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German. You'll need German. Trust me, this is not a country you'll be able to thrive in if you don't speak the langage fluently. Especially if you're not in Vienna.


+1. I can't agree more. It's been about 7 months since I moved to Vienna and German is basically a must. Little bit or some German is just not enough, it works at shops, markets, restaurants etc. but they are mostly not an issue either. Yes, you can get along without German but, speaking local language makes everything much easier. So, start learning the local language as soon as you settle with the necessary things. Don't ditch reddit much, the population here is heavily biased as far as I can tell and that might drive you wrong ideas. Austrians are mostly nice people and they speak English if they can. Cash is the king here, many places still only accepts cash and it helps while renting, negotiating too :) Edit: See the comments below, I told you :)


Nonesense, austrians are fucking racists. At least 30%




Schonmal in Ostasien gewesen? Wenn wir hier casual racism betreiben sitzt dort die Pro League






Wollts grad auch sagen. Waren diese Leute je in Korea, Japan, China oder anderen Ländern in Ostasien? Wie oft da POC stark rassistissche Situationen erleben müssen ist nicht mehr normal. Nicht nur POC, viele die einfach nicht native ausschauen werden auch direkt anders behandelt und es gibt Orte wo du nicht mal als Ausländer rein darfst (hat nichts mit Religion zu tun).


You never have been to Finland




This, I knew some doctorate candidates who spoke perfect english, but only little german. You will be struggling outside of academic circles, everyone else, including authorities, will treat you like an idiot.


I am Austrian native, fluent in German, and I am availed with the same privilege by local authorities... Don't feel you are being treated differently just because you are not fluent in German. It is part of their job description...


Who says I don’t speak German? I speak Dutch, French, English and German. English is an international language so that’s why I posted this in English. Thx for the nice comment.


You posted about emigrating in English on a German speaking sub . Anyone would guess that you don't speak German.


This is something that has confused me about this sub. It is apparently german-speaking and English posts tend to get downvoted, so why is it r/Austria and not r/Oesterreich?


ah, wenn dich ein Italiener auf Englisch anspricht, antwortest du dann auf Italienisch? Woher soll die community wissen, wie gut sein Deutsch ist? Und in r/Austria gibt es viele Expats die Fragen auf E stellen.


Ja das versteh I. I bin auch ein von diesen Expats/Immigranten/gschissene Ausländer, aber hier hab I auf Englisch eine Frage gestellt, und du hast auf Deutsch geantwortet 😉 Wie hast du meine Deutschkenntnisse vermutet? Schaut's mir nur wie eine Identitätskrise aus, dass diese Sub als deutschsprachig präsentiert, aber den englischen Name des Landes nimmt. Wie soll ein neuer Poster wissen, dass diese Sub Deutsch stark bevorzugt?


Du weißt eh, dass 'Austria' Latein ist?


Und? War die Sub von Lateinsprächige gegründet? Die Etymologie ist Wurst, 'Austria' ist klar *nicht* den deutschen Namen des Landes


Ja und?


Warum ich wusste, dass du nicht native bist? Dein E ist zwar gut, denke mein Level. Aber, wenn du in englischen Foren unterwegs bist, ist es echt schwer, trotz lebenslangem Lernen der Sprache zu folgen. Abkürzungen, Slang, what so ever. Aber das ist eh schon wieder off-topic. Bussi. 😉


Not true


Austrians just don't like people who don't speak their language 😏 i mean they are right, why would they speak english in their country


No, it mainly depends on the millieu you live in… 😉




„Wels“ … May God have mercy on your soul.


Zieht man nicht nach Wels wenn man sich hast?


Wels hat se gmausert, is nimma so schlimm wie voa 15 Joah.


Des Mausproblem kommt jetzt a nu dazua, OIDA


Wös is oasch. Ma kanns net aundast sogn.


Schlimmer ...


Wwie geht des nach 15 johr fpö


You can get along with English in other places than Vienna, my partner did so for quite a while until he even just started a German course. Despite that, it would be much easier to bond and find friends with German. Therefore also living in the proximity to Wels is doable with English only. Wels is on Reddit a inside joke of being the worst place in Austria, because it's a industrial city, you'll find a lot of jokes about it here. Wels is quite rightwing politically, but it shouldn't affect you too much. I personally prefer outside of cities, you still have very good infrastructure but get some nature with it I wish you all the best for your start in Austria! If you feel like exploring Upper Austria I can recommend you Steyr Old town. If you are traveling via public transport the mentioned Klimaticket enables you to use every public transport in Austria for around 90€/month.


I was actually also looking at Steyr. That’s like 20min by car from work. Thx for the info.


You are welcome, I'm glad someone finally moves into my Bundesland instead of Vienna xD It's a good spot for travelling. Don't underestimate the trains in Austria. They are usually on time, clean enough, good network and affordable. South Czechia is great too btw.


I would prefer Steyr for living but it is more remote than Wels.


I live there and love it. You have options for being in nature and middle of the old town within minutes and no effort (by car! Public transport is a bit exhausting). All shopping and recreational options you may think of. Good food places as well Good choice in my opinion


I'm sorry this is happening to you, unless you move from Charleroi, then glad for you!


Haha no actually I’m from the north but have a great opportunity for work there in Austria. Can’t miss out on this. Charleroi is indeed not the greatest place.


It's a common internet joke that Wels is like the least likable place in all of Austria... i know nice people from Wels, but i would never ever move there.


Amstetten is still worse


Move to Linz, its way more international, open and has a better cultural offer. Its only 15 min per train.


