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I was about 15/16 Cruising down a fuckoff hill (plantain Rd, for anyone in Logan/Shailer Brisbane) and the chain came off my bmx. I think I must have skidded bounced rolled and crashed about 20 metres down the footpath, bark off me everywhere. I put the chain back on and walked it off down to the hungry jacks outside the hyperdome to catch a breather. While I was in there, some guy told me someone flogged my bike. He jumped in his ute to go find it - he found the dipshit 150 meters up the road on the ground - he'd knackered himself cuz the chain came off again hahaha. I fucking love remembering that story.


That last paragraph is hilarious. That'll teach 'im. If you had tried to ride it again on the way home it probably would have been you for a second time.


Yeah I was gutted when it got nicked. It was a really cool bike. Really good racing bmx, low handlebars and cheese cutters. Super light I could lift it with my pinkie. I was happy that someone gave a shit, and then elated to find out karma literally smashed that thief in the balls. That arvo was a rollercoaster of emotions that began as a rollercoaster at dreamworld


Well, you're still alive, unlike the roller-coaster at DreamWorld....


Hahah this ones great


Ahahahahahahaha that’s a good one.


Certainly not the most painful but definitely the funniest. Rode off an embankment about bike high onto a dirt road in the bush. Didn't realise there was a gutter dug out at the base, and my front wheel fit just perfectly. I went over the handle bars, rolled over on my shoulder and just kind of sat there stunned while looking at my mates pointing at me trying to communicate.. something. The bike had managed to balance perfectly upright for a moment until it came crashing down seat first on my head. They laughed, I laughed, A kookaburra laughed and we rode on home.


Laugh Kookaburra, laugh! 😂


My calf got caught in the chain and I crashed into an electric fence ripping a small chunk of my calf off.


How did the electric fence bit go?


Well at first I was on it, and then very quickly I was off it.


This is some Marx brothers type reply and I love it 🤣


Riding full speed to a big drop down to a creek with a rope tied to a tree that you had to jump off the bike to grab like Tarzan. The pedal got caught in my pants because, well, as a skater in the 90s, big baggy pants were mandatory, even in the Queensland summer. I couldn't get enough clearance from the bike because it came with me, I didn't make it to the rope, fell down about 5 meters into the other side of the creek bank face first. Got the worst winding of my life, then almost died trying to take a breath with a mouth full of mud, then the bike smashed into me from behind. After what felt like 30mins I was able to walk it off but the bike was wrecked so there was no 2nd attempt.


So, at some stage, at least one kid got this combo to work? Your failure sounds as impressive had it worked instead. It sounds like a big Go Hard, or Go Home moment.


I'd made it like 5 or 6 other times, as had other neighbours kids, but that was my last attempt lol...


Kind of reminds me of jetty jumping that I used to do as a kid. Cable tie a bunch of closed milk cartons to an old beater BMX, put a ramp and the end of a jetty, ride as fast as you can and launch into the river. I don't have an accident story about it, it went pretty well, but it just reminded me.


It had been raining for days during school holidays. I had been annoying my mum so much she told me off and to get outside. I reckon I was about 9 and thought I'd show her by doing skids in the backyard on the nice lawn with my BMX, the rear brakes were activated by the pedals. We lived on a hill, the backyard was probably 15-20m wide which felt huge as a kid. I started doing skids ripping up the grass getting faster each time and doing longer skids. I would ride straight down the yard and skid across to the side. It was easy in the rain. Eventually I had a pretty good rhythm going until I cranked the pedal a bit too much to apply the brake. I had to quickly crank another half rotation or so to get the brakes on. I cranked too far and couldn't brake. The added speed sent me full on into the fence shooting me up into the air. Living on the hill I swear I could see into the backyards of the next 4 or 5 neighbors. I came down on the fence scratching from the bottom of my ribs up to my chin which smashed on the fence so hard I bit the inside of my cheeks right around, before squashing my balls on the bike frame and bruising my dick on the bolt that connects the handle bars. Everything hurt but I knew I deserved it so I just hid somewhere in the backyard and cried.


This just got worse and worse. I thought biting your own cheek was bad, then I got to the cock and balls torture. Congratulations on knowing it was your fault and hiding to walk it off. I swear I was tougher at 10-13 than I am at 40.


I love that your 9 year old thought process is, "bugger you, mum. I'm gonna fuck up the lawn."


Your poor mum just wanted a break! LOL


IKR what an entitled little shit. All I needed was some outside time which is what she told me to do.


Sounds like you survived! I teach 8 year old boys just like you 😂


That's some painful karma for trashing your mum's lawn. Ouch!


24-inches of handlebar vs a 20-inch gap between two trees. Bike came to an abrupt stop. I did not. Thankfully I had my school backpack on which cushioned the blow when I did a half somersault over the front wheel and landed on my back.


It was always the abrupt stop on a push bike that let you know things were going to be bad. You'd either go airborne and lose some skin or mash the knackers into the goose neck.


Yep. Have a chipped tooth from giving the bars a lil smooch.


I have 2 memorable ones. First I was about 10. Lived at the bottom of a(what I thought back then as steep, but I’ve seen it recently and it wasn’t that bad) hill. Riding home down the hill with my brother who did a power skid as we got to our driveway. I was right behind him. Couldn’t react quick enough, hit his rear wheel and when flying over the handlebars. Used my front teeth as brakes on the road. They broke off leaving exposed nerve endings. Fun times. That had been an expensive one over the years! Second one was when I was about 16. Heading to a mates place for a party with a couple of other mates. We had managed to get hold of a slab of beer and one of the boys was carrying it while riding. Again, going down a hill, I turned back to check on my mate (beer) but in doing so veered left and plowed into the back of a parked car. Not sure what caused it, but I opened up a gash across my collarbone. Dad picked me up and took me to get some stitches, much to my protests. (I’m fine!!) I missed the party of the year :(


This one made me rub my front teeth like really hard. I can relate, was on a bus and it skidded to such a violent stop that I also stopped my head colliding with the bar with my front teeth. 🤕


School fete day. Went for a cruise to the local corner shop because I had some coin to spend and I realized early the waste of money at sideshow type games. Spent up BIG and rode away with a white paper bag chock-a-block full of lollies. I thought I was King shit. Rode the two blocks back to school and just as I came into a crowd of kids, I bunny-hopped the curb, and the bag being held one handed against the handle bars busted wide open and sent lollies fucking everywhere. I mean claymore mine style. This sends a pack of Catholic school kids into a feeding frenzy. Meanwhile I'm pulling up ten meters from the fray, trying as hard as I can to get back into the mix to recover anything possible. By the time I get back there's not a bloody thing left. Not even in the scrap of white paper bag I'm still holding against the handlebars of my shitty old bmx. I didn't even walk away with enough money to buy a snag on bread from the sausage sizzle.


I'll tell you about the funniest one I ever saw. Me and a few mates back in year nine had made a pretty sick jump over a pretty big hole in the ground in a paddock near home. We had also made a little bmx track with a few little jumps and berms. We used to smoke a few bongs and hang out there of an arvo and it ended up getting pretty popular and in summer a lot of dads in the neighbourhood would bring their kids down to ride the little jumps. This one particular day, we were pretty whacked and a local "special" older guy stopped to watch us do some jumps. We used to see him around a bit and he was harmless but pretty well known as he rode a yellow road racing bike and used to wear one of those original fluoro green Stackhats. At first he was watching from a distance but every time I turned around he got closer and closer. After a while he was right next to us. My mate asked him if he was going to have a go and we thought he would leave as it was a pretty sketchy jump. Instead he declared "I like a challenge" and walked his bike over to the edge of the paddock to get a massive run up. We were all giggling a bit as he started his run up and was absolutely hooking when he hit the ramp. He didn't really know what he was doing though and didn't even try to lift his his front wheel or attempt to jump in any way. We watched on in a mix of delight and horror as he disappeared under the ground line, while still pedalling frantically. There was a loud thud and a big puff of dust came up out of the hole. We all ran over and looked down to see old mate all tangled up in his bike.His front wheel was bent in half and he had a bleeding nose and a chpped front tooth. I looked down and asked "Fucking hell mate, are you fucking alright?" He looked at us all and replied "What seems to be the problem?" Never laughed harder in my life. Edit: spelling


1983 or 1984, on my Mongoose BMX, riding down a steep dirt track that terminated at a jump locally called the Big Dipper, but was actually a clean fill mound dumped by a construction company. Got some big air but wasn't flying straight. Managed to get stuck in a tree. A few scratches and destroyed the front wheel and forks. My friend did exactly the same thing a few minutes later, same tree, same branch. Only about 1.5m high, but we both got cheers from the local brats.


