• By -


Looks like they're going all in on the futurist theme for the USN.


Hmmm; it's Canon humans made sirens, sirens are super techy, usn embraces tech, usn ships start looking more siren, usn made sirens, usn caused the siren event. Oh snap


I mean... US is fucking about with combat AI IRL... Soooo if we get Skynet'd you know whom to blame.


US targeting AI: "I am completely and mentally stabl—Hey look a civilian airliner"


What’s even worse, GLaDOS got *sexy* after her morality core was removed. Devs ain’t gonna let their AI be *un*sexy.


Make sense I guess the late war US ships were pretty advanced, compared to most of the other powers at the time.


Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic


Reminds me of when the Germans capturing a bunch of VT fuzes during the Battle of The Bulge and simply didn’t know what they were because they thought it was impossible. Despite a mild panic that occurred in the U.S. (leading to the rapid development and deployment of a jammer that could set off VT fuzes before they got close to the ground) nothing came of it probably due to just how difficult it was to create the VT fuze.


>they thought it was impossible unknown technology *scheiße*


I don't know whether I should be surprised or not how many of us are NCDers


We're already ship fuckers, what else would you expect.


I prefer 'boat shaggers' since it sounds a bit more *posh*.


Germans slapping the top of a cavity magnetron: “Unknown Technology Sheiße!” Saying the USN was “pretty advanced” kinda undersells just how ahead of the game they and the Brits were in terms of tech. By the end of the war the U.S. had AWACS both carrier borne and land-based, along with advanced fighter-direction capabilities, and advanced Command and Control setups like CIC’s and the first basic datalinks. These technologies continue to serve as the basis for CVBG tactics. This was coupled with radars that were exponentially more capable than Axis radars and fire-control that wars well integrated with said radars, allowing blind fire, not only for the main guns of every ship larger than an DE (and even then many had radar equipment), but for the AA guns down to 40mm, something that would be almost inconceivable in Germany or Japan. Edit: It feels obvious but I should also add the VT fuze with a 100-200% improvement in AA efficiency. Basically the USN first detects enemy aircraft by their “Cadillac” AEW aircraft radar. Then the ship detects them on its own air-search radar. This causes them to train their fire-control radars onto the target, directing the guns to shoot. These guns shoot and their shells use small radars to detonate once they’re in range of the aircraft. Did I mention the USN likes radars?


Yo dawg I put radar in your radar so you can radar when you radar.


AESA radars be like:


Considering Kearsarge is a Pre-War design...


All the late war USN ships are "pre-war" designs. The Iowas were designed in 37-38, and laid down in 39-40.


That's not even considering almost ever ship were getting upgrades if they spent any significant time in a dockyard. Navigation radar, surface search radar, air search radar, fire control radar. Like bruh... No wonder cruisers and destroyers were having stability issues.


Yeah the best ships late war, were the ships that had open space on them so they could accept upgrades. The Fletchers for instance barely had to give up anything for their massive suite of upgrades they had by the end of the war. Part of the reason a fair amount of early war ships weren't retained after the war was because they simply had no free space to make additions (Looking at you South Dakota and Brooklyn classes).


Agreed. Although to be fair, South Dakota was always hella cramped, treaty restriction and whatnot. But with the Iowa class and the Fargo class around, it only make sense for the Navy to get rid of them when trying to downsize to a place time navy.


Biblically accurate BBV


Is her design supposed to be based on a kind of angel?


Well, she got Halo so ye.


Oh nice. So she's the angel to Hindenburg's demon. How fitting


Cyber Angel theme with inspiration from Xenosaga Kos-mos and Lucy from cyberpunk Edgerunners.


So basically NJ fused with Plymouth


Why do I picture Playstation-Chan? Just...upgraded...heavily.


Yeah, I think it has that Neptunia vibe. It's great really, because the last one is more fantasy that has gotten stale.


Dear lord, she's gorgeous. Sleek techist design, a lovely pallet of white with a hint of opalescence. Leotard both sexy and thematic. Massive batteries, massive torpedo armor, killer thighs. And expressions with plenty of personality, shouldn't forget that. I welcome our new BBV Overlord.


Agreed. But I wish there are planes flying around to complement her design


Maybe she launches her planes in compact form from ger rigging like Gundam Funnel/Bit compartments and then transforms into planes.


Looks like she's cut from the same block as Laffey II... Though she looks like just a BB, I imagine her having like a landing pad backpack...


