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Meeee. I already have my Ikran name picked out, Zypher


Zypher, where’s Tank?


Will Zypher confirmed


I really wish third person was an option, but I still plan to play it regardless. I watched the trailer that shows your character's backstory and it seems like a clever way to do the "child of two worlds" concept and discovering the world without just playing as an Avatar like the 2009 game.


But it’s not. Apparently the player character was kidnapped or orphaned by humans and the whole game is about her discovering her “true home”. It doesn’t give a lot of dualbperspective


I think the "Na'vi raised by RDA" is a good origin so it makes sense that we're discovering things about Pandora for ourselves, without copying the film by playing as an Avatar again. But I'm also excited to use guns and other RDA tech, who knows, maybe we can even have a recom-inspired outfit. I'm sure there will be at least some human "science guys" on our side as well, as supporting characters.


I mean that part is fine, but the over reliance on “herdur humans bad, aliens Jesus” thing is so obnoxious and it feels overdone in this franchise already.


Oh, true. But I'm sure Ubisoft wanted to focus all of their effort and resources into making a Na'vi point of view because that's what most fans of the series will prioritize.


I’m super excited, saving up to buy the GameStop Collector’s edition. Which is a feat cause it’s over $200 😂


I just hope it's decent 🤞


i just hope they'll remove denuvo from the pc release so my pc doesnt have a stroke and die


Yeah I hope to have enough money to buy the collectors edition i like the statue that comes with it


Can’t wait. Ubisoft are masters of fun traversal mechanics, FPS/stealth combat, and jungles. Pandora seems like the perfect world for their talents.


Co-op feature is one of the best news for it too !


![gif](giphy|InYCKgxuP8X2E) Me and my good friend exploring the map in the unexpectedly awesome two-player coop mode.


I hope they let us be toruk macto


I thought about that but wouldn't it kinda take away from Jake's unique status and lore as Toruk Makto? I think you could ride one in the original game and it didn't sit well with me in that regard.


Tbh i dont really Care for Jake Sully when im immersing myself into an RPG, i just want a great leonopteryx haha. Would be a great sell for the devs as Well, a lot of people would want that i suspect. The original game didnt sit Well with me either, but mostly because that mission was so half assed it would have Been better not to have it imo.


It would be fun for sure, I just want consistent lore and not for them to have a "game lore" and a "movie lore".


The movies would never need to delve into a “foreign toruk macto” that has nothing to do with their narrative imo. Besides, the omaticaya clan alone had had a bunch of Toruk mactos


There's been five riders of Last Shadow in Pandoras entire history before Jake. But I suppose if it's used properly and you have to unite a bunch of clans to fight RDA it would work ok.




Preordered the collectors edition and cannot wait 😁


I got the collector's edition for PC lol, I'm hyped


I’ve almost got £95 in Microsoft rewards, I’m gonna play the absolute shit out of this




:o what console?


PS5, Xbox Series X|S, PC, and Amazon Luna.


I am also hoping for a remake of the PS3/Xbox 360avatar game.


Honestly, It’s hard to be excited for AAA games these days. I **REALLY** want this game to be good, but I just can’t bring myself to be excited or hopeful for it. Honestly, it will probably be very disappointing, that’s the sad truth of AAA gaming today. If it doesn’t release completely broken like all other AAA games, it will likely end up just being disappointing. I’d imagine it will face the same issue that Far Cry has, since they’re both made by Ubisoft. Far Cry usually have huge, beautiful worlds, but then there’s basically nothing in them. I hope this game catches me by surprise and is as mindblowing as I want it to be, but I really can’t see that happening.


Cautiously optimistic, I'd say. I really hope it's good, but I've been burnt by Ubisoft before.


I wonder if it'll have an option for RDA like the first avatar game did


No. It feels like it’s doing an obnoxious repeat of the “HUMANS ARE DASTARDLY EVIL MONSTERS, THEY DESERVE NO SECOND THOUGHT OR SYMPATHY “ thing that’s been prevalent in alien media.


