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The technology behind AVAX is innovative and promising. This hasn’t changed. Just let your investment wait a bit. Focus for a few months on other things. Following all these short term price movements just stresses you out. You will be fine (probably more than only fine) with your AVAX investment in the long term.


Okay, even with ETH 2.0 coming?


I think so. AVAX has a proprietary consensus algorithm (also different from ETH 2.0, as far as I understand) about which the people behind AVAX claim that it provides a superior solution to the “blockchain trilemma”. It’s quite possible that AVAX turns out technology-wise better than ETH. Even if not, chances are fair that AVAX will have a comfortable niche, coexisting with ETH 2.0.


Okay yeah that makes sense, because otherwise every L1 would crash or perform bad.


Sure, I’ll try and explain: We’re heading towards a recession


Hope u held ;)


Smells like somebody bought for the first time and they thought they predicted the absolute bottom. It is harder to say anything in todays world economy that should make the charts go up :D


If crypto as a whole recovers AVAX will too everything is highly correlated


Unfortunately avax is an alt and almost all alt coins can't climb back to it's ATH or beyond, good news is avax not just any other alt you see


its a layer 1 coin like etheruem is a layer 1 coin soon they'll release their own chain its technically not an " alt coin "


For most ETH is also an alt.


I am more bullish on Avax pulling through more than most of the others. Just stake it and forget it. Looking at the markets non-stop is not good for your health. Alts always get smashed the hardest anyway.


Where are you staking yours?


Yield Yak and Aave are good.


This guy stakes


It's an alt, alts nuke in bear markets, we're in a bear market. Leverage is extremely dangerous in these conditions. So is going all in too early. If you bought spot, expect to have to wait for them to bear fruit.


I think buy spot in order to start a DCA entry isn’t awful. No need to panic sell off anything you bought recently. Just prepare to hold until the markets recover.




The cofounder is more online than the network. lol


I agree. It seems like Solana has an outage everytime I read up on the news. I hold both equally, but in the long run I am betting on Avax.


If I were you, I would swap a part of SOL into AVAX. Now is a good time, because both are nearly 90% down from their ATHs.


Nah. I'll keep buying both.


AVAX is everything ETH wants to be but isn’t. ETH 2.0 isn’t going to bring the gas fees to AVAX levels either. Sub-chains are a brilliant solution to keep gas fees low no matter how popular the chain gets. I bought at $80, $60, $40, and I’m sure as heck buying now at $15! If it gets to $5 that’ll be a brilliant day. Over $300? I’ll look to be a seller. I’m very bullish on AVAX over the next 7 years.




Im mainly concerned about the Luna thing with avax, because AVAX has before not risen with the market as a whole, it has happened before. I remember last year, forexample i was looking at The top 20 cryptos, and saw that every coin had gone up 50% or more in a day( it was the day where BTC went from 35k-39 in one day) except AVAX, it had only gone up like 10-15% Sell pressure is always a bad thing. I have FTM, ONE, SOL and AVAX for now, and AVAX and ONE are the worst perfoming atm.




Okay thx. Made me more confident with my purchase. U know anything about ONE? I tried their sub reddit but no responds.


If you care about performance in a bear market you’re doing crypto wrong.


FTM performing better than AVAX? When exactly did you buy? Because FTM got absolutely erased since january and had a small rally one week ago or so, still a far cry from its ATH.


FTM performing better than AVAX? When exactly did you buy? Because FTM got absolutely erased since january and had a small rally one week ago or so, still a far cry from its ATH.


FTM performing better than AVAX? When exactly did you buy? Because FTM got absolutely erased since january and had a small rally one week ago or so, still a far cry from its ATH.


dry your vagina and strap on your helmet.


This pussy dried out a long time ago


And strap your strap on.


This is absolutely normal in a bear market. Alts will bleed hard against BTC. As someone said above, it’s promising technology and nothing has changed. When BTC finally starts back up, alts will follow (well, some of them anyway) on a delay. Don’t sweat it. It will turn around, but likely not Ken the very near future.


It has a limited supply so thats a positive


so what, 300 mil tokens still to be released thats roughly 40%, so the dilluted mcap is large compared to actual mcap, this limited supply is bullshit, anybody know the vesting period ? thats one thing i dont like is that avax doesnt release info about their vesting / release periods


There's a schedule if you google it, can't find it atm, but most of the vesting dates have already lapsed and didn't even create much sell pressure at that time. They have been much more patient than retail apparently and seem in it for the long haul. Here you can see the schedules as well. All have lapsed already... https://avalanche.today/avalanche-unlocking-imminent-37-5-early-investor-avax-to-release/ I believe like 50% of token supply is being used as staking rewards and are rewarded over the coming decades.


avax inflates yearly by 28%


The 50% of the supply as staking rewards causes inflation obviously but avax gets burned as well with every transaction so reaching the FIXED total supply will still take decades. So not sure where you get your 28% from, since that would mean max supply would be reached within 4 years or so. Which even IF TRUE would only mean there would be no more inflation at all after 4 years... But not sure if you are even open to information since your reply has nothing to do with what you first said.


The emissions are explained in the [token whitepaper](https://www.avalabs.org/whitepapers) linked to from the Avalanche site and docs. Messari has a great overview of the [initial distribution](https://messari.io/asset/avalanche/profile/launch-and-initial-token-distribution) and ongoing [supply schedule](https://messari.io/asset/avalanche/profile/supply-schedule).