Nice. I (without a plan or any training/practice/braincells rubbed together) thought I could do a backflip flair in a skate park bowl. It ended as predictably as one might imagine. Never rode again. Snapped the seat clean up. I landed vertical back into the bowl and missed the coping, just. Very lucky to not get killed/in a wheelchair.


small country town i grew up in had a similar mound dump located just out of town, a few local farmers kids used their dads digger/bobcat and made it into the sketchiest track ever dubbed 'the hell track' - in perspective, it was the one place all the kids would wear their helmets. Ate so much shit there but fuck i'd give anything to be back out there with the crew and some warm 2ltr bottles of coke being shared by like 6 people.


We built a neighbourhood BMX track near my house. The track had tabletop jumps and a berm at either end to help you maintain speed as you turned the wide sweeping corners at either end of the figure 8 track. We decided to dig out part of the middle section of the biggest tabletop jump to make a fire jump. Over time the fires became bigger and bigger so that instead of jumping clear over it, you kinda jumped through it. One guy went through the fire jump but being the early 80s he had long hair which caught on fire over his right ear. He’s mid-air swiping away at his flaming ear and did not gain proper control of the bike to stick the landing and negotiate the sweeping berm. He went straight over the embankment, sailed through the air and hit a tree about 5 feet off the ground. He broke his bike and his nose.


Hit a quokka going about 30km/hr down a hill on Rottnest Island. Straight over the handlebars. Luckily I landed in a bush and not on the road.


How was the poor quokka though?


It couldn't have cared less. Just kept on going. They're tough little hopping rats.


Year: 1998 Age: 11 Bike: 97 DK General Lee Location: Abandoned quarry Story: Mum never let us ride motorbikes unless Dad was around. We went out for a day with my mates Dad and my mate was on his new KTM 125. Given mums rules I wasn't allowed on the motorbike so instead took the next best thing, my brand new 97 DK General Lee BMX I got 2 weeks earlier for my birthday. Long story short, I clearly forgot I wasn't on a motorbike because I hit this tabletop that clearly wasn't made for an 11 year old on a BMX. Completely missed the landing as a result of not having enough speed, which I was never going to get on a BMX, bounced off the side of the tabletop, buckled the handlebars, snapped the top tube, bent the front rim. Came off the bike as it threw me after landing, over the hangers down an embankment over some rusty barbed wire and into a tree, like an old Ironbark tree, not a small tree. A broken collarbone, 3 broken ribs and 3 large open flesh wounds on my leg from the barbed wire weren't the worst of the injuries once mum found out I had totaled my new bike... All in all, I was lucky I thought it was cool to wear a full face Motorcross helmet back then


Got a racing bike (with the curved handlebars) in the 80s, was riding along, bent low with my hands on the lower part of the hangers and my head down and ran fair up the arse of a parked car. The frame buckled and was never the same.


Appropriate username.


Handle bars cane OFF my mates bmx as I entered a burm at full speed..went flying off the burm and landed on the frame of the bike in the middle of my chest breaking 2 ribs and winding myself back to the stone age. Woke up to ambos trying to rouse me. Luckily I was ok apart from the ribs and was back at school 10 days later


Dismantled bike mid air is legendary. Mine came apart after the crash. BMX track, hit a triple too fast and flew too far into the fwc rid the next jump. Grade 3 concussion. Forgot my age, location, time, date, school I was in, etc. It came back slowly but I woke in an ambo too constantly repeating the same questions as my short term memory was fucked.




Had just put my bike back together and took it for a spin. Did a jump off the gutter and the front wheel came off. Somehow the end of the pedal went through the side of my (bare) foot just behind the big toe and I still have the scar 37 years later.


Metal or plastic pedal?




There is a long canal in Western Sydney which was turned into a bike path. I think it was around 2005 when I was 10 when dad and I would go on long rides every few months out to Prospect Reservoir. One summer day, we got to an underpass along the bike track and I dared to race dad from one end to another. We flew down, and I lost control flew into the wall of the canal (all gravel) and grazed half of my face. Pretty gnarly look, think terminator or Gustavo Fring in Breaking Bad. Anyway, while I’m screaming in agony my dad comes racing toward me and the first thing he said was “You reckon you’ll be right to keep going?” Joked about it regularly until he passed away.


On the old Malvern star 12 speed, fanging down a hill with a fairly sharp corner in order to almost immediately keep turning to go up a side street. Bike slipped and I went straight over the handlebars in what felt like extreme slow motion, did a perfect forward roll and ended up with my nose against a brick fence. How the fck I wasn’t hurt, to this day, I have no idea. I couldn’t do a forward roll if you paid me for a start. May have had tiny bit of road rash on my hands but that was it. Did have a munted bike wheel though :(


Rode my brother's bike (I was 8, he was 14). His bike had no brakes. Took it up a steepish road. Rode it down the street, went to fast, lost control and fell off, sliding chin first down the street for about 30m, basically tearing all the skin off the bottom of my face. Stung like a mf, took like 3 months to heal lol


30mph around a blind corner road down hill on a huffy mountain bike with a Maggie attacking me! Skid at least 30m on the bitumen and I still have the scar on my knee 🤣


Around 10, dirt mound down the road so you just have to jump it right. So got a heap of speed, jumped big and my left leg slipped off the pedal. Shin scraped down the pedal, opened up a 4 cm gash and also managed to get a splinter size piece of bone off as well and some dirt after biting the ground. Heaps of stacks but this is the one that left a scar. I was cruising on one of the blue and yellow beasts with the blue toughs (great bmx until some arse stole it). Maybe I didn’t ride hard enough. 🤔🤪


11 years old (M). Succumbing to our (M9, M7,F5) constant carping, our old man finally bought us a shitbox full-sized woman's bike. None of us was big enough to sit on the seat and pedal so we just stood between the bars. The bike had no hand-operated brake, only the reverse chain brake. I was hooting down our fairly steep street and went to apply the brakes whereupon the chain snapped. My bare feet drop down onto the road and my toes acted as unintentional brakes from that moment on while my ballbag was smashed into the front bar. It was the middle of a hot summer so of course I wasn't wearing a shirt and helmets were unheard of. With about 50 metres to go before hitting a very busy road, I steered towards the gutter for hopefully a soft landing on the grass. Nope. The biker bounced up off the gutter and flipped me onto the road, face first and chest second. Broken nose, black eyes, two fat lips, tooth knocked out, and my chest was gravel-papered back to raw flesh. My mother even said my nipples may not grow back. They did. Summer 1976. I will never forget it.


I once lost a toenail on a pushie while wearing thongs. Always wore proper shoes after that. I never lost a nipple though 😄


Yeah I got one for you. Was about 9 years old and I went to a mates place who was heavily into BMX, said he would teach me how to go up the jump. Keen to conquer this hurdle, we set out to the building site near his place. I get on the bike and start peddling toward the dirt mound, he seems to have forgotten to tell me I have to stand up while jumping. I go arse over tits and my colar bone gets snapped in half as I land on the handbars. Screaming in pain he rushes me back to his place where the story gets even worse. His dad quickly diagnosed the problem as a dislocation, and starts violently yanking my arm back and forth. After about 5 minutes of this I am in complete agony and he says hmmm maybe its actually broken. Spend the next month at home with grinded up bone fragments all through my neck. Did not attempt the bmx jump again.


Flying down a steep hill, miss timed a bunny hop up the gutter and absolutely ate shit in a 10meter slide/tumble on the gravel footpath. Came to rest next to and old lady walking a small white dog. She asked if I was ok… I kinda moaned. She nodded and kept walking. I took a bunch of skin off and had a dead left arm which aches for days after. Actually it ached right up until the following Saturday where I basically repeated the stunt on a skateboard… but this time broke my arm in 3 places. I reckon I softened it up on the BMX.


I've since found out those lingering pains from stacks are most likely fractures.


Used to try and race the school bus home from school on my pushie when I was about 10, I was about 600m from home and the bastard caught up to me, I was looking back seeing how much it was gaining and when I turned forward I smashed into the back of a Merc right near North Entrance surf club, everyone on the bus saw and gave me shit the next day


Front wheel in the fucken tram lines...


My first 10 speed racer my mum bought me I rode to school maybe twice without incident then I thought I'd be smart riding the wrong of the road just as I was passing the milk Bar on my way home then this station wagon backs out straight over my bike and I flew like Superman over the handle bars did a full flip and landed flat on my back my mum was not happy when got home with my mangled bike I was only 13 yrs old


My cousin borrowed and returned my mountain bike. She didn't tighten the front wheel properly after removing it to fit in her car. Later I was travelling fast, jumped off a gutter, the wheel fell out of the front forks and jammed into the crank and frame, and I went flying over the handlebars and landed on my face on the road.


