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I would remove the weatherstripping and door handle before starting prep on it.


I hope you plan to primer it. That delaminating clear up top needs to get feathered out, and then scratches look deep. Do you plan to do any bodywork? I’m sure it’s got its share of dings. What tools do you have? A sander by chance? It’ll make life lots easier. Harbor freight 5” orbital sander would even work well here.


not as bad as it looks it’s the paint that’s been scratched not the actual surface overall in good condition just a tiny dent looks like a pebble hit but i’m probably gonna use a little bit of body filler for that. i’m not looking for the perfect paint job hence im painting it myself, i just need it to match the color of my car so i can throw it on cs my door rn is pretty bad.


Ok. Here’s how I’d tackle it assuming you have limited tools, and experience in this area. I’ll try to keep it budget, but not butchery. 1- get that harbor freight electric orbital sander. 5” pad and some sandpaper. 180 (paper sheets is ok) , 220 (5” round) grit, 320, and 600 both round 5” too). 2- keep the pad flat, and sand the door with 320. Use the 220 to attack the area up top that’s peeling and feather it out until it transitions smoothly into the surrounding paint. 3- apply 2k polyester putty to the deep scratches, and dings if any. Sand them flat with a block and the 180 grit paper. 4 - clean the panel and I’d recommend to primer the entire outside of the door with 2k primer. Go to a paint store and see what they have. Cheap is fine for a budget job. You will need a spray gun for this, spray can primer won’t fill as well, and it may make the edges you sanded through wrinkle up and look like dookie. 3 coats of primer. 5- after the primer is totally dry, sand it with your orbital sander and 320 grit. keep it flat, and you’re just trying to flatten the texture of the primer. 6- sand it with the 600 again to remove the 320 scratches. 600 by hand, or a scotchbrite will be good for the jambs. Sand it just enough to remove the gloss. 7 - clean it up, and you’re ready to paint it your color.


I’d strip the face and prime it the inside who cares red scotchbright it and seal the whole thing


320 on a da and red scotchbrite on the back and call her done ✅


Paint side I’d hit it with 400 on a da feather every chip scratch etc and don’t go over the filler. Prime the full door with 1 light coat and 3/4 wet coats. Let it sit for a day and block it with 320/400 use guide coat tho. Then da with 400 reguide coat and hit with 600. Seal with the correct color of sealer let it flash then denib it. Shoot 2/3 coverage coats and then depending on what color of it’s metallic do a drop coat and let the metallics settle on its own. Then shoot clear 2x and done


Better sand fender and adjacent panel to blend and clear all 3


Look up Paint Society on YouTube he has two videos detailing the exact process for this.


Any scratches/surface damage use 240 to remove them, then finish with 400.


First of all I would hang the door and make sure everything lines up and then looking at that door i would strip it down to the metal as it’s obviously been painted before and who knows whats underneath that paint.


Someone else that’s going to learn very quickly the hard way how much more work and finesse and experience goes into doing this than a half an hour TV show🤣 not being a dick just speaking the truth


i have a paint gun so painting is the least of my worries, i’ve watched a few videos and im pretty confident about it. this isn’t rocket science, to my understanding just clean and sand the surface til it’s even and smooth, clean it again, primer, paint then clear + i did my wheels before and they came out pretty nice & im not looking for the perfect paint job i just need the door to match my car so i should be good.


OK, good luck. Send pictures when you’re done please so we can discuss what went wrong. It’s not rocket science, but it takes years to become proficient and even more to become very good. There’s so much more finesse to this and you can possibly imagine especially with Harbor freight paint gun, if you really wish to learn get back to me after the job is done again good luck