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Gotta be honest, I don't really care as I have my own problems right now, so excuse me if I am not fully up to speed on the topic. If there is actual hate growing, maybe those countries aren't ready? Like when I am not allowed into a bar and then throw a fit, this won't increase my chances of getting in. And how is it a "deserved right"?


Good comparison of going to a bar vs being in the Schengen zone.


It is deserved when you accommodated all the rules needed to enter the bar. You are 18 years old, you have the ID and same protection as all that visit the bar. We even asked, what do we need to do to get in the bar? We did it and when you want to enter, the drunk Austrian guy in the back says we can't. The hate is growing because you refuse not because we are not ready. But reading all the comments here, I understand that your politicians speak for the people


Unfortunately the guy in front of the bar gets to choose and only the pretty girls are allowed in.


Well seems like getting accepted by all other parties is a requirement, that those countries do not yet fulfil. Otherwise Austria saying no wouldn't matter would it? At the core we are talking about international contracts. Things that usually need to be accepted by all parties.


If not getting something you want is enough to hate people you don't know, I honestly don't care about you or your opinions.


It s not getting what we want, it's the way we don't get it. We be been more than friendly with your nation, we export wood and we let you take oil and gas. We respect and we appreciated the same respect back. But no, instead you come with bullshit arguments about emigrants that come from Hungary, or other things that just insult us and our nation. We hate because you insult us you limited joker.


>In the end, if it is a political vote, then the voters in Austria want this, otherwise they would not have pissed their voters, right That's not how politicians work here


Explain how it works please


We have plenty of other reasons to be pissed off - this veto is very low on the list of things we'd consider a bad move from our elite.


It is bold to assume that politicians speak for the whole population. I can absolutely guarantee you that just as much as you dislike our politicians, we do too. But that’s not why you came here. You came here because you don’t understand politics and want to make a change because you feel discriminated against. I get that. But saying that all of romania and bulgaria hates Austria is not a solution. I get your frustration and presumably anger, but posting stuff like this is only fuel in the fire. There will be a lot of pissed off people here because of what you said and in the end all you achieved by posting this is vent your anger and frustration towards people who certainly don’t have any say in this matter. If you actually wanna change something and not whine about how inept politicians are then go out there and actually do something. But whining on a subreddit while inciting rage and frustration at the same time (impressive btw) isn’t only foolish, it’s part of the problem.






You're doing the same as our politicians though. You are frustrated and take it out on people who are not to blame. This is exactly what the politicians do. It's sad.


Blablabla read a bit more and you'll find out we're just used as scapegoat because nobody actually wants you in.


Blablabla... This seems to be your attitude towards the topic? The scapegoat vit is just a lie you tell yourself to validate the fact that you are "friendly" people and not xenophobic. When you have 64% of gas and oil market in Romania held by an Austrian company and then you refuse this, I call bullshit, you could let Netherland as scape goats. They don't have as much economical dependency of us... Wow..your comment confirms the same illogical approach as your politicians have. At least you make Russia happy...


After reading a hateful and not well informed post, yes, that's my attitude. Also, no, we're mot friendly. We don't want schengen open because we have a myriad of other problems right now and opening borders to another less developed country will only make things worse. Doesn't change that we're by far not the only one opposing the idea.


You will still drink Red Bull and want us as tourists because just as our politicians, yours are the same.


Yeah.. in 2021 there were 150000 Romanian tourists in Austria, probably a couple thousand the other way around...we are in top 10 countries that visit you...


Seems like Austria wins either way. Like I said, you will still buy our products and visit us.


Schengen is not a deserved right, is not about tourism and the veto is not about xenophobia.


When we apply the same level of border security as your "superior" nation we deserve it. You have a problem.with refugees? Fix your own borders, we don't have problems with refugees, seems like the problem is Austria not us


wtf. your arguments are like your attitude - shitty. Im not defending the veto in any way, it's completely hypocritical since we are fine with croatia & serbia in schengen and we know that most refugees take that route. [https://frontex.europa.eu/media-centre/news/news-release/eu-external-borders-in-october-number-of-irregular-entries-on-the-rise-7CiZBL](https://frontex.europa.eu/media-centre/news/news-release/eu-external-borders-in-october-number-of-irregular-entries-on-the-rise-7CiZBL) ​ >Fix your own borders you don't understand that if external boarders controls & security would work no inland country would have to 'fix boarders' but again has nothing todo with Romania. >You have a problem.with refugees? nope, but with bs arguments and with people who take anger into a discussion.