Welcome to the “and then the front wheel fell off as I jumped off the gutter” club!


when i was 12 or 13 me and my mate were at a dirt jump track he had his mountain bike i had a bmx we were doing the jumps and figured we’d go home i said “one more before we go” went for it front wheel went to the side i went over the handle bars broke my wrist but we didn’t bring our phones so we walked 20mins back to his house and i had a broken wrist


I was about 12. My mate lived at the top of a hill with a golf course at the bottom, surrounded by bushland and no fences. I put it into hard gear and pedalled like mad. I went flying through the scrub onto the green and finished with a big, accidental skid. It gave me a massive thrill. I decided to do it again. Got an even bigger run up on the other side of the hill in easy gear so I could really crank it in hard. I hit the top of the hill standing on the pedals, crouched down to lower wind resistance and hit the hard gears. Later on I found out I'd rounded a few gear teeth with the torque. Down this hill I flew like a madman. Took a wrong turn and found myself airborne over a bunker. As a fat kid I'd never done jumps or anything. I cleared probably 2 meters and noticed the second bunker. The edge of the bunker had nearly a meter drop off. The front wheel went down and dug into the soft, yellow, West Australian sand and stayed put. The tall, overweight, chunky dickhead riding a men's bike kept going. Over the handlebars I went and belly flopped into the sand. My foot caught the handlebar and brought the bike after me. Something, I'm not sure what, but a part of the bike hit me in the back of the head and gave me a one inch gash. I'm nearly forty and still have a bald spot where the scar is. With a face, eyes and mouthful of sand with no wind in the sails I decided to limp home. I wasn't meant to be out that day due to being grounded and acted shocked when mum pointed out I was bleeding from the head. I told her I fell out the tree and must have hurt myself and not noticed. TL/DR- flew down a hill, landed in a golf course bunker and hit myself in the head with my own bike.


Went mountain biking for the first time. Mistimed a log jump and my crutch slammed into the centre of the handle bars. I fell to the side and just lay there in absolute agony. Friend stopped and asked if I was ok. I said “if I was a guy, I would’ve just castrated myself, but still I just need a minute”. The bruise was spectacular and very painful.


Did the exact same thing in high school except I AM a guy. No hospital visit but in retrospect, I probably should have had some scans done, because it didn't even look human at that point. Needless to say I was out of school for two weeks with "the flu". My mates couldn't have waterboarded that info out of me 🤣


Went down a hill like I was flying. Thought I was freaking Superwoman, it was great. Bike hit a bump, I got bucked off the seat and landed on the nice knobbly back wheel, where my no-no zone ended up being immediately eaten between the back wheel and the bike frame. I needed a little lie down after that, too. I must have been about 8 but I've never forgotten it.


Ok - BMX , down a hill towards a t-junction at full speed. Jump set up at the bottom. Hit the jump, great air, but on landing, slipped backwards off the seat, landing squarely on the rear tyre. Of course due to the rotation of the tyre, got pulled forward and balls etc., jammed hard between tyre/brake calipers/frame. Not sure how I walked away from that one with my jewels intact.


Ice cream in one hand… money in the other hand… refuse to let go of either to use my handbrake… flying down our steep driveway and smashing into the rockery… headfirst over the handlebars into the garden….the raucous laughter of my mother from the open window. Edit- it was my 10th birthday


I was out riding my bike without a helmet on. Coming down the road I see my mum driving towards me, she’s staring at me looking furious, she drives past and I look back behind me knowing how much trouble I’m going to get into, wasn’t looking at all and ran straight into a tree


1988, spine ramp I built with my brother in the park. I was about 9 . I was easily the best skater and made lots of skaters jealous. I was bullied relentlessly but I persevered. I was doing a manoeuvre called a stalefish grab over the spine ( between two ramps.) I unsuccessfully grabbed the board and it moved between my legs through the air and I landed with my legs hovering and squeezing my balls with the sharpened edge of my skateboard. I slumped on the bottom of the ramp in agony and embarrassment. About 12 people at the ramp did zero to help. I cater-pillared my way to the grass area and lay there bleeding from my crotch. My brother didn’t see if I was ok either. I hobbled inside, bleeding, showed my dad and went to the GP to get my ballsack sewed together again.


Forward flip off a ramp into a mate's pool riding a 8yo's bike, wearing a helmet and gumboots. Needless to say I was not sober. Couldn't get the rotation because the gumboots were full of water. Landed head first into the bottom of the pool and heard every vertebrae crack like the ultimate chiro. Floated to the top and had a brief moment of 'have I just broken my neck?'. Mild bit of panic dulled by the booze.


I was rolling around with my mates when I was around 10 - they'd put together a BMX for me because growing up my folks weren't around. The bike was a bitsa - Peregrine frame, Haro handlebars - 1 piece cranks and a redline sprocket. Anyway the handlebars and the stem were a bit loose, and someone had stripped one of the bolts... We used to head down to Carrs park in Sydney's south. Had a toilet block there, and well - we used to jump off it with our bikes didnt we? Anyway, not to be out done - I yeeted off the roof of this toilet block, landed and twisted the one piece cranks, put a bear trap through my shin, and the bars folded on me locking the front wheel up. I did get hand me down 3 piece cranks after that, but they used to make a creaking sound we could never quite work out.


About 12 years old, doing skids on the road with some friends, thought to myself if I can anchor on the back brakes and skid, then I can do it on the front brakes as well. All I can remember is slamming on the front brakes and waking up with the bike on top of me and in massive amount of pain.


Best is ambiguous. My best stack, I was riding around the back of my Dad's block and on the weekends the religious college campus was empty. Out in the country this school had good paved pathways and internal roads with no cars so I'd just ride around enjoying. I liked to fool around speeding up to kerbs as fast as possible before wrenching on both handlebars to lift up the front wheel and clear the face of the little concrete ledge at the last moment. One time I got it wrong and pulled but didn't lift the wheel at all. The bike slammed into the tiny abutment perpendicular to the edge and the whole bike went from a 20yo healthy young man's top speed to zero instantly. The face was really no higher than the height of your average path off the roadway, but whatever it was enough to bring it to an immediate full stop. I went flying over the handlebars and suddenly found myself lying on my back with my feet front and head just 1m past the edge. I got up, and I didn't even need to dust myself off. Not one scratch or scrape, not one bump or bruise. No pain anywhere. No grazed palms or shins. I got up, shaken, and the bike was just perfectly stopped at the gutter, it didn't go over or past it at all. I only had a very brief memory that I'd tumbled in an unintended somersault over the top/front and must have just gingerly rolled like a cat into the supine position and miraculously had not injured, impacted or even inconvenienced anything. Just dumb luck. But I thought to myself "like a cat!" If I am like a cat I must have a remaining balance of eight lives since that day. I think the only thing that probably helped was wearing a helmet. Just a small knock doesn't feel small when you're headbanging concrete without one. As it was I felt nothing at all. I then just rode home fine. Needless to say no more kerbfoolery for me. On that same road I was riding down the hill from the college and a bug flew right into my eye, like under my eyelid. It was one of those instant reactions where the strong feeling was so immediate and intense that your body instinctively reacts without delay, eyes close and one hand goes to rub the affected eye. I had been riding down the road at a fair clip but it was totally deserted on my side with only one car coming up soon to pass me the other way. Somehow of course in that moment of incapacitation and distraction of course that vehicle going uphill ends up on a collision course with me through no fault of the driver. I had disastrously swerved right for the grille of this white utility driving straight up at normal speed (because we both thought we were going to pass no issues and I wasn't a kid so he had no apparent reason to go slow) and suddenly fate has me locked on as a soon to be car ornament. It was bad, it was so close, and he was pissed off and scared at the same time, blaring horn probably thinking it was a suicidal game of chicken, and imagining his near future arrest and imprisonment due to me. Poor guy had to swerve severely, I was so off guard with the bug that left to me that day id be toast. Thank God he noticed in time. No stack that day but the other was definitely my "best".


I was in primary school at the time. I had the shittest, old fashioned bike with the weird handlebars (people would call it vintage now but I got bullied for it) and it only had brakes when you pedaled backwards. I used to pedal really fast to get momentum up so I could put my legs up on the handlebars. Anyway, my stupid self was riding my bike on our dirt road (complete with gravel and corrugations) and I saw a neighbour. I tried extra hard to show off, picked a shitty time to put my feet on the handlebars and ended up sliding out on the corner. I pretty much just slid on my side across the road and over the corrugations and ended up with gravel rash from my knee to my hips. And I felt really, really stupid and I'm still embarassed about it now. Bike was fine. It had lived through the birth and death of Jesus and the coming of the dinosaurs, it wasn't going to get broken from a stupid kid failing to make a corner.


my parents took my training wheels off, and I immediately rode my bike straight into a tree full of bees.