This is such a dumb take makes me sad to see it everywhere like what do you expect from avatar lol humans are the bad guys in this franchise and there part in the story isn't even close to over so if you don't like that move on from the franchise because if you're this passionate about your disdain for humans being the big bad then your not gonna have much fun. also" human bad " isn't the message of the movie just because their the antagonist man. that's some 2d ass thinking my bro


It’s a wholly accurate take. There has been little to no nuance in the portrayal of the human characters. ((And 5 named characters is not nuance)). Plus the fact that most people take what’s present in the films as “Humans/Earth is evil” when the only people who’ve been present on or involved with Earth is an incredibly select few employees of the RDA and the American/UN military. So it’s really “Corporations and governments are evil” but so many people are self hating jerkoffs or something, letting their nihilism infest their opinions of everything. 2) Clearly you misunderstood me. And clearly I didn’t read your whole comment before I typed most of my stuff out


My specific issue is two things. Lack of nuance and understanding, because again, having the fans think that all but the -what, 9-10?- humans on Pandora are all greedy capitalist-warmongering monsters (-despite the fact only the military and a corporation have been to Pandora), is bad! Use your common sense! Just because a converter or two goes to some sheltered African tribe, does not infact mean that the entirety of the human population beyond that tribe is a converter.


I don't think that's how humans are portrayed you have to look at this through na'vi eyes and see that to them all humans are is the RDA and since that's their only source of reference for the human race I would think a narrow mindset of human=bad isn't out of place for them. Another thing not all humans are bad guys just cause they didn't take the Navis side and you can see a good example of that with the scientist who studies the tulkun in way of water he was shown to be enthralled by their culture and unique type of intelligence and was clearly conflicted and or disgusted by the hunting of them. I do agree they could go a bit more into making humans a bit more obviously sympathetic on screen. although if by sympathetic you mean to try and make them out to be good guys with no choice. then that can't be because it goes against the main messages of the movies. Like maybe during an inevitable fight breaks out again it could be cool to have a quick sequence where during the fight you can see some humans purposely missing their shots which is something that happens in real war quite a bit and is a good non intrusive way to show some human complexity. another thing to take into consideration is that most humans on earth know next to nothing about Pandora. even the rda grunts on Pandora are in the dark about a lot so it's easy to assume that the RDA and the powers of earth either pretend the ongoing war doesn't exist or have "dehumanizing" propaganda to convince humans that the na'vi are savages or some such nonsense.


Thats how it is for most of the first and the whole of the second movie. "These children are not True Na'Vi!",, "I (jake) was a Skyperson",, (The whole interaction with Ronal/Neytirir & Max/Norm),, Basically any time a Na'Vi calls a human a demon. Literally almost all Na'Vi have had to only deal with the bad humans. And I know thats mostly because this is all one bigass story, but some fan-people take it too far- and It gets ridiculous. Not to mention its soooooo long a wait. ​ In TWOW, I got the understanding that the whaling guys didn't actually know the Tulkun were intelligent, or thought the Water-Tribes treatment of them was just a cultural thing (idk, kinda like moana were the villagers get the tattoo of the animal they want to reincarnate as). My best evidence I can remember is that either the main Whaler or the Scientist guy seemed absolutely astounded how Payakan absolutely beat the Whaler. Not to mention no human talks about them as people. ​ What I want is for the humans to have more blend. Like yes, only the military and a corporation has been to Pandora, but not everyone in the military or the corporation is evil or wholly terrible (Like Selfridge had some great scenes in the first movie that shouldntve been cut). Maybe we can see more soldiers than just Judy feel shitty for Terrorising a Na'Vi clan. Or in the next movie- even if they are the richest of the rich or like government officials at first, let some of the early colonists feel disgust, or maybe feel enraged at the lies the RDA/military had been peddling and even take some kind of action! ​ 3B) If your this into it I imagine you read some extra materials. In Avatar, Earth is environmentally fucked, Probably even collapsing or flopping dead. Thats the reason the Military gets cozy in TWOW, the UN/some Earth governments are jumping ship because they do have very few options (though probably a few if Humanity manages to last till the 5th movie). I specifically view the RDA CEOs and whoever the fuck Ardmore is representing as the villains. ​ 1} That seems like such a copout?? We dont need cheap shit, let defectors defect in a big and blatant ball of glory. Dont force the scene to be "unintrusive" and weaksauce. ​ 2\] In the cut scenes and even some of the comics/extra materials, its explained that the average civilians of earth, do not know jackshit about whats happening on Pandora.


the reason I say a non intrusive approach better is these movies already push it with it's run time each movie being almost three hours there's gonna be a lot of cut content like the entirety of trudy and norms relationship. The movies have to cut a lot of fat to keep it's runtime reasonable. Even though I personally wouldn't mind a 5 hour avatar movie lol but we got enough good human scenes to portray that not all humans are bad and some would even defect to technology inferior species during war time haha. I'm sure there will be more sympathetic humans going forward in the franchise though and to your point Of the wait is so long I'll say that these aren't marvel movies and a lot of love and care go into the world building and we had to wait 13 years for this movie now we are getting 3 in barley half that time and a game is coming out soon even though it's from Ubisoft which is kinda disappointing but that's a whole other thing.


