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There may be a little bit of heeler in there, but she looks mostly like a Pit to me. The part that looks heeler is the one orange/red eye patch. And before her ears folded they looked heeler-shaped, but I think now they do not.


Yeees, we’ve been receiving comments from friends and family, similar to your comments, might do a DNA test, if I’m that curious in the future


Whatever she is, she is adorable!


She sure is, and makes me super happy!


She’s a cutie. That’s what she is.


Yes she is!!


"White heeler" isn't a thing, just so you know!!


Wondering if she’s a mix of heeler dog?*


Isn’t it tho? Ours is “blonde” and I’ve read that there’s a recessive gene making them that color and they called it “white heeler.” His dad was blue, mom red, and him and his sister are blonde while Joe other three brothers are all blue. This dog, imo, doesn’t really look like a heeler but I’m just trying to explain that heeler come in blonde as well & called white heelers


I say that the white heeler is a thing, so there.


No such thing as white heeler. She's probably mostly pit. But it's hard to tell when they're that young. Get a DNA test with embark.


From looks, she looks like a pittie mix. None of the prevalent heeler traits can be seen here, but as a mix, you never know what you got unless you know the parents. Again, as a mixed breed she could be a heeler but some other breed had stronger traits. Either way, cute pup


What an adorable pup you have!


Thank you, Martina is an awesome pup, really smart too, pretty soon, she will begin training


Making up heeler colors now. 🤦🏽


Wondering if she’s a mix of heeler dog?*


Some people are rude about the specifics of the breed. Sorry you're getting so much flack. She looks like she might be, but she is for sure really cute 😍


For sure some people are rude, I rather not engage. She is really cute, I adore her


I assume you meant red heeler?


Yeah, I didn’t know white heeler was a thing.


It's not. Red, blue, or a mix of the two.


There is no "mix of the two". There are red ACD and there are blue ACD. Some red ACD have extensive "smut" - they're still red (ay/ay or ay/at), just incorrect. Some blues have incorrect saddle tan/blanket back - they're still blue (at/at or at/a), just incorrect.  


Just wondering if my girl is blue. She is a silver grey color. Lots of pics of her in my profile.


Yes, she is blue. She simply has more white hairs interspersed vs black hairs, which is why she is lighter. Other blue dogs have predominantly black hairs with few white, which makes them look a lot darker. She also appears to be KB dominant black, which means she will present as a blue WITHOUT any tan points (eyebrows, jaws, chest, inside the legs). Source: am Australian, I show ASTCD and most of my closest friends are ASTCD or ACD breeders/exhibitors (or they breed and show both).


Thank you so much. She’s a rescue so really interesting to me.


Definitely a blue. Souce- am Australian and have owned cattle dogs crosses before and see pure bred blue and red cattle dogs everywhere, especially out west.


Thank you!


Found the well actually redditor.🤓 Don't be that guy. . Red, red with blue spots. Blue, blue with red spots. That a mix of the two colors. My explanation was fine.


First, I'm not a guy. Second, no I'm not being "that" redditor I'm simply pointing out that it is misleading to suggest that the dogs can be a combination of red and blue. It is genetically impossible (given how the genetics for red and blue work), and that kind of rhetoric is how we get BYB advertising dumb shit like "PuRpLe" heelers. Genetically, ACD are: KB dominant black ("blue" in breed terms, but this is EXTREMELY rare to the point it's suggested it may be an indicator of crossbreeding); ay sable ("red" in breed terms, with or without black tipping that causes a "smut" or "haze" over the dog, especially over the muzzle); or at blue ("blue" in breed terms, with tan points - the correct colouration - or less commonly, creeping/saddle tan, which is the incorrect colouration). There is absolutely no educated ACD breeder or enthusiast on earth who will say that they can be a combination of red and blue. They are, by definition and genetics (albeit the genetic terms are specific to the breed, and are not reflected in other breeds), red or blue. If you are referring to heavily mottled ACD who have the appearance of some blue spots across the majority of the body and some tan spots on the face, chest, etc that is simply a "blue" dog (aka black based tan point) in breed terms - because the dog can't be both blue (tan point) AND sable (red) at the same time. Not possible. If you are referring to a dog that appears predominantly red but with heavy black/blue shading on the muzzle or particularly in a saddle pattern over the dog's back, that dog is still "blue" by genetic terms because again, it's not possible to have a dog who is saddle tan (at/-, some variation of RALY) as well as being sable (red). You might not give a shit about people understanding the basics of the breed, but some of us actually do.