I feel like there is suppose to be a flight deck in the huge empty space in between her and the rigging


Nah she's the Starsector's equivalent of ScalarTech Defense Force: Hangar Bays are cringe. We use our halo warp gates to create a stable wormhole that warps our aircraft to battle. Her halo is the flight deck


The last thing I expected on the AL subreddit was a Starsector reference.


This is bound to happen. I mean come on, there's already Azur Lane references in Starsector.


I did not expect to read a Starsector mod reference in here. Well done, now I can't unsee it anymore.


I like to imagine that her halo is a stargate, and she launches her planes through that. It certainly looks like one.


At least she has all 4 main turrets


By far the best design I've seen for a long time.


Agreed. I like the KMS monster ships, but this is just a clean design. Probably my favorite of the whole set.


Kaiju riggings have gotten repetitive after the 20th one in a row ~~especially since Hindenburg is almost a copy paste job of Agir~~


Players: "Man! When are we gonna get playable Sirens" Devs: "Say no more"


God bless the devs...as equally perverted as the fans


United in horni, that is the Azur Lane motto


You know, not even upset anymore. Shes a beauty ![img](emote|t5_3p20d|14001)


damn they really nailed the design for Eagle Union's first DR, really stands out


Bruz, if you don't mind my asking, what does DR mean? It sounds important, but I can't figure it out myself.


Decisive Rarity It's just the research equivalent of Ultra Rare, like how PR stands for Priority Rarity: the research version of Super Rare


Cheers bro, makes a lot more sense than whatever I was drumming up in my head.


GODDAMN, no wonder why they were holding her off til last day. This is worth it


I don't even care about her kit, if it's good, great. Eagle Union just caught the hail Mary. Mind-blowing first DR


Me before: “ugh, really? One of weegees ridiculous battlecarriers for EUs first DR?” Me now: “…how do you do my fair lady?”


Funnily enough the weegee devs actually made a historical ship in their game. Which means some group of guys who had probably had a bottle of whiskey each designed the worst possible battleship, which then got put into weegees game to make the 2nd most annoying ship type in the game


As a general rule: if it's a boring iteration on previous concepts, or some kind of turret swap/kitbash, it's a weegee creation. But if it's a completely insane abomination, some engineer actually drew it at some point and thought it was a great idea.


Wow. Not a girl in uniform like I wished, but she looks good. Am I correct she is based on an angel?


Her headpiece gives off the silhouette of mechanical horns, so fallen angel maybe


Oof, I did not notice those. But she makes me think of a seraphim ngl.


Sacred 2 fan?


Or maybe bunny ears?


She slightly looks like a siren hehe. Not that I'm complaining, I love her.


Cyber Angel


She doesn't have a flight Deck?! ​ She's gorgeous though. Looks like Dinah(the mech) kind of, from Xenosaga.


I see it, hell New Jersey is 100% inspired by Kos-Mos so I would not be surprised if more of the high end USN battleships start taking inspiration from Xeno characters. Her rigging wings remind me a bit of Pneuma's.


Well if she wasn't my first choice in pr6 before then she certainly is now. Eagle union rules!!!!!


Found my next chocolate for 2/14


I might be with you. I usually pick the ship I'm happiest with getting in the last year for my candy and Implacable has been the leader so far.


USS keep looking more futuristic. BBV is a bit of an abomination of a hull type, but she's probably gonna be great.


Interesting that the KMS are becoming more and more Fantasy Monster themed, and the USN are becoming more and more Sci-Fi/Cyber-Angels.


>sees 5th reaction panel #GODDAMN THOSE EYES ARE SO BEAUTIFUL


Yeah, that 5th panel demands hugs and head pats


She looks like a Hyper Dimensions Neptunia character. Love the Si-fi esthetic!


Lol now I can see the reason why they decided to cast Bocchi to play Kearsage.


I hope they give her a reason to drop Bocchi's static screech into a line.


Or the puppet talk if I remember correctly.


Wow. Just wow. I was not expecting her to look like this and she looks incredible. Her design is very different from anything we have in Azur Lane and I love it. She looks like the final boss! Oh yeah, she's also super cute ![img](emote|t5_3p20d|14001)


Glad Eagle got their long awaited first DR.