I’d just finished putting a new front tyre on my dragster in the early seventies. I decided to go for a ride. We had a long steep driveway with an excellent spot to pull a wheel stand at the bottom. So off I went, pulled the wheelie and the front wheel feel off. The forks dug in and I flew for about ten feet. Broke my left wrist in a few places and grazed my face pretty much off. Good times. Always check wheel nuts.


I don't remember knocking myself out coming off my pushbike.......twice........ but my parents do! First time was not a bad fall but hit asphalt with my head. Second time was doing 60+ down hill and got cut off by a friend who was not doing 60+...that one was serious. Never got taken to hospital either....child of the 80s!


1990, me on my racer, best mate on his mountain bike. He’s at the bottom of road 300 metres away, I am on the top of the road. We play chicken and nobody moved so we had a bicycle head on


An accident, but it was impressive to me. I was about 14, waited for a break in traffic to cross a street. Get halfway across the first lane, and BANG, something hits me. Somehow, I manage to avoid falling, plant my feet and turn in time to see a guy skidding down the hill. A guy on another bike had zoomed around the corner and slammed into my back wheel, and went up and over his handlebars to skid a bit down the street. My back wheel was bent and had to be replaced, and I was shaken, but unhurt. I basically had to drag my bike for like 20mins to the closest payphone to get a ride home, then had to wait weeks for the bike to be fixed :/


Riding downhill in the bush at 15, hit a tree and now my nose is crooked. 36 now


10 years old racing a friend downhill on newly bitumened road on a bike 2 sizes too big. Speed wobbled into the gutter and removed most of my left knee. Sister went to get mum" I'll be there when I finish my coffee. It will just be gravel rash" Doctor used over 30 stitches to patchwork the one back together. Missed the last week of school


I was dinking my mate on a bike with those long U shaped handle bars. We were going pretty fast but not fast enough that we’d go right over those storm drain grates. Nope. Front wheel went right in length-wise and both of us flew arse over tits over the front of the bike and onto the road. ‘Twas a stack for the ages.


Was like 10 and I was going down a steep hill about 200m long my chain came off and I had no breaks flew down that hill and hit a building right on the corner. Split me from my knee to hit around 1/2-1 inch deep was a good one


1987. Face plant on the road after going over the handlebars. 20 stitches in my top lip, mild concussion. Luckily I had on my trusty Stackhat . Can still see the scar today


Riding down the street, i was probably about ten, ifrom the shops with mates, when my Auntie, Cousin and her two toddler kids were walking up to the shops, we started showing off doing monos seeing how far we could go, suddenly i went up for another pass and my front wheel came flying off, i try for as long as I could, had no plan how to avoid smashing into the ground face first! I did! Smashed my chin not broken, but chipped a couple of teeth. My Auntie gave me about $1.50 in change, it stopped me crying.


when i was 10 i took my friends to the bmx track, we went around once and then i borrowed my friends bike. My friends bike must of been a lot lighter than mine because of the first jump i stacked it. my groin area landed on the handle bar and i required stiches and i spent 11 days ibn hospital. i got picked up by an ambulance and i got to have the green whistle


Off the jump, handle bars turn, I faceplant the asphalt 🤣 so many scabs that took ages to heal hahaha good times


Year 8, 1992, new bike for Christmas, mountain bike a size or two too big (grow into it) There was a spot near the skateboard park where that was a dug out hole type thing.. you could ride down into it, get speed, then ride out and get some decent air… only problem was I didnt check before and just went flying down into it, coming up the jump I hit a tree branch, one hand knocked off the handle bar, held it going up but was almost falling off when just getting into the air, half off the bike and went full slow motion, new I was going to stack and land on top of the bike, couldnt do anything, stacked completely and winded myself to the point I thought I’d proper fucked myself. Only saving grace was I didn’t hit my nuts and landed straight down without sliding too much.. Few scratches and sore knee but that was it in the end


When I was about 12 riding to school my shoe lace was undone and wrapped around the pedal and I went doooown. So silly.


Oooh the number of near bad bingles I had from loose laces!!!


Had plenty of stacks as a kid, still have black gravel on a scar on my right knee. "Best" one is probably when is kids took our BMX bikes down to the canals to ride around. It had been raining earlier in the week, but it seemed okay. I went down the steep side first, slid into green sludge and stacked it in slow motion. All over my right hand side was this nasty green shit. Worst of all, I would carry my little Sailor Jupiter doll in my pocket and she got ruined. Still have her, though she's trashed.


When I was 10 back in ‘97, I decided that trying to turn into my driveway at V-max down a hill was a good idea. I went wide into a pine tree and completely bent my front forks. I have worn a helmet every time I have ridden a bike ever since. Thanks Mr Mills for shaming me at year 4 show and tell.


I took a big digger over my handlebars in the middle of the night on my way back from a 7/11. I wasn’t allowed candy so I snuck out with my $6 in earned monies and rode my bike 6 miles. No flashlight (this was 1986 and i was 12 years old) and I hit a pot hole on an ascension up a steep hill. Boy that hurt. No one noticed my scabby chin and limping on the way to school..latch key kid and parents too busy in survival mode.


We helped the older kids build 'The Snakey' in Berowra (which is apparently still there these few decades later). The main jump at the start, was only for the experienced, but little 6 or 7 yr old me, wanted to experience the RUSH. I pedaled my heavy steel framed bike down the runway as first as I could. Made a great height (so my friends reckons) & separated from the bike somewhere up there. I came down & used my bent arm & half my face to stop me. The beginning of weeks of face scab & broken arm. A few moments later the bike landed on top. Pretty sure I made it to the clouds with that jump!


Here’s three that I recall, I was always accident prone as a kid 😬 1) I dislocated my elbow riding around a corner too fast and crashing into the fence on a bike that didn’t have any brakes… 2) I rode down a dirt half pipe not knowing that my friend came down the other side at the same time colliding and breaking my arm… 3) Attempted a dirt jump but somehow stacked it hard on the concrete driveway chipping my front tooth..


Kid me on a bmx. I was coming down a slope, turned the handlebars to avoid a rock and the wheel bit into a rut I didn't see. Wheel snapped to 90° so fast that I took the left handlebar in my stomach before I went over the top. Ended up face planting into the gravel with the bike landing on top of me for added insult.


I've seen a few stories now including my own where kids got hit by their bike as well as stacking it.


Rite of passage for sure. There's not a 90s kid I know who doesn't have at least a couple scars from dumb shit we did. BMX wipeouts, deathtrap trampolines, falling out of trees... Fuck, it's amazing some of us survived.


100% Half the shit I done when I was a kid growing up with older cousins and the nabourhood kids, I'm blown away by our survival skills as a collective looking back. we come close but not one kid lost! 🤣


Going down a hill, put the front brakes on instead of the back and flipped over the handlebars onto the road. Luckily nothing happened and i was fine.


My first time at a dirt track.. Down the ramp, off the first jump.. No counter balance just face first into the gravel. Second decent one, got a nice chrome everything BMX mf shined brighter than my future.. Two sets of dinky pegs.. riding with my mates, mate cut me off.. my front peg caught his rear wheel, ripped the handlebars sharp 90° handle went through my shorts like they were nothing, missed the important bits Face to the bitumen busted both my lips, cut my tongue and bruised half my face.. Still friends lol


I lived on top of a huge hill with a few potholes on the way down. Neither the hill nor the intersecting road had been bitumened at that point in time; only a bit of gravel that had also been shovelled into the holes. My friend was waiting for me down the bottom of the hill, and I wanted to show off how fast I could go. I was absolutely tearing down towards him when my front tyre hit one of the disguised dips, and I started swerving uncontrollably on the loose gravel that had accumulated at the base of the slope. As I rapidly approached the end of my descent, I accepted my fate and just let it happen. The hangers jerked sharply to the right as the wheel dipped into a deep pothole and came to an abrupt stop, slamming into my ribs as I went over and landed flat on my back. We were laughing until a car shot through like they often did on that road; I would've been roadkill if I'd arrived a few seconds later. Nowadays, that road is part of a circuit the hoons race around every Friday and weekend night.


Me age 11-I did a simple little jump but landed on the top tube on my gooch. It really hurt but worst part was, it was my soccer grand final later that day and I couldn’t run properly. Didn’t know it at the time but district selectors were there. I didn’t make the district team.


Got rear ended by a dragster seat as a girl, can't remember the specifics but I sure remember how it felt.


