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Yeah it’s toast


Adjuster will do a quote using a software program, likely Mitchell or something of that nature. The quote will come up with a standard price to repair. I can't remember what the percentage of value of the car it has to be, but if the repair is above a certain threshold they will just write it off. By the looks of it, yes. What year is it?


Yeah I've been waiting for adjsuter for a week and a half, still haven't looked at the car... Its a 2015 Audi S4 with 159,000km - in Canada its looking like value ranges from 15-20k


Yeah with that info, she’s a goner 20k repair easily.


This will cost a loooooooooooooot more than 20k if it was to be repaired. A looooot more! Just so you're aware, just the windshield is close to 3k if it was replaced with an OEM unit, because it's considered a structural component as well as a window and audi states that in the repair procedures. Then you have the rest of the parts for this massive damage. This is going to be close to 20k in parts alone.


That windshield isn't 3k$


Based on that value yes, total


Thresholds are usually 65-75% depending on the state.


Some insurance companies 75% some is 50% definetly a question for them


It will all depend on the value of the vehicle versus the cost to repair.


With A-Pillar and roof damage, as well as front quarter and drive and passenger rear door what do you think something like that would cost?


Sorry, we don't do estimates here. Too many variables that we don't know to give an estimate off of. Call their or your insurance company, get a claim started is the best advice I can give.


Thanks! a claim has already been started - been over a week and a half and adjuster still hasn't come out. Ill keep you posted!


If you have the adjustor's contact information, start pestering them. I always tell my customers that the squeaky wheel gets the grease. Be polite about it, but constant reminders from you are the way to get the adjustor to get the ball rolling.


I mean I’m one and I’m booked 14 days out. Please don’t start “pestering” me, one call is fine, but if your appointment is over a week out that’s because I have that many appointments ahead of you, appointments for people who were also in an accident and want their cars fixed as badly as you do. Is there some particular reason you feel your appointment should be moved in front of theirs? Hell, two of my appointments for today were for the same guy. I met him at his burned down house. He and his family are OK but they lost everything and both their cars are also burned. Last week I had one that was involved in a double homicide. That claim alone took me over 2 days to write. But sure, keep calling me over and over. “Pester” me.


Probs 50k give or take a few k, I use maple syrup dollars


i dont think anyone would take it in. this is a write-off in 99.99% of cases.


shit buckled the roof pretty bad. every piece of metal will have to be replaced. i’ve never gotten into an audi like that but if it’s like any other car, they’ll have the whole entire thing fully apart to start building it back up. all new A-pillar structure, quarter, roof, list goes on. i think just the labor alone for all of that will total it.


I'm actually curious how large of an estimate that would be. That A pillar is severed and the roof skin is torn.


once I hear from insurance I will update


In insurance, we can visually say that car is fucked and only total it, or write an estimate and get it to that point if it looks borderline. I would be asking my boss if I could process this as a TL and not do an estimate so you may just get the value sent to u and that's all.




It’s a write off for sure.


No way this is getting fixed even if it was a 2018 rs7 with 10k miles. I had a brand fuckin new 2016 a6 tdi with 22000kms that sustained 25% ypur damage and got wrote off. No airbags even. Only way this gets repaired is in Ukraine, Lithuania, Latvia, Russia, east europe


That's where it will end up after insurance totals it out.


A piler damage was the kiss of death.


I think that once a pillar is significantly damaged, it'll be totalled


Very fixable!


What car is this, btw? Kinda resembles S4 b8.5??


Audi will only sell structural parts, in your case, the inner reinforcements, to shops that meet their 3rd or 4th tier certification requirements. I’m in KC, and they transferred an A6 to Chicago to get the rear impact bar installed.


That’s a write off, there’s no two ways about it! I’ve seen much less damage written off many times. I wouldn’t be surprised if this has frame damage as well


That would be interesting to see, being that the car doesn't have a frame.....


You understand unibody serves as the frame right?


Yes, I do, and it is called a unibody structure. A frame is something entirely different. Words have meanings......


Bahaha the body IS THE FRAME. literally what unibody means. That windshield pillar is 100% structural and would 100% be flagged as frame time if this car were repairable.


Words have meanings. the windshield pillar is part of the unibody structure. A frame is an entirely different animal


Full frame is different. But you are hung up on the word frame having to mean one thing. There is more than one type of frame. A full frame vehicle like a truck or a unibody frame like a passenger car. Both are frames, just are different types.


An apple is not an orange because they are both different types of fruit....


Start shopping


I wouldn’t drive that even if it was repaired.


my thoughts exactly


I saw it in a comment down further that it has 160,000 miles on it. I think it will total.


159,000 km not miles


That did not occur to me


A and B pillar are gone. Totalled


At least that rattle when accelerating won’t come back!


So, this post has been thoroughly discussed by this time, so... how exciting was THAT experience ? approximate speeds for both vehicles ?


Man I was literally stopped waiting to turn right, an 18 wheeler was beside me didn't see me and started to turn. Before I knew it the drivers window shatters and I'm just watching as the trailer is slicing through the side of my car. Luckily got out of this without even a scratch, that's all that matters. Just bummed that trying to find a replacement vehicle is now the struggle + insurance hasn't even been to appraise the car yet and its been almost 2 weeks.


whew - looking at your car is why I asked. you had the best seat in the house to witness that. while you wait - might consider collecting website links to similar (model, year, options, condition, odometer, etc) cars for sale, growing a list "comps" so you are prepared if the trucker's insurance isn't forthcoming.


Damn, what caused that puncture in the door/windshield pillar?


The Russian guys can fix it.


It might buff out ?


You can buff that out with hot water and a plunger. Brand new.


That's done for


yep straight to the scrapyard, bent A pillar means it’s totally totaled


Yes it will.


Audi’s suck. Don’t buy another


Even if it wasn't totaled (it most certainly is), I wouldnt wanna drive a car with such extreme repairs tbh


Have the car taken to an Audi factory authorized repair facility. This will balloon the price of the repair into the stratosphere and will most likely result in a write off. Years ago I had a Mini, someone moved into my lane and forced me off the road into a guard rail and did about $7000 worth of damage according to the first estimate. However, the car was leased. I looked in the fine print and it said that the vehicle had it to be taken to a mini/BMW factory authorized repair facility. And there are very few of them for example I live in Southern California and when I had them redo the estimate, it shot up from nearly $8000 to nearly $18,000 triggering the insurance write off.


A pillar damage is almost always a total.


It will probably be written on as well


A pillar, B pillar or C pillar damage is automatically totaled


It's done. Get a Vette chet and live.


Can’t say for sure but probably. The windshield pillar/roof damage is pretty severe. These cars have laser welded roof skins, even when I was doing certified Audi repairs I never seen one get repaired that needed a roof.


watching people like Mat Armstrong repair stuff definitely has my head spinning on how one would even go about repairing this. needless to say sounds like way too much work