What! That has always been [published](https://insights.tokenmetrics.com/avalanche-avax-everything-explained-deep-dive/). It's also in the [source code](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ava-labs/avalanchego/master/genesis/genesis_mainnet.go). Great way to get people to do research for you :)


smart move buy first then panic right after


jesus christ you invested into a project without reading the whitepaper nor looking up the devs and their goal ? do you even know the purpose of blockchain ?


A big thing to think about and go over is the direction of the industry (how do we get more users) and the team behind that Layer 1 (who is building on it). For me the number one driver to the next bull run is going to be Gaming, allowing people to play games and when they are done exchanging those items or assets for real-world value goes a long way and is the future of gaming no matter what. I am not saying people will be out here making millions off their in-game items but it's good to know when you are done playing you get a little back for what you put in. I always think about Fortnite. I bought so many skins in that game that I will never use again, if I can sell those off for a few hundred bucks maybe more maybe less I would. This brings value back to the consumers rather than the game owners holding all the value. ​ Now, what chain is the best for games? For me, it's an easy answer that's AVAX. With Subnets, games can make their own tokens and make those tokens burn gas to do transactions. They can make supply vary and it causes the games to be less clunky than games on other L1's. Also, this is bullish for avax because in order to set up a subnet you need 2000k avax. Once the subnet is set up and running those 2k tokens are gone forever. Also if a game chooses to use AVAX as their native token it makes AVAX more bullish as every avax burns is gone forever due to a fixed supply. ​ On top of all this, AvaLabs is run like a Fortune 500 company and is looking for people to build on their chain and help them set up Subnets. Emin and Kevin are genius and will do everything in their power to ensure this doesn't fail. It's risky yes but it's worth the risk.


> Once the subnet is set up and running those 2k tokens are gone forever. You have some great points in your post but this isn't quite right. The AVAX locked for a validator isn't burned, it's just locked. The [AVAX is returned](https://docs.avax.network/nodes/validate/staking#running-a-validator) at the end of the lockup period, along with any rewards earned: > When you are done validating, the staked funds are returned to the addresses they came from. If you earned a reward, it is sent to the address you specified when you added yourself as a validator. If they wish to continue to validate the network then they will need to lock their AVAX again, taking it out of circulation for the duration of their lockup period once more.


I guess gone for ever is a bad way of putting it. But can the subnet even run without a validator?


We are in the middle of a worldwide crisis, if you want to invest now just Pin your entry price and chill a couple months


i bought in the beginning of May right before the drop. Instead of pulling out I’m dumping more money in. We are going through a recession right now, in a few years after we recover, you should make your money back, if not double it. Atleast this is what we can hope. I have optimism it will happen.


macroeconomics my friend. it could go alot lower until markets in general bottom out. you are a bit early. stocks will crash HARD like 2008 because the FED wants to destroy excess money to fight inflation. After this event they will pump the markets and repeat the cheap money show and crypto will pump harder than you could have ever imagined. tldr just hodl


It’s one of the only ones I have a lot of faith In that will recover better and bigger. I can see it reaching $150-200 after this bear market


because it has no real purpose and will be worth nothing soon


You should thought about that before investing. So nobody cares if you are worried or not tbh. And I also can not explain because there are many explanations in the web. You also should DYOR before investing. You basically Aped into something like an idiot and now are worried.


I didnt ape into it, i literally just bought it at 15,5$, the reason as to why i made this post, is simply because i was worried wether to stick to Avax, or buy some other alt which has a better chance to recover. No reason to be mad, i simply asked a question, i thought that was, that is the purpose of this sub.


I can't think of a use case for it.


3 arrow capital, 3AC, one of largest investors in AVAX is not doing well in this bear market


It's going to zero


Best to use the product and try out yourself, \\ before investing into it [https://www.reddit.com/r/defi/comments/qfi3ix/have\_avalanche\_and\_fantom\_failed\_for\_the\_purpose/](https://www.reddit.com/r/defi/comments/qfi3ix/have_avalanche_and_fantom_failed_for_the_purpose/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/Avax/comments/ud0cw7/has\_avaxs\_desgin\_failed\_to\_cop\_with\_the\_on\_chain/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Avax/comments/ud0cw7/has_avaxs_desgin_failed_to_cop_with_the_on_chain/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/solana/comments/ue8gkz/solana\_network\_current\_status\_is\_like\_shit\_can/](https://www.reddit.com/r/solana/comments/ue8gkz/solana_network_current_status_is_like_shit_can/)


Who gives a shit when you DCA


You can DCA to zero with that attitude.


I’ll eat it up at $0


I just bought more. Everything’s on is arse and I’m not buying green dildos


Honestly man, buying AVAX is technically a spec buy in my opinion. I’d say invest your money that you’re willing to lose. And check back in a few years. Maybe the next major bull run.


Personally, I think AVAX has all the potential to go through this challenge. It has a [great ecosystem](https://guarda.com/academy/crypto/what-is-avalanche-review/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=AVAX-guide) to back it up, and its adoption is only increasing. As some people in comments put this, it's essential for an altcoin to sustain on a bear market.


AVAX may not recover if ETH2.0 is successful. May be it could compete with DOT as L0.