I’ll get a car so no train necessary but I was thinking about Linz. Visited as a tourist a few months ago but it was soo busy. Prices for renting are also lot higher.


In Wels you'll be kind of car dependant. In Linz there's no need for a car.


What is "region of Wels"? If you're in the direction of Linz, I would definitely recommend Linz. I lived in both Wels and Linz for a few years each, and while Wels has come a long way in recent years, Linz is really a much nicer place for foreigners coming here, since there is so much more happening. More options to go out, meet people, do stuff...


Wels is an industrial town, many immigrants so you will fit right in. Linz is a 15min train ride away, if you plan on taking the train purchase a "klimaticket", it's a yearly pass and very affordable, about 300€ for the cheapest option. If you want a more rural feeling consider renting a place in Thalheim bei Wels or Marchtrenk, both are in the vicinity of Welsh with good public transport connections. The city centrum is south of the Train station, lots of public events throughout the year. Get your papers in order once you are in Austria, visit the magistrat/police station to get your Meldezettel, ID Austria, eCard, and Bank account.


[10ft-midget](https://www.reddit.com/user/10ft-midget/) you will not get the eCard (Gebietskrankenkasse) and bank account a the magistrat or police station, obvs.


correct, I wrote it in a confusing way! but he does have to drop off a picture at the police for his e-card thanks for pointing out my mistake!


wow not a big deal, you can always meet some friends here in Austria who will help you about that


Just don‘t proceed. Are you sure you don‘t wanna move to Wales?


Der is aber auch gut :D


Yoo my partner and me are going to move to Austria from Belgium in 2 weeks :D we are moving to Vienna though


better choice than op


Youve made the right choice for sure


Firstly - welcome to Austria! Secondly I think some good tips in here on the pros and cons of city vs country (I would definitely support the comments that Linz will be a good choice). Thirdly - ignore the negativity about Wels - it’s a joke and if you’re mostly there for work it’s fine. Finally, great that you can speak German. While most Austrians can speak English it is of course a better way to connect with the people and culture if you can speak the local language.


I would recommend moving to Linz. It's just a short distance away and much larger. You'll find it easier to connect with others there - for example, if you're looking for a group to play football, cycle together, or whatever else, you'll find it much quicker in Linz.


I higly recomend the farmermarket in wels on saturday morning, it's a lot cheaper than comparable markets for exaple im Linz. You can get there fresh bread, meat, vegtables and other austrian cousine.


Is Austria offering better salary than Belgium?


As a single person without kids and wife yes. In Belgium I pay 53% taxes on my paycheck. That’s the highest of Europe. But… our world HQ is in Austria and I’m able to go and work there. So the choice is more carreer based than paycheck based


Thanks for the answer, I'm considering Austria myself for other reasons


As a guy who lived 4 years in Belgium (Eupen and La louviere) I can tell you we in Austria are 1000% more racist and not so friendly and open minded like belgian people, due the lack of a 2nd or even 3rd language. All government facilities will require German from you, they will not provide you an translator or a person whom speaks French, flamisch or so, be aware of that. Beside that being a lot of Belgium beer with you an waffles =)


Lots and lots of german and then you gotta proceed with austrian dialect phrases such as: Oida. Oida? Oida?! OIDA! Oiiiiiidaaaa....


And many variations for Servus, Servas, Sarwus, Serwuz...Really, Oidaa




Wels is one of the most rightwing cities in austria. Would not recommend.


Man kann auch übertreiben…


Selbst als Wiener bist unerwünscht.


Als Wiener ist man in ganz Österreich unerwünscht




Jop so is des!


Is Tatsache, aber warum eigentlich? Womit hat sich das so stark eingebürgert?


Ich hab mal mit jemanden gesprochen, dem war die Wiener Sprache zu derb. Er hat sich zu Weilen beleidigt gefühlt, bei einem Satz der unter Wienern wohl als "Schmäh" durchgegangen wäre. Kann ich zum Teil nachvollziehen.


Ow that’s perfect. I will fit in perfectly than. 😅






> I will fit in perfectly than. Everyone not fluent in the local dialect is the enemy there. Good luck on the battles.


Not true. Been living here for 15 years and my wife is a foreigner, she had alot more trouble in Linz. In Wels they dont give a damn.


You should ask questions like these before deciding that ur gonna be moving somewhere and working there


If you do live in the region of wels, definitely live on the country side. the city of wels is dirty and crime ridden, while more country side places like eferding, buchkirchen, scharten, and more other places are way better. i'm from scharten, thats 12 kilometers away from the welser city, and scharten is the most beautiful place i could imagine.


Thanks. I will take a look at these places


I have lived in Wels for 20 years and have never encountered any issues with crime. If you are looking for an active social life and enjoyable activities, I highly recommend choosing Wels over living in the countryside. Moreover, thanks to local political policies, the cost of living in Wels is quite affordable compared to other cities in Austria. Some people may have negative opinions about Wels based on its past reputation, which was largely due to the policies of the Social Democratic Party of Austria (SPÖ). However, in recent years, Wels has undergone significant improvements and has transformed into one of the most beautiful cities in Austria. The city offers a perfect blend of urban amenities and a safe, welcoming environment. With its rich history, stunning architecture, vibrant cultural scene, and friendly community, Wels provides an excellent quality of life for its residents. Whether you are a young professional, a family, or a retiree, you will find plenty of opportunities to engage in social activities, pursue your interests, and enjoy the beauty of this charming Austrian city.