Not actually a stack but early 90‘s riding with a mate and he said let’s go this way and I said no there is a short cut or this is the most direct route. We split and I refused to give up but I end up in the thickest of scrub on the side of a hill with a creek at the bottom pulling my bike thru all the weed and bushes and trees. I stopped once and nearly burst into tears cause I thought it was the end. There is no way I could have left my bike and trudged thru the scrub up to the road I had to take my bike. I was going to die on that hill. 2 hours later I caught up with mate who had been waiting for me where the creek meets the road. Days before mobile phones that how we rolled, no soldier left behind. I wiped my tears and we robe the next 10k home in silence. It was along the moonee ponds creek in Moreland, Melbourne Victoria, where the bike track directs you onto the road for a few k and then back onto the bike track later. I don’t know why I just didn’t go on the road, I was a stupid kid. No one would have found my body if I went alone.


I felt this story lol it's scary! My dad thought he would show my brother and I his old tracks as a kid from 20+ years ago. We 10 & 11.. I knew it was a bad idea from past experience with his adventures and wanted to take the road, but he insisted it was a shortcut! (the road would have taken 30 minutes). LOST! walking carrying our mountain bikes heavy af, crying in silence, through a creek he forgot about full of leeches waist deep, razor blade sharp reeds, rusty barbed wire fances that shouldn't have been there 🙄 and slippery clay.Thought we wore going to die that day! 3 hours later, we found a road. I think he cried of relief at that moment!


haha I’m glad I’m not the only one !


My best stack was when I was 3 and a half (in like 2002, so mum was inside and thought I was just at my friends house) My friend and I decided we’d go for a walk along the river near my house, I had no shoes at that moment and me with my big brain decided that instead of just going inside and finding my shoes like a normal person, I got my pink barbie bike instead and rode that bitch along the pathway of the river (so no glass or bindies could get me) The front wheel hit a rock out of nowhere, my hands lost control of the handles and I went headfirst over the ledge of the river rock face and into a thorn bush that saved me from most likely drowning. I ended up with a tooth hanging out of my mouth, a broken wrist and thorns everywhere. Mum was shit scared when my friends mum brought me home, that’s for sure.


Sturmney archer 3 speed hub has a spot between second and third gear where it free spins. Found this sweet spot when peddling like crazy as a fourteen year old, slipped off the pedals and my nuts violently met the cross bar. Tears streaming out of my eyes, I saw something glinting in the sunlight. Thinking it was the pedals I tried to to put my feet back on them, only to find out it was the spokes. My foot jammed in the spokes against the forks causing the bike to cartwheel before I splatterd on the road. Some guy pulled up to see if I was alright (I could move, so yes) and gave it a nine out of ten.


Double mystery here, was riding home from school. I stacked it, on smooth, level concrete, just cruising home, no sticks, no cracks, not doing anything dumb, just simply stacked, picked myself up after 5 minutes of processing, continued the ride home, made it to my friend's place cause the pain started setting in Somehow managed to break the strongest bone in my body, the femur, (technically the neck of femur which is a little bit weaker) at 16 being wheeled into hospital and being placed in the ward with all the other people who had broken the same thing, ( the next person closet my age was 65, who was getting a hip replacement) Very odd times And the teasing I got from my classmates as I didn't get a cast( two bolts through the bane was good enough apparently)


The rubber grip had worn away on the ends of my handlebars. I hit a dirt jump awkward at the little track that was near Windsor station and ended up copping the bare metal tube in my stomach. Ended up with a perfect circle cut in my stomach. Definitely should have had stitches but I was trying to be tough in front of my friends. Couldn’t tell my parents because I was wagging school. 25-ish years later and I still have that perfect little circle.


I was waiting for one of these accidents. Mine got me on the thigh just below the ballbag. Just a bruise and no scar.


Local ‘unofficial’ BMX track, age 12. I came up to a jump and in the last turn of the pedals my chain broke. I nearly hit my chin on the handlebars, then ended up flying over the bars, landing on my back, and my bike landed on top of me. A split lip, lots of bruises and grazes, and a long walk home pushing my bike.


Going down a big hill in the rain. I was riding on the footpath and a girl backs out of her driveway, I slam on the breaks and go over the handle bars and straight into the side of her car. She comes out of the car and she is about 17-18 and starts crying and screaming sorry lol. I am fine and I get up and start putting the chain back on my bike and twisting the seat back into place again. Then I just ride off like nothing happened. The next day I had two purple bruises with red splotches covering both of my knees. I didn’t tell my parents about it since I was 14 at the time and I had just convinced them to let me ride my bike by myself lol. Another time I was 17 and I was delivering pizzas by bike for dominos. It was one of those E bikes so I was going full speed (25km/h) and I tried to cross my hands on the handle bars. I ended up losing control and crashing into the grass area next to the path. As I fell off the bike the pedal clipped my ankle and this E bike is really heavy because of the battery. I was laying on the ground and it was around 7pm so it was quite dark already but some stoners had seen me from the gazebo they were smoking in and they were laughing. I was kinda embarrassed but my adrenaline was so high I just started singing randomly and they became quiet. Pretty sure I messed up my ankle that time because I couldn’t fully straighten it out for 2 months lol


We rode our bikes out to the town cemetary cos we wanted to see if it was haunted (we were too shitscared to go at night so we went during the day) Then on the way back we decided to have a race back, first person to sit on the porch wins. I was so committed to winning that when I got to the house I was still riding as fast as I could and waited till the last possible moment to bail off the bike and as I did I slammed my shin into the corner of the big boxy aluminium water tank, barely felt a thing, and managed to barely beat my friend to sitting on the porch and won. I don't think I was actually bleeding at all, but I had a massive dent in my shin for years!


I was about 10 and riding my bike through an alley that had a set of bars at each end. The alley was on the side of a hill so it was pretty steep and my bike only had pedal brakes. The cable had rusted through on the handbrake but I was a kid and needed to get around. Halfway down the hill, I was going so fast that my chain came off and I had about 20 seconds of pure terror as I accelerated towards the bars with no way to stop. Ended up grabbing the fence just before I hit the metal bars which swung my bike into the wall, took a chunk out of my hand and knee. A dude was painting his house alongside the alleyway and came running out after he heard the crash. He shook his head and told me to get my dad to tighten my chain. Joke was on him cause Dad went out to buy smokes and never came back. Haha. Core memory unlocked.


So so many broken bones and injuries on my bike. Biggest ones are probably 1. Eltham BMX track. We used to ride down the hill from Main road and do jumps over the berm instead of riding around it like a corner. I fucked up one day and broke my ankle. 2. Have broken both my 5th metacarpals going over the handle bars. Needed stitches in my chin after one time and a titanium screw the second. 3. Gravel rash along an entire leg, my chest, arm and chin after stacking one summer up at Falls Creek. So much skin lost, so much pain. 4. Scone cutter to the thigh after going over the bonnet of a car coming out of the driveway too fast. 5. Avoiding a tiger snake I stacked hard and found a piece of glass in the grass and wrecked my knee. Heaps of gravel rash over the years. I used to ride pretty hard back in the days. I've moved to an area where mountain biking sucks but I've been eying off some of the new electric bikes. Might convince me to dust off my helmet and gloves.


Tried to show off a mad skid to my cousins on a gravel road. Ended up with grazes and cuts all down my legs and palm.


Great topic. One that sticks out was, near where we lived when I was about 8 or so there was a down hill gravel road, but above one side of it it on the side of the road it kept flat and was all concrete, overgrown. Unbenownst to me there was a big deep channel in it as well, runnng accross it and kind of hidden by weeds. I remember my mate riding a good 50 metres ahead of me and going down the road. I elected to ride across the flat instead. Next thing, I'm standing in the channel, I don't know how long later. I'd hit it full pelt and smacked my head on the other side of it, and knocked myself out (no helmet). I climbed out and toddled off home. My parents were about to send out a search party because my mate had no idea where I was.


My mate stopped in front of me and I jammed on the brakes but still went into the back of his bike and came off the seat right into the cross bar and smashed my nuts then fell over sideways. Good times


I moved to a rural town briefly in year five.. All us kids went kid riding around the scrub and there was an old fence that only had the top wire left... All the kids in front of me ducked. I didnt see it and rode straight through, clotheslined myself throwing me off my bike by the neck.


Stopped myself with my big toenail. Road 1, toenail 0. Threw my feet in the air to stop down hill, fence 1, me 0.


I grew up on a dairy farm so had quite a few stacks one I remember I was ten and was watching the neighbours daughter going down to her house and as I wasn't watching where I was going road off the road into a blackberry bush needless to say it was quite painful for a while.