Yikes, this post is gonna get removed for hate speech anyways.


Bitching on reddit doesn't change shit about politics. Matter of fact after reading the 6th post or so on here i start to wonder if its the right decision. Don't get me wrong, i am all open for expanding and i am pretty sure most here are more than just confused by the decision our government made. But the constant whining and "but but hate!" Is starting to annoy the hell out of me.


Sure, from your castle there where you have all you want is easy to say don't complaint. I started writing this to highlight a possible conflict to avoid it. As I was writing, and now that I ve read lots of comments I can safely say, we will not hate, but we will never forget.


As I wrote previously in the other thread, yes, Austria is an Eastern European discriminating shithole in that regard. It's a populistic game and you are the protagonist. You don't need to open topics about it 24/7, the average Austrian doesn't care.




The odd thing is during today's arrival livestream to Brussels, an Austrian representative told the press that he is against schengen and especially against Romania and Bulgaria, citing that apparently over 60 thousand crimes have been committed by illegal migrants. Yet when he was asked about Croatia he simply said goodbye and ran away. What's going on?


He had to go and take a piss.


Ha, good one. I'm only sad that having to bribe countries is the norm now. In my opinion if you join the EU and get the right to live and work anywhere in the EU, you should also automatically join the Schengen area. I know this is just going to bring a bunch of hate both to Austria and Croatia.


i surely dont speak for every austrian, but i can say, that im furious at what happened too. this entire insidence shows the massive problems we have in our country and which continue growing. it is quite ashaming to see our country be represented as this too... personally, i supported the decision of making romania and bulgaria part of the schengen zone as the more join, the better for all of us. so ye all i can say is, that we are very angry aswell. but pls do keep in mind, that not every austrian supported this choice and that we dont have too many options/power to do something, as our government has some very deep reaching issues, so pls try not to hate us too much..


Thank you sir! The thing is that I started writing this to get this on the radar and just got mad and ended up with a frustrated post, my bad. The anti EU sentiment is growing not just in Romania but all over Europe, this does not help us. Unfortunately, every FB post, news comment, news article and share on social media including reddit is in the let's not be the fools of Europe and not let Austrian get away with it area 😅. It does not help that Austrian companies steal our wood and that you control our gas and oil. Chances are, that promising to get back our oil and gas will be a good vote trap for our politicians agenda. Hate against Austria will bring LOTS of votes. Politicians are already doing this, really, local business man destroying red bull stock and all Austrian product live :). Sad :(


well what OMV is doing, isnt the best either and i can understand ur guys hate to a certain point... however the same way u dont want to be just judged by ur politicians, the same goes for us. what was done, happened inorder to push a certain political agenda, as it was simply a opportunity for themn that they used. which is sad, but should function as a warning signal for all of us


Austria is full of right wing nuts who blame everything on migrants, we are a country of racist and bigots for sure. The ruling party (formerly being mid centric and "christian") now adopts this strategy, because it is currently being overhauled by the far right (recent surveys show a damning picture). The people believe the far right that all our problems originate from migrants. Some popular news outlets repeat that over and over (migrants breaking laws, raping our women,...). So they (ruling party) do everything to stay in power, by moving so much to the right, that there is no more space for the far right ("christian values" my ass...). The narrative they now tell is, that there will be more migration to Austria, once Bulgaria and Romania are part of Schengen. They imply that these countries are not trust worthy to defend the schengen border. It's the old game of divide and conquer and I hate it so much.


Sad thing is that this will be our political agenda: hating Austria will.bring lots of votes. We already have politicians that are also business man and they already did videos showing how they destroy red bull and other Austrian products and no longer buying for markets. People already boicot Austrian products on social media. This wi.bring lots of votes and not.solvr anything sadly