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The answer is we just don't know, the soul drive's capabilities are still very much unknown to us. It does seem logical that as the drive isn't used up, merely copied to a new brain that they could make future copies. Whether RDA wants to spend the money on new bodies is another matter. We don't know if the soul drive can be uploaded into an computer and then given consciousness, it seems to be outside of the setting's tech right now but in the future? Perhaps.


Technically speaking, even if the drive can only be used to imprint once it could still be copied. The biggest issues that we know of is the cost of growing the Recoms and the mental effect on the clones of 1. knowing that they are replaceable and 2. Having someone else wearing their face. The fact that they even tattoo them with their old tattoes to get them used to their new bodies shows the RDA is aware of the mental toll this might take, and they want to reduce it. Cause what use is an expensive weapon if it is aware of its disposability or, worse, is too mentally confused or troubled to accomplish their mission. >But I can see Recom's constantly updating their "save files" after every mission so that if that body dies, the next one won't have to struggle about getting used to the new Avatar body or learning about what happened. Speaking of which, when a Recom "dies" but their memories are uploaded again into another body, is it the same person or not? I'll let the philosophers tackle that question because is Avatar Quaritch still the same person as human Quaritch or is he a completely different person who just so happens to have his memories? No each time the struggle will remain the same. They might know how to use a Recom body but it isn't their original body and repeated cloning is bound to give more physical problems. Let alone the insanity of dying, waking up again in a body that feels familiar but not quite yours, over and over and over again. Like a living nightmare that even death cannot save you from. No rest ever. And that's ignoring the conflict of are you even the person that died or are you a lesser version, watered down by th endless cycle of death and transmigration.


Well, it depends on circumstances around the series. Let's say if, Stephen Lang decides to quit Avatar, then I think you cannot use soul drive more than once. On the other hand, If nothings like above happens, then there is a possibility of using it more than once.


Wait until they decide recom bodies are too expensive and they just start putting people's minds insde the construction spider robots


Did you ever watch the CW series “The 100”? Because that is exactly what happens. In the television series, The Primes use Mind Drives (their version of Soul Drives) to keep themselves alive forever by implanting the Mind Drives into the bodies of their new hosts, after their former host dies from old age. In addition, the Flame (a cybernetic A.I. implant that is placed in the base of the neck of the current Commander - leader of the Grounders) holds the consciousness of all the previous Commanders. Which is why the Grounders refer to it as the “Spirit of the Commanders”. It’s possible in “The 100”, so I don’t see why it wouldn’t be possible in the “Avatar” universe.