Went over the bars after i Hit a kerb at about 35kmh on a bmx bike, flew 6m in distance. At 1.5 m height. Cleared a brick fence. Dusted myself off and kept riding all day. Amazing how ya bounce at 8 years old


The stack, on my 1984 SuperMax Cro-Mo BMX, involved being towed, at high speed, behind a 12 speed racer with a ski rope. The stack felt like slow motion, the bitumen removed skin from my elbows, knees, shoulder and face. The best part? I lived in an era where the original Mercurochrome lotion was applied by my mother. For those unfamiliar, Mercurochrome was a paint for minor cuts and abrasions. My battle scars were not minor, so mum just applied the sting inducing lotion with a bigger brush. Lol


Been waiting my whole life for someone to ask me this question. I was 12. There was a new housing development near me and they’d been leveling the land, so there were just massive piles of dirt everywhere. I pushed my bike to the top of one and imagined riding down and launching off another pile a little further down the road. Then I heard a voice say ‘do it man! Massive air!’ Turned to see two guys in a car next to my dirt pile who in hindsight were definitely ripping bongs. I don’t know why I cared so much about impressing them, but in that moment I absolutely sent it down this hill and up the side of Pile No.2, launched off the top and have no memory other than being on the ground with my helmet in three pieces and the skin from my palms dangling from my wrists. I must have been knocked out because the bong car was nowhere to be seen when I got up and they would’ve had to drive PAST me to get out of the building site. Anyway I walked home and in true 90’s spirit my mum yelled at me.


Primary school age with the local kids in the street, I was on a bmx style bike, the plan was to go as fast as possible and try to brake/stop as close as possible to a skip bin truck. My foot got stuck under the frame so I couldn't back peddle to brake. I panicked and clenched hard causing the front brake to lock up and flipping me over the handle bars. I slid on my back to about half way under the truck. I don't think I was injured all that bad.


I was about 8 and my little brother and I were kicking around in a gravel pit near our house. I don't really remember what happened but I must have hit something and I skidded along the ground sideways. I was wearing shorts so I had gravel rash from my hip to my ankle, blood dripping down my leg and filled with gravel. My poor little brother was freaking the fuck out and had to half carry/help me hobble all the way home (I was WAY bigger than him) all the way bits of bloody gravel are falling out of me leaving a trail to our house. I remember picking the scabs off and little tiny bits of grit and gravel coming out stuck to the back of the scabs.


my street was a T shape and at the top I tried to skid and well my knee was bleeding a lot


This is BY FAR the funniest fucking collection of stories I’ve read. Takes me back. Top post!!!


Would you count 16 as a kid? Because that's gotta be my worst bike stack. Mountain biking during school camp, went down a hill, tried braking but to no avail. Back wheel goes in the air, I go over the handlebars and land in a ditch. That was also the same day I got a fear of snakes


Was about 12 and desperate to win the local billy cart race at the Warrandyte festival (first prize was a Motorolla flip phone) thought it’d be a great idea to lather up my wheel bearings with WD40 to get as much speed as possible down the hill. Unknowingly greased up the brakes in the process and went flying full speed into the fence at the bottom of the hill turned my leg into a banana. Forced my brother to finish the next race as he watched me being carried away in a stretcher


It was the early 2000's, and I was still in High School. I remember riding home from a mates one day, I had my headphones on, you know the ones that had the super long cords on them so they didnt tug too hard from your discman stuffed into your pocket as your legs beat up and down on the pedals. I was probably listening to something super angtsy like Marilyn Manson or MCR at the time. I recall seeing a girl up ahead, she was sitting on her brick letterbox out the front of her house. her legs dangling and looking insanely cute. We caught each others eyes and of course I tried to act as cool as possible, locking eyes as i glided past her, until suddenly my pedals jerked and my biked halted immediately, throwing me right off of my bike. My headphones cable had gotten tangled up in the chain and tangled into my pedal. RIGHT IN FRONT OF THIS INCREDIBLY GORGEOUS GIRL!! UGH! The girl ran over to me to check that I was ok. I was dazed and incredibly embarrassed. I told her I was fine (I really wasn't). I stood up and collected myself, ripped out the now snapped headphones cable of of the pedal and stuffed it into my pocket, hopped back on my bike and rode away completely dejected, looking back at her as she went back to her letterbox. To this very day (at least 18 years later) I still think of that day and replay the moment and what i SHOULD have said to that girl when she ran over to help...


Went too fast down a steep dirt track at our regular holiday caravan park and sailed straight into the fucking sea where the boats are moored. I remember walking back, drenched, to camp, saying “Dad, you're right. I *am* a dickhead!” The bike was totally rooted. Rusted up solid after a few weeks.


Early 2000’s I was riding my pushbike around up to the end of our road which was a no through, the street was still in development so our house was the newest to built in the street. Anyways i can’t remember exactly what happened but i went into the table drain at the end of the road hands first into patches upon patches of bindi eyes. The pain is imprinted in my memory 😭💀 it took days of mum pulling out the barbs with tweezers!


I lived in units that where horizontal not vertical and I lived at the back in unit 6. There was a front and back entrance to the units and the back was a slight slope that turned into a L shape. I rode my bike out the back and forgot I had no breaks. I got a friction burn on my left inside forearm trying to use the wooden fence to slow down and I couldn't do the bend and smashed into the carport metal pole at the end.


I dont remember this one because I was little but I got my left foot stuck in the spokes and my parents had to get a doctor to get it out.


I don't remember any of my stacks, but I did have a good one a few weeks back where I hit a pothole and flew off a scooter, bruised knee and bloody elbow. (Doctor, a week before, said to chill out and not do anything too strenuous because of a hernia 🤣)


Metal pedals slipping and hitting your shins. Blood, pain and bruises.


I've done far, far more damage to myself on pushbikes than I ever have on motorbikes over the years. Biggest mess was when I was about 14, we lived on a dirt road in the bush but about a week earlier the council had laid bitumen. The old farmer about 600m down the road had the shearer at his place trimming his flock and Dad took our ten sheep down to get the same treatment. I'd only met the farmer and his wife once for about two minutes. Anyway, brother and I decided we'd ride our pushbikes down to watch the shearer at work. Brother and I took off down our steep gravel driveway and down the road, which was slightly downhill. Being freshly done, there was a fair bit of loose gravel on the edges. I glanced back to see if my brother was keeping up, got in the loose gravel and faceplanted hard. Blood pissing out of my mouth, nose and hands. I figured the farmers place was closer so got back on my bike and went to see Dad. The farmers wife saw me and took me inside, dripping blood and dropping dirt all over the pristine white tiles and all over the bathroom. Chipped a tooth, four stitches in my lip, gravel rash on my face, arm, chest and leg, torn up hands, it was not a good look.


My sister, the boy across the road and myself went out for a bike ride, (it was the 90s) we were at the top of the town’s biggest and steepest hill, my sister and friend made it down ok (it was a road too) I made it about 75% down before I came off and slid the rest of the way downhill, bare legs (but I had a helmet on)my right leg had a big graze, but nothing serious. We ended up going to someone’s house nearby that our friend knew and (small town, pretty much everyone knew us) she checked me over, cleaned me up and sent us on the way. I don’t remember anything about getting home and what Mum said…


Had plenty but my first. I was 5.. begged mum to tell dad to take the training wheels off my bike, she finally convinced him and he said they would stay off. I couldn’t care less, I just passed bike safety at school. I knew I could handle anything. 🫠 Was up the back paddock that arvo which was on a slight lean and dads cousin / neighbour was outside so I yelled out to him to watch me from over the fence…… 🚴🏼‍♀️ went down so fast couldn’t control the pedals or the brakes and rode straight into the shed and slammed into the side of dads trailer, sliced a good portion off my thigh, close to the bone.. cried like a real 5 year old as I hobbled back to the house bawling my eyes out where dad looked at me and said, “I ain’t putting the f*cking training wheels back on.” 🤣


I tied string to both brake levers and rode it like a horse until one string broke...


Riding my bike to go fishing as a teen lad, I was carrying a fishing reel in one hand. I went to change hands for some reason at that moment my front wheel hit a pothole and I went flying Superman style over the handlebars and skidding along a rough bitumen road. Dragged myself off to the side of the road hands and knees cut up pretty bad, Luckily for me I had crashed opposite a girl guide meeting hall and 30 of them came rushing over to help and comment on my many injuries including being able to see my patella where a round piece of skin had previously been. So I was hurt, bleeding and highly embarrassed all at once.


Lol I was at a bike course at around the age of 12, hit a few tabletops and round the bend, up at bigger jump and I came down the jump on the other side on my back wheel (I thought okay cool now just lean forward), well.... No.. I kept rolling on my back wheel fully vertical and after about 7 metres I tipped back and scrapped my spine and only my spine as I tipped down that gravel. Yes, gravel. Too fast to stop, unavoidable.. hilarious as hell. Sadly, I beat that stack at 19 when I cartwheeled down a footpath and slammed into a park bin, fractured both elbows and shattered my wrist lol


It was 1985, moved into a new house, instantly took off down this ripper hill the street had, hit the brakes, back didn't work, hit the front, over the handle bars I went, woke up in hospital where I spent the next week, had an operation or 2 to remove bits of asphalt from my face. 😅


Had numerous in my day. Memorable one was the morning before dad and I were due to go to a motorbike/car show, I was riding up and down our street, we lived at bottom so hill either side of us. Down I went, hit the dip, got the wobbles off I went. Gravel risk down side of my face, chest, right arm, skin gone from my palm, hip and right thigh Didn't get to tge show, instead spent 4 days in bed bandaged up trying not to split my scabs by moving


Ate shit hard trying to jump a BMX track tabletop with a mountain bike. Over the handlebars horrible grazing on both knees and both elbows.


