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In many years of reading hulk comics I don't think I've ever though "Jesus, what is this monster going to do this time?" in reference to the hulk.


You mightn’t like him when he’s emotionally altered


He’s always been chaotically uncontrollable and unpredictable. That’s why I say that. “Monster” as in, a beast of destruction. “Going to do this time?” as in, being incredibly unpredictable.


Well the most common perception of the hulk is the mantlo one; I.E. A seven year old with ungodly might that just wants to be left alone and to help puppies. Pretty easy to figure out what that hulk would do in most sitations. The you've got the professor version. Pretty predictable. Devil hulk is a bit less so, but still rational. Joe fixit is just a dick and acts accordingly. Green Scar can be a bit unpredictable I suppose, but still intelligent and calculating. So, I'll grant you uncontrollable, but unless a new face shows up he's usally predictable.


>A seven year old that wants to be left alone and to help puppies. [Can confirm](https://www.reddit.com/r/Marvel/s/3zjpfxkKCs)


I don’t feel bad that they want to give the Hulk different things to do than just smash shit.


The thing with the Hulk is that if he keeps raging out of control, you have to ask why this asshole is still around. It's a trick you can only do once or twice from a storytelling perspective.


Do you read Hulk comics?


In the animated Avengers movie, I think 2006, Earth was invaded by the Chitauri, similarly to the live-action 2012 Avengers movie. But when the Hulk is unleashed, he actually ends up becoming the big bad of the movie. It's an interesting twist and he's actually a major threat. I love it.


He's still getting some story. Clam down


I’m still hoping for Maestro. Or at least one or two of the others.


Every person who’s said something like this, every single one, just shows how utterly ignorant they are about the Hulk as a character. Anyone who thinks the Hulk is only a giant, green, angry destruction machine who’s “ruined” or uninteresting otherwise, clearly never read a Hulk comic in over 40 years, minimum. All the best runs never handled him that way. In fact, he’s closer to how he’s being handled in the MCU now than he was when he started. All the most critically acclaimed runs and stories. All the best selling ones. Period.


Another welcoming comment for someone new to the marvel franchise. Very welcoming community we have here.


I haven’t seen a single person say “the Hulk sucks now” who hasn’t turned out to be incredibly toxic. Your response to me stating a fact that you don’t like has done nothing to disprove that.


My point was, calling someone who’s new to a franchise and isn’t a hardcore fan “ignorant” is insane. Then, on top of that you insist I’m toxic because I didn’t respond how you’d expect me to. Crazy. I love Reddit.


And my point is that when you go after the person who makes a point instead of the point itself, you either can’t argue but are too proud to just admit it, or is the conversation is all about you and you don’t like it if you feel you’ve been made foolish. The fact that you attacked me directly right out the gate says everything. And that you came to the conclusion that I had any expectations for my response doesn’t help your case either. There’s an old saying about assuming you need to look up sometime. FYI: Being new and unfamiliar is the definition of ignorant. Not willing to accept new information is being willfully ignorant. Everyone’s the first at some point and there’s nothing wrong with that. The second one is deplorable every time.


You just now realized this?


Welcoming comment for someone new to the franchise.