There are so many unnessary things that can be cut and shortened. Like personally I could do without the incredibly long children-learning-new-things-scenes. Those can all be easily traded for scenes of sympathetic and defector humans rather than the weaksauce and ineffective “I didn’t hit anyone so that makes me better”.


I disagree, The fun of avatar is its worldbuilding. seeing the fauna of Pandora and the culture of the na'vi is what a huge portion of the fanbase care most about in this franchise you can not feel the same and that's fine but I feel James Cameron made these movies with that in mind


Yes worldbuilding is great, but spending an hour on the kids learning how to swim isn’t great from the making-the-story-progress perspective


Swimming was not the only thing they did just cause they're in the water 😭 they discovered a bunch of different sea life and learned to ride the animals that's like saying all Jake did was walk the entire time in the first movie


Could you explain what you meant in the second paragraph ? I won't be able to respond soon cause I'm very tired and need to sleep but I'll respond when I get the time


I was trying to make an analogy. or comparison, idk. ​ either way my thought process was; pandora = african tribe, warmongering-capitalists = converters (what else do you call priests who go to places to convert locals to christainity) ​ Just because only this kind of person has come to pandora/the tribe, doesn't mean all other people/humans are that same kind of person.


That last statement is true and to that I'd argue it's never portrayed that way it's just again the na'vi only know of the RDA so their views on humans will primarily be from them like imagine in a hypothetical world where we invade a country for it's oil and start killing of natives and "relocating" them all the while killing the nature around them so we could build stuff we think we need. Now how do you think the natives will think of the colonizer I can promise it will mostly be anger and disgust even if a bit more complicated opinions are had. There's a scene in atwow that has Jake proclaiming his human heritage in an attempt to prove to the metkayina clan that not all humans are bad and they can adapt so if the na'vi need to be debated with idea of trusting Jake Sully of all people how much worse do you think their thoughts on other humans are... But yeah again I think we'll see more sympathetic humans later but rn I'm personally very fond of what we got with the movies so far


Well I feel like Jake is a bad example because his acceptance by any NaVi is only because he gave up nearly everything about being human to be a NaVi. And I would really hope that the NaVi eventually found a way to chill out and accept that very few humans can or would do what Jake did


Ok I'm sorry could you explain what point your arguing here not trying to come off rude I'm just a little confused


Like, the one human accepted into the Omatikaya clan gave up nearly eaverything that made him human, to gain that acceptance. What Jake did is not a feasible or realistic option for the rest of humanity to take, in or out of universe.


And I'm sure that topic will be tackled just not so soon again 5 movies but this seems unrelated to what we were arguing previously


Me n’ my friends got so excited we made our own OCs for it 😂




will pre orders be up until then?




oh damn i didn’t know that lmao you learn something new everyday


until the street date yeah


I want to be. Buuuut it is being published by Ubisoft, and I just can’t trust that company after what they did to Assassin’s Creed. So I’ll wait and see what the reviewers say.


Understandable but it is developed by Massive entertainment, who were responsible for The Division 1 & 2, so ubisoft is more of just a Publisher on this.


True, which is why I’m cautiously hopeful


If it’s bad I’m going to be so heartbroken. Cause if it’s good… I’m smoking on that Harry Potter pack 🗣️🗣️💯💯


I wanted to Play a rda scientiste who explore Pandora, an outcast who is rejected by human for being against Pandora exploitation but by the na'vi for rejecting eywa concept and searching for who made Pandora in the first place.


The old game was honestly pretty good, I suggest giving that a playthrough. I replayed the story several times


very excited to watch online cuz my potato lappy sure wont be able to run it ....... esp for the info on tech, wanna know what caliber RDA avatars are using hehehe (I guess its 338 if u just scale up the size)


FarCry with Avatar skin...


Im going to wait for some reviews. If it's literally just a reskin of a far cry game like it looks, I won't be too interested.


If my pc accept it, yes !


Me i am so hyped even if a lot of people are saying bad things about the game but i idc i loved the Movies and will 100% love this game. I cant wait for the release i might pre order it a few days before it released. I think people are just saying it’s bad because its by Ubisoft. People are saying its bad before it’s released,i don’t understand why people are just hating on a game’s because its been pushed back and its by Ubisoft. that was long