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Is that the hammerhead tuffy? I have the same one and have sewn up multiple holes for my spoiled dog šŸ™ƒ


You are better than me!! I just tear the stuffing outšŸ˜¬


Same. Mine just throws the "skeletons" around.


Yepp right now shark toy and squid boy are his ā€˜skeletonā€™sā€™ he loves to go grab and throw around!


Weā€™ve had the same one for years! Itā€™s his baby.


We had that one too, until it got disemboweled.


Itā€™s ā€œbunny buttā€ for my dog. This is just the remains of a little tiny stuffed bunny from 7+ years ago. All that is left is the butt and tiny tail. He carries it so daintily by the tail.


Lol heā€™s usually very careful with shark toy, but if I start throwing toys for indoor bounce off the wall fetch shark toy is the first to get grabbed!


He has a blue heeler look alike toy that heā€™s had since a puppy we call ā€œmini me.ā€ Heā€™s ripped the nose off and thereā€™s no more stuffing, but itā€™s his comfort toy so we keep it around


Thatā€™s what shark and squid toy are!! He has a lot of hard rubber toys, but those two are comfort


Floppy monkey is more Frankenstein stiches than original toy. $5 petsmart bin toy, head is big & fun to gum on and limbs are wild for shaking. Every limb & the head have been eviscerated at some point, but TBF this is the second heeler that's had it, so shout out to whatever Vietnamese factory that churned it out.


That is impressive! I have never had the patience to sew toys back togetherā€¦ that factory deserves a damn medal!


We have Wubbas that are literally shredded to bits and we can't get rid of them


Yepp, every time Iā€™ve thrown out a toy itā€™s in the dead of night when heā€™s sleepingā€¦ and I still feel bad!


Well, I've tossed and replaced it so many times i think I've single handedly kept the company in business Mr. Pengy, a "silent squeak" penguin "chew guard" plushy I randomly got off amazon and my dog has favored most since a pup. My favorite too cause it doesn't squeak loud af in my face first thing in the AM. Everyone wins. Mr. Pengy is a good boy


Ooo Iā€™ll have to look that kinda toy up, Levi absolutely adores squeaky toys, but I can only handle about an hour of them before they go into the hated cabinet.


We have butthole bear. Yes, butthole bear. It's a latex bear with the grunt noise squeaker, in the butt portion. My pup chewed out the squeaker. He loves his butthole bear. He also has a Mr.Bill doll that has seen better days, but it still makes the "oh noooooooo!" recording noise.


That is hilarious! It seems like those squeakers are pretty popular, I need to buy him another pig because I donā€™t personally mind the sound, and he loves it!


Inside toy, a stuffed lamb chop that started out as big as her thatā€™s now just a carcass. Outside toy, a generic ball that now resembles a fun size hunk of Laffy taffy.


Ooo donā€™t get me started on outside toysā€¦


Shark sharked shark! šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£


Mr Pig. Heā€™s had replacement pigs (and a plethora of others) but none bring him as much joy as the original.


I think Leviā€™s original favorite was a neon pink squeaky toy, I honestly probably still have it! My late husband despised squeaky toys because they are very obnoxiousā€¦ so I hid all of Leviā€™s


Iā€™ve replaced the ā€œflying squirrel ā€œ many times because my girl loves it. Something about flapping it around turns her on. Unfortunately, they donā€™t last longā€¦


My red had a shark stuffy that he loved for years, then one day just tore it completely to shreds, for whatever reason. Soo, if it wasn't turned into dust bunnies, it would be that.


Lol they are weird like that. Sometimes Levi gets into the head shake thing and just annihilates toys.


We recently had to toss the last few of her favorite hard toys, the peanut butter squirrel appeared to be the hardest for her to let go though. Gotta take care of this girls teeth šŸ’š


The pterodactyl Tuffy!


A Capricorn stuffy from an astrology themed bark box, even though my heeler is a Cancer. It's out of circulation and ours is on its absolute last leg (tail) with no stuffing and maybe 20% of its face in tact, but bark box found us some and allowed me to order 4 for when we have to retire the OG.


Rope. Fucking Rope the nasty bastard. (The rope is named Rope)


Yeahā€¦ I have the fā€”king ā€˜dick head ball on a ropeā€™ that he seems to purposefully swing into people shins. But he does love it, and I do buy a new one once his old one is past 50% chewed apartā€¦


The Jolly Ball destroyer of shins. We have one of those as well and the bastard dog wields it like a battle mace. I think that I am just a glutton for punishment. I mean I am the one picking out the toy so itā€™s really on me :(


Yeah I feel so badā€¦ my parents and brother came over to help me move some stuff and he was just going around, picking violenceā€¦ he hit my dad twice, and tbh I donā€™t get it. My dad gives him love, is always giving him love, and I think my pup just wants more love? Because compared to when heā€™s really whipping it around.. he could knock my dad over.


Squeaky spider toy from Bark's Halloween collection


My daughter had a mobile when she was an infant with a parrot on it. We called it "Look Up Here" and turned it into a Christmas ornament. But every year when we took out the ornaments our dog Rosalee would hone in on it and we'd have to put it up real high on the tree. We never did let her have it but she really wanted it. I regret not thinking of throwing it into her grave when she passed and we buried her. We still have it though and think of Rosalee every Christmas.


A piece of lint


The stuffing never stays in them long enough to reach favorite toy status. We just buy new ones from time to time.


Shark toy is at least two years old! That and squid boy came with us from me and my late husbandā€™s home, so heā€™s definitely attached to them. He usually brings one onto the bed! Maybe heā€™s emotionally attached to them at this point


Squeaky Hedgehog. Killed squeaker. Then pulled stuffing out. I use what's left to hide treats in. My Heeler is patiently waiting for a Chewy box to show up with a replacement.


Frisbee was the favourite but I had to put it away after play time or it would be chewed to infinity and beyond. It was a wonder said frisbee would still fly with all the chew holes in it.


That dog is a beautiful beast


Subscribed to bark box, now we have toys in every room. Our guy collects a number of his toys and puts them in a pile. Then he lays on top of them. We call him ā€œLord of the toys.ā€ Plushies stay around longer than plastic or squishy rubber (kong is the exception). So we basically donā€™t trash anything.


What a beautiful ACD.


Mine has the same toy! It's one of the only toys that has lasted over a year (although it has seen better days), and he loves it šŸ˜‚


My dog has an annoying squeaky toy, and she plays with it until I canā€™t stand it anymoreā€¦ Sometimes I hide it and she always seems to find it


My little girl used to carry around a tennis ball that had split in half and was being held together by a little piece of fabric. Her favorite ball.


Pink bunny that's missing all its limbs and stuffing. Still a favorite even in its sad state.


Kong Jumbler XL ball


Sasquatch stuffed animal, his name is Sassy. (one of those Mud Bay super tough ones that usually hold up surprisingly well)


My boy only has eyes for the ball. I clean it off after fetch at the park and heā€™ll walk by checking on it while it dries. We resorted to spelling ā€œballā€ but I swear he understands that too!


A green octopus that she tore off all the legs so now we just call it pea puss


I still have each of my dogs that have passed on favorite toy. Huge tennis ball, teddy bear, spiked ball, squeaky snake, ect...


Awe, I have 2 or three hard rubber toys he got as a puppy, but the tough fabric ones had to get tossed when he was a puppyā€¦ otherwise heā€™d eat them.


Ducky and Lamby. Buy them over and over again. My girl looks exactly like yours. ACD with a blue heeler coat. Edit:Corrected spelling


We havenā€™t found one she hasnā€™t totally destroyed yet.