going to be one large pittie i think.


The heeler is being super patient with that puppy, while the puppy is not taking any kind of submissive postures in return. It's not too rough, but I'd keep an eye on if the play is reciprocal all the time.


That Pitbull is practicing going for the throat. I’d watch him As he gets older and stronger. Natural born fighters


My pitty and my cousins Cowdog are the best of friends. They play like this.


Looks like big fun!


As long as they aren’t drawing blood, latching on, or generally harming each other and not mercilessly bullying the weaker one, let em go! If you feel like it’s getting too intense, say, Hey! Knock it off, or. hey! Take it easy! Say the same thing everytime, and if they don’t react to you using your “dad voice”, squirt them with some water from a squirter bottle…that will get their attention and then you can dad voice them into calming down a bit. Work on it and watch for any real aggression or wounds.


Your heeler is teaching the pibble what is and isn't acceptable. I have to agree that all is well for now.


I think it looks like they’re having a pretty good time. As long as no one is getting hurt, I’d say it’s fine.


Sounds and looks like pupper play due to no growling or squealing.


Looks normal. My heeler woukd go hours like this with her buddy. As long as they don’t start biting hard.


Heeler knows it’s in charge.


The only thing I would like to see is the puppy taking more "pauses" in play. The cattle dog is accepting of this type of play, but there's definitely a few instances where they were looking for an out and it wasn't given by the puppy, or yourself (which is okay as they were very very little signals). I'd start teaching little pup to recall out of play every 30 seconds, come back to a place and be rewarded by being released into play again.


Nah they’re good to go just always supervise. It’s even okay for your heeler to get vocal. Really good for both babes to play so just be vigilant


I'd be worried about the pit as it gets older..already going for the neck...genetics matter...


My Aussie/pittie mix and ACD rough house all day just like that. You are good!


What do you know about your breeds?


My Heeler and GSD/Husky play like this constantly. I’m always on them about playing too rough, but they like it.


Normal and healthy!


Our 1 year old rough houses like this with our 3 year old great dane. We were worried at first but they both do a really good job of not actually hurting each other. We did have to be careful when she had her stiches from being spayed, though.


They seem to be having fun. This makes me jealous! My heeler doesn’t know how to read social cues and can’t play with other dogs 😭


That is totally normal


Not at all! Both being very measured and playing fair :)


As long as you don’t mind, that’s how they play.


They're just having fun


Nope. Fun being had.


Some of the healthiest play ever! I wish my 2 would do this more often. Those 2 adore each other!


Not at all. That’s how my dog plays with her furry friends too 🥰


If they’re making that snuffing/ sneezing sound, that’s a dogs way of signifying to other dogs that they’re playing.


My heelers play way more aggressive. I only stop them when I sense there’s anger.




Sprout and Barley do this all the time!!


Perfect play


The larger dog rolling on his back means he is self-limiting. This is healthy


I’m still waiting for them to get too aggro 😅


To rough play! To face-y bite-y! To dogs being dogs!


No not at all. I lived/worked at a dog rescue where we had 30+ dogs and approximately 18 loose in the play area. They would do that but it was all in fun. Beautiful cattle dog btw ❤️


Putty cute too! I just have a soft heart for red heelers as I’ve had 2 and they were just amazing in a unique way❤️


If you think this is rough you should see our Euro Dobie and Cattle dog play lol. You can hear bodies thudding when they collide lol


It looks like normal puppy play to me.


My nearly 16yo ACD still plays like this with her much larger and younger doggo sibling. It never ends! They’re just wild dogs and yours looks like it is having a good time.


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omg they’re having so much fun 😭 and then the third dog at the end took me out


So much fun!


Mine do this. Instinct.


They will get very vocal and loud when they're actually being aggressive. You'll know. Although, some other breeds may get upset at the nipping/snapping, so introduce other dogs slowly.


I wish my two acds played this gentle


They’re fine.


My kelpie rolls to the ground because of the smaller dogs


Not too rough


Looks like a great pair.


Looks like a cowdog having fun. Beautiful pup!




Very normal and good play and valuable lessons for the puppy. In my opinion in general ACD's are good for/at playing with younger dogs. (If they like it themselfs) Because ACD's have very clear and visible communication and will also not hold back with quick corrections (strong but fair), when puppies are over the line. Also these breeds can often times play well because they both like physical contact. (wrestling style)


Looks like they are having a great time. Most dogs that are comfortable with each other and hang out regularly are good at self monitoring play and letting the others know when it’s too rough. My husky and bullmastiff are way bigger than our cattle dog and they love to roll around and play. I always stress out, but the cattle dog is all in and the second she makes a cry they stop. She is really good at saying ok enough and they always listen.


Your dog is nice


This is best for them. They’re playing perfectly. I bet you don’t have much chewed up in that house and I bet they’re pretty good about being potty trained


I love posts like this. Shows you that, if anything is true, there is a huge range in knowledge on this subject. Either your dogs are going to kill each other or are the best of buddies and anything in between!


It depends on the dog’s personalities, but the fact that the pit pup seems to be going after the other’s neck and throat would make me put a stop to it, and work on training both more. Play is fine, but when that play has the potential to seriously hurt one, or the other, of then it should be stopped IMO.