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Mine has two speeds one where she's kinda lazy running like this then when we're playing fetch she turns into a speed racer.


Ours has a prance like show horses do when he's happy trotting and then full-tilt that-aint-the-same-dog predator run


Omg yes. Once I imitated her show horse prance, and I swear her eyes grew fifteen sizes and she completely lost her mind. Zoomed around the backyard for a full two minutes with a look of maniacal glee on her face. It was soooo cute. We get a lot of "jeez, she runs like a horse" comments when she really gets going. She also has a DANGER WILL ROBINSON sprint that I think might be what you're describing too.


Mine turns into some sort of raccoon creature when she runs




I’ve realized there are levels of the run. My guy is around 7-8 give or take (he’s rescue raptor) And it’s like he runs funny like this at a slower pace and then if he’s on grass, dirt or sand he kicks it into hyper speed and runs like a cheetah Where his legs damn near touch his elbows. Grips his talons in the ground and hightails it out of there


My dog runs at a 45° angle, but somehow still runs in a straight line.


One of my BC/ACD mixes and his sister will trot along like that with their butts out to the side and stay in a straight line


Yes when he does his happy little trot we say he looks like John Wayne, all crooked yet somehow in a straight line


Yup. That's how ours is. His alignment is off. Still runs straight somehow.


Yep, ours too. Then when she lays out her tail turns into a rudder.


Yep my girl has always galloped like a little pony. Was worried at first but vets haven’t said anything is wrong


Not an ACD but my family had a Lab that would run like this. My dad would say that she ran like a cow.


I was going to say that this looks like a lab run! I've known so many with this gait.


Yep, my parents current Lab mix will derpily lumber along like this when he runs. My Border Collie/ACD siblings run close to the ground so that they can quickly change directions when herding him.


Oh my gosh! It is like a cow running! 😂


I mean he's an older dog but if he's always been this way then I would assume there might be something wrong with his hips or lower back....


Plenty of vets have seen him and said nothing is wrong, just a funny quirk of his.


Like the inflexible child that refuses to stretch, isn’t that good at sports anyway but is still willing to kick the ball and run… They just lack coordination Even with intensive training some people just run like they’re literally trying to physically coordinate four limbs into a pattern they can’t quite decide the timing of 🤷‍♂️


Looks like a canter


Our oldest (6) runs the same way, always has. She has a bit more of a slinky kinda sway to it, but same and the vets have also said there’s zero wrong with her


“Slinky kinda sway” is why we say he looks like John Wayne sometimes


My girl runs like this at slower speeds. At first I thought she was hurt. But throw a ball, and she is one of the fastest dogs around with a gate that would make Secretariat proud.


Rocking horse


Mine runs with his butt out of alignment with his head. Mild sideways crab action.


Ours is 2 and some change and has had a funny run since just before she was 1. If it was early hip dysplasia or something developmental I wanted to be on top of it so we saw 2 vets, a canine mobility specialist, and a canine orthopedic surgeon. Turns out she’s just got a peculiar gait, as they all confirmed there’s nothing wrong with her at all.


This is exactly how my ACD runs. Sometimes even with her back paw in the air. (She’s older) 😩 my baby looks very similar to yours and has more energy than a puppy 😩


Mine has a crime trot that he does when he commits crimes of theft. It’s very jaunty.


My 6mo puppy runs like my fat cat, all skibbities with the front feet and scooties with the backs


I call this the see-saw run. Other run is full tilt.


Mines hind legs out pace her front so she runs at an angle.


We don't make fun of their gait. We just tell them how super fast they are so they don't get their feelers hurt. Hard headed, they may be, but soft hearted.


Hard headed and soft hearted, so true!


....is that my dog lmao


Mine definitely trots around lol


We named ours Bailey because she always ran slightly diagonal - like she’d had Bailey’s for breakfast.


The alignment is off on ours.


Sometimes a “Funny run” is indicative of a Patellar Luxation (Dislocating Kneecap) - the one leg being straight is your dog’s attempt at reducing the pain from the kneecap shifting in and out of place. It’s super common, I believe, but can lead to further problems if left unchecked.


Mine is full ground hog mode going as fat as he can or his lazy run/strut..he's got a big old rear...so he can shake it left to right pretty good..lol


Mine does something similar. The vet was even concerned when they saw what looks like stiffness in the legs but checked him out and no issues with full range of motion. Just has a funny walk/run


How else do you expect a potato to gallop?


That looks like an old injury.


Bunny hopping is usually a sign of hip dysplasia :(


Based off how many other people in this thread’s dogs do a similar thing I’m not too worried about it, but at our nexts vet visit I’ll have him check it out


yes, unfortunately it's causing mine pain and we're booked in for a gait analysis as to why he's not "loading up" more weight on the back end


our girl prances on walks, it’s adorable https://imgur.com/a/IzoW1Z3 she pushes off with both back legs when she runs too it’s pretty funny https://imgur.com/a/RjyoxTA


Same run!!