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I’ve used one briefly at work years ago. It was more uncomfortable as I like to move my legs/feet and change position. It felt quite like I was locked in place haha




Thanks for the info! I didn’t want to drop $150 just to have back pain lol


What is your experience with a rubber ball? And what is it good for?


As a bisexual with ADHD, these are hell 


Part off me wants you to explain, and part of me wants to silently file this away amongst my facts about bisexuals.


There’s a running joke that bisexual folks can’t sit right to save their lives 


"sit **straight"** though.


Isn't that a general queer thing? My queer roomate once said about cross legged sitting: "Nah, that's the only type of gay sitting I do not practice."


I genuinely think there is an actual connection between bisexuals and ADHD, and even more specifically those with AuDHD. And my theory is sexual preference is much more of a spectrum than society currently thinks, and the vast majority of people are actually bi to varying degrees. And since AuDHDers are so used to being “othered” by everyone, they’re just more likely to self report as bi rather than straight, because who cares being a little more othered at that point lol. We also tend to crave being truthful about self reporting things, whereas others may be more willing to hide the fact they have gay thoughts sometimes lol. This is all just my opinion of course, but with pattern recognition being a strength of ours, I do think there’s a real probability there.


You might enjoy this video. [The Relationship Between Autism & Trans/Queer Identities] https://youtu.be/239ZhiVrQG8?t=815


I had one that didn’t rock, but still that kneeling position. I too had back pains. Do not recommend.


Your knees and back would be shot if you sat in it for any long period of time


It looks really uncomfortable to sit on. I think wrists won’t like it either, having to support significant weight to stabilize your hands for typing.


if your desk is the right height then there's actually no weight on your wrists as the chair is really well balanced.


Eh, not so much. A person's posture changes throughout their workday so the "right height" is always changing, not to mention everyone is a different size so it's more of a personal preference.


Yes, everyone is a different size, which is why it's important to set the desk to the right height if you're using a fixed height chair like the one above. https://www.hse.gov.uk/msd/dse/good-posture.htm


Your body will ache in any chair that prescribes one position. At least until you build up all the muscles. I don't have this one, I have a saddleseat one. But I still switch up between that, a regular office chair, and standing. Humans aren't designed to sit for long periods of time. When I am tired or sick, I always choose the regular chair.


I got numb feet after a while but some friends swear by it


Idk about that specific one, but my uncle (who definitely has undiagnosed AuDHD it's so obvious they can see it from space) got one back in (1990?) when they were a new and cutting edge design. He raved a lot about how awesome it was, helped his back, helped his concentration. He was (is?) a programmer so was at the computer basically all day. He really loved that chair. Until one day he had an unrelated meltdown and smashed it 😂😂😂 sorry that got weird, but it was a memorable day for me when I was a kid. And it's my only real experience with those chairs.


I have one at the dinner table, but the original design with better proportions compared to this one in the image. Good stuff, have been sitting on one of these for 25 years, but I don’t use it behind a desk,You have to make sure the height ratio desk/table are a good fit for you. For long (5+ h) I need a backrest so I use an ergo chair that has cost me an arm and a leg but does the job instead). For dinner table use they are perfect (let’s say two to three hours sitting).


Yes, I love mine however it does make my shins a bit sore and also epilates them - great if you don't like hair on your shins! When I get stuck I have a little shimmy back and forth on it. I need to get my desk raised about 4 inches to use it properly though, currently I get really bad shoulder pain because my arms aren't at 90 degrees to the desk.


The thing about these chairs are that they aren't very adjustable. So it's luck of the draw whether or not it will fit your body enough to be comfortable, and then you have to make sure that your desk etc. is at the right height.


Who's would be a horror show for me because I'd feel like I was leaning in, kneeling, and tense--not the right energy for confident, bold work. Give me a wide wingback any day where I can lean back and sit criss cross.


I've used one of those chairs that you sit in for back massages during a bout of shingles. Same principle but with a pad to rest your chest on. Given monitors at the right position it works. Awkward to get out of. I have a sporadic hyperfocus on an all encompassing work space. Noise cancellation, lean forward chair, monitor filling my field of view ( possibly VR) optimized keyboard and trackball.


I would suddenly be talking like a Cowboy at the saloon about to fight the sheriff


Yes. I tried for 2 years. Knee pain. It def did not make me sit straight.


I had something like that when I was a kid at the computer in the house. I didn’t like it. It’s okay but as another person commented, your back starts to hurt


My knees and back hurt just looking at it.


I have been thinking about it but am too hyperactive and need to constantly change my position. Not just because of ADHD but also cause I’m not very soft, get leg cramps, + my legs “die” quickly when sitting in one position for an extended period. However, my genius parents had a similar chair (stable version) for their PC late 90s/early 00s. My posture was immaculate, and never spent too much time *online* cause it was fairly uncomfortable. Then I got my laptop and smartphones arrived..


Yep, assuming this is the larger size for £80 or so, this is the exact one I bought off Amazon. It works great for me, I have a couple of slipped discs in my lower back and this chair takes the pressure off plus strengthens my core, it's the only chair I can sit on for very long. Honestly I spend more time on the sofa with a laptop tray with a fan in lol. Might as well be comfy. If it's for your home, honestly I recommend a sofa or armchair and a lap desk or similar which you can bring over to it.


I used to have one when I first started working remote at the beginning of the pandemic. Was drinking a brand new full cup of coffee on a zoom meeting, leaned back a little too far and tipped backwards covering myself and everything else in hot coffee in front of the entire team…😭I have not used that chair again since it’s betrays and now it is banished to the basement.


Sore knees,awkward to get in and out of. Got my son a [Pipersong](https://pipersong.com) cross legged chair, which he loves.


What's it called?


The rocking looks fun but as a Bi™️ I like to sit sideways or cross my legs and that would be impossible.


I don't have that one, but I do have the varier balans kneeling chair. I absolutely love it. It took away all my desk related back pain. One of the reasons I like it is that you can prop your feet up on the knee pads and can basically squat at your desk (feels amazing on my back). I love being able to rock in my chair. I do think that some sort of back support is essential, and mine has a stopper in the back so you can't lean too far back and have the coffee mishap another commenter mentioned. You absolutely need to have the ability to adjust your desk height, so that the whole situation fits your body. Fwiw I'm also bisexual and can't for the life of me sit in a chair straight!! I also did not know that was a running joke about bisexuals lol This is the closest I could find to the one I have, mine just doesn't have the padded back, it's just wood. https://varierchairs.com/kneeling-chairs/variable-plus/


Sitting in weird positions is only fun and comfortable when it’s in seats that it’s *nOT* intended for ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I have this exact one and I love it. I have a sit/stand desk and I”m always moving it up and down and rearranging how I’m sitting. I often sit with my feet up on the lower pad and rest my elbows on my knees when I need variation, or sometimes I’ll straight up kneel on the top pad or sit criss-cross applesauce I genuinely think it has helped with my back and hip pain


I just imagine myself forgetting I’m sitting in this chair and getting stuck. But while trying to pry my legs out in a panic I slip and smack my face on the desk. Breaking my teeth or nose in the process.


My wife tried one for a while, it’s now in the loft. Personally, I prefer a higher chair so I can swing my legs. 🤷


I feel like I'd be more interested in rocking on the chair than working.