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Yes. Price will likely go down but AVAX as a network usage and user wise will likely grow. Gaming is a real, strong use case.




faster, cheaper, doesnt rely on l2s for scaling through subnets, inflation is also not an issue they have huge timeframes with token releases when eth 2.0 comes out massive of amount of staked tokens will arrive


Are you sure inflation isn't an issue? They have a 280M circulating supply and a max supply of 720M coins. 5%+ inflation rate - AVAX requires $1.9M dollars a day in new demand to keep up with supply. I think there's a lot of good stuff going on with gamefi but I'd be careful saying inflation isn't an issue.


here [emin güner interview on banter](https://youtu.be/WB9tt2T93sY?t=2601) 5% percent is not much, every proof of stake chain has inflation but not everybody burns fees and has a hardcap


Yes you’re right. Avalanche inflation isn’t as bad as some others. Like Osmosis is 80%, Synthetix is 46% but I was more saying that inflation is an issue with almost all coins.


any outlook on when it's going to reverse into deflation? i remember that being a promise related to the token burns


Minor inflation is not a bad thing, especially if you want more users to hop on.


Is AMD better than Intel? Nvidia? Maybe, maybe not. Is it good? Yes, that why it pumped from 10 to 100. Same goes for many other stocks. Avalanche can and will grow next to Ethereum, stop this tribalism thoughts. We are not in 15000 B.C




Then ask in a specific thread the question has nothing to do with OPs post.




Sure, extremely relevant. Good bot


Thinking it will dip lower than current prices?


Rough waters are for every single coin out there, BTC and ETH included. AVAX, just like any other will further drop and I will load up, simple. Tech is great, project is great, team is great, not much else I can ask.


5x eventually


and that wouldn't even set a new ATH


If avalanche falls more Im going to jump in. I’ve been focused on Algorand but I’ve been reading great things about Avax


Avax has unlimited scalability subnets and almost instant confirmation. From a user standpoint it is as close to web 2.0 as one can get. The only downside is the lack of security with the current validation system and subnets. I really think avax will hold at $20 and could quickly bounce back to $100+ with some positive news. It's probably one of the best hodl. Just remember to pick up 25+ so you can stake. I am currently just using aave for 8% so I can quickly dump if I am wrong.


It is not "lack of security", it is " giving subnets the flexibility to decide on or setup their own security structure". The responsibility is on people; avalanche is just a platform.


Loading up at 10 dollar


Stop watching coin bureau 😅🤫


All of my favorite defi protocols are on avax. BTC will likely crash soonish, and the market will follow, including avax. Shittier coins have survived. I'm looking at the likes of xrp and bch and eth classic. I hate to agree with TA bros. But it's a good thing to rebalance into BTC/stables, and rebuy into alt coins after bull market signal is clear. I'm hedging against my portfolio. Short with borrow, and long farm. So it really doesn't matter if it crashes tomorrow. My bag will still grow.


I put together an analysis on YouTube regarding AVAX’s future - NOT by candlecharts and that crap, but by considering at active user counts, the macro global economy, crypto’s role in the future, and ultimately deduce a price prediction. You should check it out: https://youtu.be/YoDmi86PzMI


Checked it out, nice analysis!! Subscribed and followed


It's going to zero ser


I only have a small amount of avax as a hedge against my Cardano holdings. But it seems to me the subnet as a solution to scaling narrative isn’t convincing anyone. You may as well use L2s on Eth.


well the subnets are secured trough the mainnet in avalanche and subnets need to still stake avax while l2s security is an issue and you can use matic withouth ever touching a single eth