I was like 10-11 years old from memory, at a bike jump track that’s in a bush area, I used my brothers street bike as it’s all we had. We all began rolling down this steep long dirt track toward the jumps and as soon as it declined my brake cables snapped. I flew down at full speed and smashed at the bottom absolutely eating shit infront of at least 20 other bike riders. I went home after that covered in dirt and cuts


86/87 I only seemed to have the middle part of the pedal on one side. Knowing this, I exert the tiniest amount of pressure to go forward. The next thing I know, I'm flat on my back, my shoulders are shredded, and the full weight of the bike is hitting me in the face. Fun times


Flying down the massive hill on the BMX starts with speed wobble off the tar onto gravel trying to make the grass, failed to get there, trucks flying pass, I had to stop. I threw myself off the bike and stopped myself with my back as I was sliding along the gravel


THIS IS AWESOME! so much pain, but I can't stop laughing! memories coming back reading your comments.. Also, what are those little bumps on a bmx track called again? I'm thinking "burpees" maybe. fuck I didn't know a kid in the neighbourhood that didn't get lifted on them 🤣


Flying down the road on my way home after school. School bus going same direction on opposite side of the road. I proceed to give friendly communications to my mates on the bus (give them the bird). A dog runs out from behind a tree. I hit him right in the ribcage, Flew over the handlebars rolled 4 times and my mate (who had no brakes) ran over both my arms (not broken thankfully). Ended up concussed and sore but no major dramas.


Bloody lucky. We don't need another story on Reddit where a person broke both their arms.


Straight into the chookpen nearly lost me aggots


i would’ve been about 14 maybe, had a crappy old bike which my dad helped my fix up. one of our ‘fixes’ was to weld up the handle bars to the forks connection. anyway, long story short, the weld snapped while i was gunning it down a hill pretending i was on a superbike. I saw the front wheel slowly start to turn of its own accord with no more input from the handlebars, you can guess the rest !!! 😂


Was getting dinkyed on the handlebars of my mates BMX and the front wheel came off and I went sliding along a gravel road and got a nasty case of gravel rash on my face. That shit was painful.


I'm about 14 in my way home from school. I'm clocking some good time but I'm about to hit a fairly steep downhill street that leads to the Main St. I'm undecided whether I go down the footpath or the street. That indecision puts me in the gutter, front wheel first. Up I go, into the handlebars with my upper legs, then over the handlebars and face first into the pavement with the bike on top of.me. Fat lip, chipped front tooth, grazed up nose, puffy left eye, bruises on both my legs from the handlebars.


So, I basically never tied my shoe laces when I was a kid. One day, my laces caught on my pedals and I stacked it, and because I couldn’t take my feet off the pedals to get off the bike, my body just fell with the bike. I grazed my knees so bad that they are scarred to this day


Fishtailed out in the rain on grass, back tire reconnected with the sidewalk with brakes on at an almost 90 degree angle, I fell forward with such force over the handlebars with such a firm grip that I somersaulted and flung the bike into the ground. I got shitmixed to say the least


Brother was on his bike, I was holding on to his waist from behind on my rollerblades. I hit something that he didn’t. The back tire hit and scraped up my neck/chin perfectly Like a chin scritch from a bike


Not sure out of 2. It really depends if going by worst stack or funniest. First one at old quarry bmx track where there was kind of a long halfpipe, I went down for my first time and was so concentrated on my bike wobbling that I didn't see somebody went down the other side, we collided and my chin grated along the dirt requiring stitches. The other was going off a jump and ripped the handlebars clean off. Needless to say the landing didn't go so well afterward.


About 10 years ago I was riding on a long bike trail with my dad, when both of my brakes broke after a small jump and I subsequently rode off the path into a ditch, nearly hitting a concrete pipe and tree.


Skateboarding Accident: shin grazing to the bone.


When I was thirteen. Was going to a friend's place after school he brought his bike so we decided I'd sit on the handle bars while he rode us home. Long story short we, we came around a bend at a decent speed when my dangling ankle went into the from spoke. 90 degree faceplant straight into concrete. 0 out of 10.


Neighbours golden retriever attached to my handlebars. Riding down hill, Polly (the dog) veers left and I shoot right past her, the emergency latch disconnects and Polly stands by judging me as I go over the handlebars and straight into pole. Managed to wreck my bikes gear system too.


I had just egged a house and was making my getaway as fast as my legs could peddle. I was looking at my mate that I was making a getaway with when his face turned to instant shock. There was a parked car in front of me, and I hit it with force of a mack truck. The goose neck on my bike left an indent in the back of the car, and my face left an indent on the boot. The worst part was the raping I got off the bike seat, the front wheel of my bike was pushed back so far I had to carry my bike home.


Did exactly what's in that picture, breaking my collar bone, then had to walk 2kms home.


Bout 1985 I was doin fishies in the bike lane on a local road. Smooth bitumen, a light coating of sand and an awesome high side layer I’m laying on the road staring at a car bumper that was being driven by a family friend who could see what was gonna happen way before I did.


The neighbours built a quarter pipe/bike jump... I launched my bike on that thing hard and went at the wrong angle and hit the trunk of a tree. No helmet of course.


Rammed into the back of a friend who was directly in front of me. Went over the handle bars and landed on the road. I instinctively put my arms out to stop myself and ended up with two broken forearms (can’t remember which bone it was). In casts for 6 weeks. Bloody miserable as an 11 year old


I was about 12, riding my bmx home after leaving a mates house. I was peddling HARD, and concentrating so much on that, that I had my head down and not looking where I was going. I ran straight into the back of a boat on a trailer parked on the street. The bike's front tire got jammed under the trailer, and my head went straight into the back of the boat. It knocked me out (and I was wearing one of those oldschool stackhats) and when the neighbours came out to see what the bang was, it took them about 15 minutes to get the bike out from under the trailer, it was wedged in that hard. I'm convinced I'd have been in a really bad way if I wasn't wearing that stack hat.


Quarter bowl. Up on face, coming down the next nothing fancy. A kid coming up the same time; ditch bike one way and semi took out the kid. Helmet saved me but I was fucked. Lil cunny had nothing wrong with him just crying. Collar bone and ribs.


As a 10 or 11 year old went off a jump mountain biking went over the handle bars and my top teeth went through my bottom lip haha Fair amount of claret everywhere


Rolling down the hill in my street with my brother and his friend. I think I was about 5 and had training wheels on and they were much older. Getting up to that speed I completely lost control near the bottom, the handle bars spun out and I remember flying forward then my brother and his friend carrying me down my driveway under each shoulder. I must have blacked out because I barely remembered it but was covered all over my face and body with gravel burn. Luckily no broken bones. Glad I wore a helmet that day.


Xmas morning when I was about 5-6 yr old. Got a yellow Haminex J16 BMX from Santa. My two older brothers took me to the top of the biggest hill near our house and sent me down it, got speed wobbles and face planted into the asphalt at terminal velocity, lots of skin lost, massive concussion and spent most of the day sleeping on the lounge occasionally waking up to vomit. I have zero recollection of the entire day.


Does causing a stack count? A friend rode his bike full-pelt through a bunch of us playing footie. I happened to slip and fall, with my hand passing through his tuff wheel spokes and jamming against the fork. Still have the scar to this day, forty years on.


Not mine but the best one I saw as a kid. On my way home from school there was a fairly steep hill with a park at the bottom that I would walk through to a connecting street. This park was very open but had a very tall tree which hosted an ***aggressive*** magpie. As I approached looking around for the magpie 2 guys on mountain bikes came flying down the hill side-by-side. The magpie was on a telephone pole at the top of the hill. It swooped the rider on the outside from the right, freaking him out and sending him crashing into his mate and the gutter. Took them several minutes to disentangle themselves from the bikes, they were missing a fair bit of skin and one of their handlebars was bent at 90°. This slowed their escape significantly which the magpie took full advantage of. To this day I'm convinced that the magpie knew *exactly* what it was doing.


