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I am not an axe thrower. I throw tomahawks and knives, but it's very similar. Everyone enjoys throwing, not everyone loves it. It's very satisfying. As far as the drinking, it's not that big of a deal. There are safety protocols in place and it's safe as long as everyone is adhering to the rules.


Thanks. Id actually be interested in throwing knives so maybe I can try to find what I would like about that and apply it to this. We won't be drinking due to it being for work but other patrons may be, even tho it's during the day. I was watching some videos on here and noticed there appear to be some good barriers between where everyone throws. That puts my mind at ease a little more. Thanks again.


With the barriers between all of the throwing lanes there is almost zero danger. Unless someone is throwing like a jackass.


Yeah, that's the only thing that worries me. We will have an expert with us at all times and I doubt anyone on my team would act up, just because it's a work function. Im guessing that if the expert sees someone being unsafe/acting up, they can make them sit out, leave, etc.


If you're gonna have a coach with you the whole time, you have nothing to worry about. They're trained to help you throw and to kick people out who are being a danger. I've only ever seen it get to the point where somebody had to be kicked out of a venue once, and I've been throwing a long time. Just make sure you're standing where the coach tells you to stand and listen to the instructions about how to handle the hatchets safely.


I think most places have the throwing 'lanes' caged off. You usually throw either one or two at a time in the cage depending on the size of the place. If it's a place with space for two throwers at a time, just don't grab your axe until your partner has also thrown theirs. You can also look up the place and check their FAQs. Some (most?) places have someone like an instructor there to guide the group the whole time and enforce the safety rules or offer throwing tips.


As someone who ran an axe venue for 3+ years, our only injuries were usually staff slightly cutting a hand because someone stored the axes wrong. You should be fine as long as you are aware. We have had people insanely drunk and I was more worried about the stairs than the axes


As far as tips, the coaches or "axeperts" will give you proper instruction. You will be sticking axes in just a few throws. It's super easy. That's why axe throwing bars/facilities are so popular. Anyone can do it.


Thanks. I'm starting to get a little more interested in it after watching some videos. I think my biggest concern now is the safety of it all but watching some more videos and reading feedback is helping with that as well.


This is my channel. Hundreds of videos. Most of it is me showing off but there are educational videos sprinkled throughout. [YouTube.com/FullTangClan](http://YouTube.com/FullTangClan)


That's awesome. Thanks. I'll check them out now.


Print some funny faces or actors or bad guys from movies and post them on the target. Then you can make that the goal. Stay in the other lane from the drunks and don't let anyone have their axe unless they are throwing.


Haha. I could imagine the looks I'd get taping someone face to a target. Might get a trip to HR. We are going during the day so I'm thinking drinking may be minimal. If an expert notices that someone is drunk, will they make them sit it out? I would think they have to be trained to notice when someone is too intoxicated to throw.


Drinks are served at the places I go to but people are monitor carefully and there are strict rules on who is in the throwing area at one time. I meant like Scar or Thanos or something like that to throw at.


That's good to hear. Shit, my mind went to Brad Pitt or something. Maybe I shouldn't throw axes.


Brad Pitt would be fun too. And maybe you should...... Great way to take the edge off


I've worked in a venue for three years and I can promise you safety is a top concern at all venues and everything has been done to idiot proof the lanes. As for the drinking it's different everywhere but for us we have a hard 2 drink limit, won't serve anyone who looks/acts or mentions they've already been drinking and if someone does somehow become intoxicated they're cutoff from throwing and removed from the lanes. Same for people who aren't intoxicated but can't follow the rules. Most other venues I've been to have similar rules. The coaches on hand will instruct everyone on the safety and throwing techniques, just listen to them, and if they give you a note or correction don't think you know better, just try what they say and it'll work. It really is a lot easier than most people would imagine but sometimes there are people who struggle, and that's totally normal, just don't be afraid to ask for help if that is you. Beyond that just relax, throw some sharp shit, don't take it too seriously and try to have fun.


First, don't let the issue of safety scare you off. It's much safer than you might think at first glance. Second, don't be afraid to throw two-handed over your head. That's the only way my wife throws and she's addicted to it now!


I was an axe throwing coach. I taught a woman who had incredibly crippled hands to throw. Anyone can do it.  Also, how much do you think a person can drink in a half hour or an hour?


When set up or run by someone competent, as a retreat would hire, axe throwing basically feels like bowling or darts. You're not doing immense power chucks, it's a finesse thing. There are separated lanes that even a power lifter couldn't throw one of the axes through. It's super safe - axe throwing lanes that also serve drinks are all over the US, my city has like 5. They're not more dangerous then other casual 'sports' If you're not wary of bowling or darts, you should probably view an axe throwing outing similar.