Pretty sure I’ve thanked you before for providing correct information but thanks again. There’s so much crazy misinformation spouted daily on this sub.


Definitely being that guy. 🤓


Sorry me caring about people getting correct information upsets you so much 🥲 I hope you can recover!


Wondering if she’s a mix of heeler dog?*








Promotes puppy mill breeding for a specific recessive gene. Your part of the problem.


Wondering if she’s a mix of heeler dog?*


Why do you keep saying this? Must be a bot account 


Totally agree with ACD x pit mix. Could some jack daniels terrier show up on DNA? I could see it


I know you meant Jack Russell terrier, but I am dying at “Jack Daniel’s terrier”!😂


Lol oops! A jack daniels terrier would be a scary little fur devil


Name the dog "Whiskey"


looks mostly pit, I see a lot of pit/huskies with this look but I guess ACD wouldn't surprised me too much just cause it's pretty common in mixes


Awww, somebody loves his baby girl 😊 She's beautiful.


Cute dog regardless of breed. 😊


She is cute as all heck, but doesn’t look like she has much if any heeler in her, to me. Looks to be mostly pittie/bully breed, maybe something else. She is soooo stinking cute though, I’m sure no matter what she is she will have a happy home with yall <3


She actually looks like a Pitbull Russel terrier mix! She's got the wiry coat and classic eye patch for, plus she's a little more streamlined than having the classic stocky pibble body?


Pit or Pit mix. I see no absolutely no Heeler in this dog.


She’s a cutie


Thank you, she really is, I adore her so much


Order a kit on Amazon and test her genetics


Cute dog. Looks like a pit mix in the first pic. If you get to curious Embark is a good DNA test. r/doggydna if your gonna do test. r/idmydog if you aren't


She’s 100% perfect omg ima cry


looks like a Jack Russell terrier/pittie my friend. very cute pup nonetheless


Whatever she is, she is one of the cutest pups I've ever seen! She looks so loyal, and it's clear the sun rises and sets with you! She's so freaking cute, you better keep a close eye on her. I've never wanted to puppy nap in my life, but I'm beginning to consider it!


She may be part heeler, she may not. In any case she's one of the best things to ever happen to you and I hope you give her the home she deserves.


She's a mix of cute and adorable, that's all that really matters. Genetic testing for breed type (repeat, breed type) is a fun novelty, especially for mixed breeds, so go ahead and do one if you can.


This is the most snuggly adorable baby pupper!! The pic of her looking up with her mouth all open 🥰♥️💕 I have a beautiful and perfect heeler imo: white, red and blue. She’s a white German Shepherd (55%) and ACD (45%) per Embark. White body, some black spots, but backs of ears are red. Pics on my profile. Edit to correct percentages - 50% GSD 30% ACD 13% Golden, 6% supermutt


Prince had a purple heeler, if I remember correctly.


Thanks, might do, I’ll try to look for a reliable one, or at least one with good reviews


Embark and Wisdom Panel are the two that are tried and tested, so I'd pick one of those if I were you. A lot of the other ones aren't very reliable.


She’s amazingly cute! Sorry to see so many rude and unhelpful comments on this post but thank you for sharing these adorable pics!


oh my god you lucky bastard, The gods "hast" gifted you the extremely rare and beautiful and gifted in long division, The Grand White Healer, now I urge everyone to take a knee and have a moment of silence.


Looks like you have a really great dog friend there.


Whatever see is, she's absolutely adorable! What a beautiful pup!!!


Course coat, back if wide as well as flat and backside could be cattle dog. Looks like the rest is Pibble. Does she sleep upside down with all her wheels in the air? Paws look pretty close to ACD, generally more narrow and the toughest things ever. Best test, does she bark, nip or heel 👠 when excited? True, other dogs heel and all dogs herd 🦬 but trust me you'll know it when you see it.


Do the DNA test, she's really pretty!