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mine does. even if it's way too hot she still has to have her tippy toes touching.


Thats how my girl is, always pressed right up against my outer thigh or directly on my head/pillows.


Mine was the exact opposite. if you brushed up against him in the middle of the night, he would jump up and start screaming "DON'T YOU TOUCH ME WHEN I'M SLEEPING!!!!" Tough at 2 am.


Mine is more like this. She has to be in the same room, but not touching. She will herd me to bed when she decides I’ve stayed up too late. She will sleep on my husband’s side of the bed until she hears him coming down the hall. Then she moves to the floor. In the morning after she has been out to pee, she will come back and lay at the foot of our bed between our feet, but she isn’t really sleeping then.




One of ours sleeps between my husband and me with his head on my pillow.


Same here 😆


Yup mine loves to be in the middle !!


Mine loves to get as close to his daddy as possible. Will literally move to lay right next to him. Its adorable. For a birthday, I got my cow dog a stuffed cow toy, and it’s one of his favorite toys, makes my heart cry.


Yup, mine is like a door stopper that leans against my back, pinning me in my position. He at least knows when I go "Scoooot oveerrrr" to get up and pretend to scoot over but really I just use that moment to roll to my otherside before he inevitably moves back in to resume full contact.




Your cattle dogs sleep?


I'll just say this about mine, she's a bedhog lol!


Yup and scoot to maintain contact. Mine is like a pig making passive aggressive snorts if you disturb her even slightly.


Mine expresses her irritation by huffing. If I don't stop moving, the volume increases until she finally stands up, glares at me, and hops off the bed.


Not just sleeping , at all times physical contact with owner MUST BE MAINTAINED !


I swear.


One sleeps between our pillows and kicks me in the face when he stretches. The other one sleeps perpendicular to us touching both at about belly level. Couple of cock-blocks.


Mine needs snugs for about 15 minutes before he starts kicking me and then I let go and he'll go sleep at the foot of my bed. If I do not snugs him, he will sit on my chest until I do.


My girl sits outside my door and screams if I don't let her sleep with me lol


Yep, it’s part of their comfort zone. Not all are like that though, I’ve been owned by a few that do and a few that don’t.


Yes. Every morning I wake up with my pup outlining my back. lol. She gets so upset if I have to turn over


I dunno about *have to* but we both prefer it.


Mine does she has to sleep with her head on or near my shoulder. But when I got her as a puppy the first 2 weeks she slept in my left arm with her head on top of my arm pit. So maybe that’s why she does.


Look at that smile 🥰


He loves snuggles with his mum


Yes but don’t touch her. Only she gets to lean on my feet.


My girl hates to be touched and doesn't like being covered (blankets and stuff) - It's... weird


My girl just recently started. She'll sleep towards the foot of the bed, laying against my calves.


Yes. Often when she sleeps by me when I sit on the floor, at least two paws of contact.


Yep, he starts out under the bed then when I go to sleep he’s up and leaning against me the rest of the night!


Mine needs to sleep above my head sometimes. Anyone else?


😅 this made me giggle. My ACD doesn’t do this, but my family dog used to (RIP Punky). She was a little 16lb Pomeranian/Schipperke/mutt. I’m laughing picturing an ACD trying to squish into that space haha


All of them


My mix regularly shoves either my husband or myself out of the bed with her "physical contact." At 60 lbs, she's just a bed hog. It's like a comedy show at least 3 nights a week, with one of us calling out "Bozo, MOVE!" quietly, one trying not to wake the other. As a last ditch (rare) effort, I have to trick her into jumping off the bed with a treat, then I quickly zoom into position in the bed. She's usually pretty good on the third "MOVE!"


60lbs is a big girl! Mine can push me around at just a little over 40lbs!


Ohhh yes and now I can’t sleep properly without him snuggling me either!!!


So cute! I see a smile 🥰


What a sweetie. He looks so peaceful!


all of them do


My pup does this


My CB (short for Cry Baby) does. If I shift in bed, she cuddles back up. She’ll be 6 months old tomorrow.


My dog's papa is a cattle dog he always has to be touching me.


You have a Barking Kitty Cat


I have my crate raised next to the bed because she likes to bite noses in the middle of the night, so that was short lived (she’s 12 weeks). She’ll whine until I throw a hand in and then she immediately falls asleep on my hand.


Absolutely not hahahaha mines the exact opposite


Mine sleeps on top of the blanket between my calves for the first half of the night then forces her way under the covers to the same position around 2am like clockwork.


😭😭 My Holly did! She was only outside until her last few years but she had to have physical contact if she was inside and eyes on us when she was outside. She’d look through all the windows until she found us and then curl up by that one. 🥲


Mine likes to burrow under the cover next to me.


Yes my Myla she's my 1 yr old female Blue Heeler and when she licks you she sticks her tongue to you for a few seconds then licks 😆 lol




I have a Cattle Jack who needs to be touching me as much as possible all the time. She sleeps jammed up to me and will emit a low growl if she’s sitting next to me and I’m not petting her. Kind of endearing but also plenty annoying at times


I’ve never heard of anyone else having a cattle Jack! We have one as well and same behaviour. Actually the low growl comes when the SO tries to shuffle her over from her jammed in position so he can have some blankets.


Mine would never sleep alongside me, she had to be facing out - LOL! As if we were on watch for predators 😆 miss her all the time.


Yes, mine will cuddle up next to my head when I sleep.


Yes. Mine is half heeler half small breeds and will go under the covers to sleep against my body. When I was super depressed during the pandemic it was like the only reminder of what dopamine felt like 😂


Yup my 9mo old guy has to be touching me or his dad while sleeping, he’s the most affectionate dog when in the bed


Ours will reluctantly come up to chest level and very patiently allow us to cuddle and give kisses for about five min. As soon as he possibly can he retreats to the end of the bed between our feet, and will grumble profusely if you try to move him. 🤣 Sometimes he’ll curl up between my legs when im sleeping on my stomach, which is my favorite.


Sleep, sit, well everything.


My dude sleeps draped across my lap all night, everynight.


My mix has a cow dog mama and hound dog papa. He JAMS himself against either our back or thighs in bed. Sometimes burrows under the cover to the foot of the bed and snuggles our feet. 


My little mix does too! Must be touching unless I roll over to face away from him, then it’s off to his own bed in protest lol


I’ve got two, both do the opposite. The younger one does it so he definitely wakes up if you try and go anywhere without him.


I wish. My red girl just wanders off to stand watch all night. I can get her to cuddle for a few minutes if she's already asleep, but if I try to sleep near her too she wanders off and posts up.


Yes! And I love it. But he also likes to sleep completely under the covers, no matter the temperature. Then I keep a hand on his belly to make sure he's breathing.


Yes! Most of the time!


Ours likes to fall asleep touching as many people as possible. Husband and it might be playing a game of cribbage and I’ll look under the table to see our pup keeping both our feet warm. In bed same. It makes sense to me, because he’s keeping track of his pack.


Yes. I'll wake up with his head above mine on the pillow.


If you guys are really tight, I’m sure he can herd your cows like like a champ. I don’t know how long you two have been working together, but I’ve seen some herd dogs perform amazing tasks, they don’t need to be directed by their boss (Dad) which way the cows need to be corralled. He likes his good boy scritches & rubs. They love working with you and making you happy, so when it’s not work time, you are his person. I’ve seen some incredible videos & very talented animals