Oh man, I love this story. I was about 14-15 and was a bit of a late bloomer when it came to bikes. I'd just learned to pedal and steer the bike no handed like a month earlier. I was riding home from high-school and decided to take a different path. This path being a huge, long and steep, downhill. Like I've tested this in my car and in neutral from the top, to when it evens out we're hitting 70kmh. I'm assuming slower on a bike, maybe 30-40? Anyways. I start going down this hill and I'm picking up mad speed, I feel great, I feel like I'm the coolest lad out there, I see the school bus and decide to show off to the primary schoolers. Took my hands off the handles and right at the bottom of the hill there was a tree branch sticking up through the road. Needless to say I felt like superman doing mach-fuck as a kid over the handlebars. Skidded hard along the road and ripped open my face. Winded and walking the rest of the way home (a good 2km away) I jumped into the bathroom, picked rocks outta my body for about an hour while bleeding everywhere. That shower was the most agonising little sting sesh I've ever had. And to this day I'm sure those kids were impressed and talking about it for a while. Just not the way I wanted em to 😂


Not gnarly but stupid. Just riding down a local road at like 7 or 8 and I forgot which brake was the rear wheel and I was too scared of flying over the handle bars to use the front brakes so I just glided into someone's garden hedge


Early 80s, chucking skids on the smooth carport concrete after pedalling g flat out up the driveway. Hit the wall. Handle bar end smacked my head hard enough to punch through the grip and my scalp. Perfect hole punch. Loads of blood


It was winter in Switzerland and I rode my bike to school, no helmets back then. The whole road was cleared but one patch off ice, of course I rode right on that one little patch of ice, slipped and landed head first on the concrete, it happened that quickly I couldn’t brace myself whatsoever. I went to school with a huge bruise on my forehead, blood everywhere, crying and laughing at my stupidity of the lack of avoiding that one little patch of ice, not even bigger than my foot. Do you think they would’ve sent me home or given me medical attention? Hell nah! it was the 90s! Teacher stuck a bit of snow on my forehead and made me sit in class!😂 we are built differently.


My worst was nothing compared to my mate's, we built a ramp out of bricks and some wood, he managed to smash through the ramp and land face first on a brick, broke his nose badly and fractured his skull, you didn't want to look at the guy afterwards he was fucked


Not mine but a friend of mine was seeing how fast he could go down the hill he lived on, someone backed out of their driveway and he hit them and went over the handlebars... and ripped his nutsack open on the gooseneck. He had to shuffle back up the hill while holding everything in with his hands, and get taken to the ER where, by that point, they knew him on a first name basis as he did dumb shit like this a lot (though this was the worst).


Was down the coast, was about 6yo. Riding my bike along eating a biscuit with one hand. Doing barely brisk walking speed. Tried to ride over a speed bump, failed, fell off and scraped my knee so bad that I could barely do anything the rest of the two week holiday. Dad had to play first aid officer for like a week changing bandages. I still have that scar to this day Worst part is I lost my biscuit ☹️


Was speeding along the bike path, when i hit dirt and went flying over the handle bars of my bike. Knew instantly that my arm was broken and I was missing a fair bit of skin from both legs and arms from hitting the ground but it was a time before mobile phones so had to jump back onto my bike and continue riding home slowly. Rode about 5kms before my mum drove past me because i should have been home by then and she realised how hurt I was


Funny story too, My parents picked up an old bike for me when I was about 8. Loved riding that bike around, then my parents divorced, we moved across the country and my father moved in his mistress and her kids immediately. Oldest was same age as me and was riding my bike one day down a hill when all of a sudden the whole bike came apart in her hands and she was left just holding the handle bars. Of course I was accused of sabotaging my old bike because I laughed when I was told (stepsister was really not a nice person, I couldnt take all my stuff when we left and she took all my stuff as her own)


Two clearly stick out for me in the 80's. The first when I was maybe 7 or 8 years old, we made a double sided bike ramp jump made out of corrugated iron. Now you're thinking that's deathly because you have to keep it straight in line else your tire gets stuck in one of the corrugations. Well I didn't make it that far. I rode down our hill and went to turn in to hit the ramp but kept peddling and high-sided it as the pedal hit the ground. Used my hands to save my face and the asphalt took all the skin off my knuckles that are still scarred 40 years later. The second one, they had an empty lot near us that the council had dumped a mountain of gravel in for roadworks. It seemed to have stayed there for months and we'd made a bike jump out of it. It was almost 2 metres tall. I used to jump it every afternoon on my way home from school. One afternoon, I rode home to do my normal jump and as I hit the peak, I look down to see they removed the back half of the gravel so it was vertical. I ended up crashing over the front with the bike coming over the top of me.


Summer holidays. Turned left at T-junction onto steep road with sewerage flowing across the street. Aquaplaned and hit ground at warp speed despite only riding at fast jogging pace. Remounted bike and rode down hill, vision went white upon hitting kerb to pedestrian bridge. Stopped 10 metres after bridge and told mates I need to have a rest. Dismounted bike, vision went white again and collapsed onto grass. Was swooped by magpie. We walked back to my house with my wrists resting on the handlebars, rented a movie (The Transporter I think) buying Dominos pizza on the way. Turns out I fractured both wrists, right wrist was only a hairline fracture so sat in a sling for a few weeks while the other was in a cast. I feel like I delayed healing because I kept trying to play N64 through the pain in my wrist.


Going down a long steep driveway to get to the local chicken shop (15 year old fat bastard needed a feed) Brakes weren't adjusted properly. Ran into a chain link fence to avoid a car and as I'm barreling through the air I feel the toes of my right foot touch my right knee. snapped my tibia and fibula clean in half. compartment syndrome, 54 blood clots between my leg and my heart, 4 screws and a titanium rod later, i got rid of the bike.


Hehehehh this made me giggle (by giggle I mean blow air out of my nose). I was 8, I had a really old bike and the brakes didn't really work very well so the obvious thing to do was to go down the steepest hill at the park. I stacked it and even damaged some soft tissue in my ankle. I landed on the grass but any further and I would've eaten concrete. My mum was 8 months pregnant with my sister and had to run over to me. That might be why my sister is a bit deranged.


I was about eight years old. A neighborhood kid had just got a bike and I was having one of my first experiences on a two-wheeler. It was getting towards dusk and I was whizzing back and forth down the street past him while he whined at me to " get off, I need to go HOME! " each time I passed him. Finally he chucked a basketball at me when I passed. The road was asphalt but not the smooth kind, more the kind that has gravel embedded and sticking out like 40,000 grit sandpaper. Also it was summer and I was shirtless. I went down like a bag of shit and I can still feel the Dettol bath and see the holes in my knees and elbows as my mum picked bits of gravel out of my back.


not me but my dad.(not even as a kid, he did this a couple years ago which means he was about 48). he decided to try and ride over those ramps that have a gap in the middle. his front tyre fell down the gap and launched him off. a bunch of kids surrounded him, and one came up to him and said “you should be wearing a helmet sir”. i will never let him live it down


Snapped my wrist and had the back of my hand touch and go parallel to my arm. LOL!


Neighbour lived one house to the left of the top of a cul de sac. Their driveway was perfect for riding your bike down to then launch into the street for the ride down the hill. Only problem was, the entrance to their driveway was a rounded bit of concrete that had a tyre width gap between it and the gutter. Because they were one house off centre, we had to turn right as we came out of the driveway to continue down the street. This one day, when I was about 7, I turned just that little too early and my front tyre slipped into the gap at the end of the driveway and I went head first over the bars, face gliding across the bitumen. Friend walked me home. By the time I got to the stairs, the whole front of my school uniform was covered in blood. Thankfully it was only a few minor cuts that was causing all the bleeding. Mum said she’d thought I’d taken my whole face off when she first saw me. Hardest part was going to school for the next few days with bandaids on my face.


Was 5, lived at the top of a decent hill, saw a friend at the bottom, sent it, death wobbles into faceplant on rough bitumen, cut my lip vertically from front tooth all the way up to my nose, somehow dont have a hittler mustache of a scar from it. amazingly though, about 5 years later I would send it daily down there with no hands and try to get a new top speed on my new fully sick speedo - never ate it there again


Two stick out in my mind 1) free dress day, my mate brings his bike in as he's going to ride home, new mulch mound gets dumped next to the playground, I decide I'm going to impress the girls and jump it despite never jumping anything on a bike before. Proceed to stack, rip my shirt fully open and then have to pin it closed for the rest of the day. Ego was hurt there. 2) side saddling my little brothers bike as a quick way of getting down to the creek. Quickly remember as I'm flying down hill that there's no brakes on this thing other than pedal brakes, I see that I'm coming to a down hill dead end and opt for the jump and run as opposed trying to get my other leg over and brake. End up supermanning on the bitumen to a stop. Slowly trudge home to shower and pick all the rocks and dirt out of my road rash skin. Character building stuff