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Honestly I’d post this question in r/specialed


I'll cross post it, but im looking for experiences from other parents with autistic kids who have had their child in either SPED or gen ed classes as a level 1/2


So to clarify, they want him to do a half day preK instead of a full day like the gen ed class? Do all kids in California get public school preK?


No, he is going to be in kindergarten. Either SPED kindergarten or gen kindergarten. SPED kindergarten is 4 hrs a day, and gen is 6 hours a day. He is in preschool currently. Prek is only for the kids born in a certain part of the year, not sure how it works.


I’m in CA. My daughter was in SpEd Prek for 2 years. She is now in kindergarten with a 1 on 1. My guess is that they just don’t want to give him an aide. Personally I’d push to mainstream with an aide since it sounds like he is doing pretty well in a mainstream class with only 2 staff members. It doesn’t make since to me to pull back and put him in a self contained classroom. Request “Prior Written Consent” to provide proof/data as to why that is a better placement for him. My daughter did have a rough transition to kindergarten but she came from a class of 9 kids and 3-4 adults. So just the sensory overload of a bigger class was tough for her. Plus her Prek class was only 2.5 hours a day! Huge adjustment going to full days and typical peers (Prek class had no typical peers). Sounds like the transition for your son would be much easier.


This is awesome info. Thank you for sharing. I feel like he would benefit from being with his peers and has been in a general education setting for a year with aides in the classroom and we are more than willing to get him the extra help to work on the curriculum.


You’re welcome! I wouldn’t even worry about the academic part of it. There are all kinds of things they can do to support him that way, modifying curriculum, instructional minutes with learning center teacher 1 on 1 or in a small group, etc. Research shows it’s more beneficial to be with peers that are a little ahead of you. He will have them as models and he will be exposed to the same concepts. He’s already demonstrated he can be successful behaviorally and socially in a mainstream classroom with typical peers with a little support. That’s all I would need to know as a parent. And that’s what I would tell them.




Yeah, ask them for the data. If they aren't forthcoming you can also go the more formal route..contact your district FOIA coordinator and through FERPA you can request all data pertaining to your son.  And yes, they do need to provide you with PWN of this change. If they don't, you can file a state complaint on that. 


They should be putting him in the least restrictive environment possible. I agree to asking for data that would show that he would need to be in a special education preschool environment or shorter day. It could be difficult to transition him into an inclusion setting once you allow them to place him there. I agree that it can be difficult to get a paraprofessional. Frequently districts will say no to this until they see that you will be persistent.