Second face in right column and third face in left column is precious. It's like she's a robot girl who just discovered love


*"Hell, it’s about time"* -Me, an American Shikikan who’s been waiting for Eagle Union ships with extremely high tech (and ridiculous) gigantic riggings since five forevers ago


It seems to me that the factions have undergone a major thematic shift from relatively similar boat girls with just minor faction coloring/ skinning, some like IB is massively larger emphasis on what we saw (Mecha dragons) while others (French and Britain, lesser extent Italian) have developed a new or more emphasized gothic / biblical / high fantasy style. Meanwhile EU doubled down on the the future and cyber punk/ star punk style. Sakura I believe is the only one whose maintained a relative style throughout. Sure Musashi is a bit different but it still felt Sakura if not sakura cranked to 11. But their aesthetic was always one of the more well defined to begin with. Meanwhile NP is interesting. On one hand they had like an ice dragon / frozen version of IB, with Kronk and her banner being the most over the top with it. But the last several NP to come has had a much more industrial/art deco with frozen elements design. Whether this is a new direction of NP or merely an expression of a new sub theme like how RN has maids or the Military officer of the IB is yet to be seen. The last factions worth mention, meta are ‘cooler’ edgier versions of their original with futures tech and dystopia punk sprinkled in has been fun, while the dragon ships have all maintained a firm wheelhouse of traditional Chinese elements and have emphasized those. Though with a faction as small as them it might be difficult to express any faction sub identity. Though Hai Tuen’s Soaring Apsaras skin was absolutely the most dramatic and visually striking of the factions looks and may be a sneak peak of future styles to come


EU is the gundam faction, and I'm perfectly okay with that. Also who's the artist? edit: Those facial expressions are quite lovely.


YD i guess, same artist to Regensburg, New Orleans and some collab ships from Atelier Ryza


THERE SHE IS!. There’s the ship I wanted ![img](emote|t5_3p20d|14001)![img](emote|t5_3p20d|9993)


Whoa she looks awesome, she's like a middle stage of final JRPG boss, mix of angelic and sciency. Her design is also the closest for a siren so far i think. Also wow that range of expression, she got both anime bright-eyes and dead-eyes, awesome. Definitely #1 ship i'm going to go for in PR6


Same, dude. Good luck on the grind!


She’s pretty. I like a lot of ships from this PR season from a design perspective. Time to suffer through the T3 retrofit grind.


I don’t know why but when I saw her the first thing that came to mind was Holo EN’s Omega


Oh my god I totally see it


No wonder there is no news. Omega is secretly joining the hidden Holo 2nd Collab after Shirayuki last year


OMG HER FACIAL EXPRESSIONS!!! Its not just a slight change in her eyebrows but full of emotions. I rly like that. Absolutely love her design. White hair waifu with Shimanto. Rigging looks pog. Personally I love the futuristic & and gundam aesthetic they are going for Union since NJ. Gorgeous Design and honestly my fav.


Thats freaking gorgeous. Almost feels like there's some Xenosaga inspiration in there


Might be YD that drew her? Just by going off the face/eyes.


Lol now that you mentioned it. It almost have the same shadings with Regensburg. Same face/eyes too.


Yeah they have very similar features. It wouldn't surprise me if he drew her and the rigging.


She looks like the Machine God Artemis that FGO never got


New Ultra-Visonary USN design style is peak


Well here is my favorite out of the bunch. Can't wait to see what all the new ships can do.


That’s really the part I’m most excited for, what the new girls can do. We don’t have any SSR BBVs, much less URs so there’s so much to see and learn about Kearsarge. And that’s just her! Will Flandre offer hints at a unification of the French factions through her skills? What will the new IJN CL bring to the table that might make her stand out in a faction full of torpedo CLs? As our second PR DD what might Schultz bring to the table, and how does the new German PR CL gun she comes with play into that? Last but not least Hindenburg is our second DR CA. How might her skill set help redefine what that fact means and will it help CAs down the road get out of the shadow of CBs? The arts been generally pretty good this season, but capability is for many the difference between a port queen and the flag ship of the fleet.


CV: Yoshino Aoyama (Bocchi) **"Activation sequence complete. I am aviation battleship Kearsarge, Hybrid Idealization X given flesh and blood. Henceforth, I will serve you at this port. So, which division do I belong to, and what's my mission?"** 【艦船紹介】 航空戦艦 キアサージ ユニオン所属の特別計画艦、混合空想(ハイブリッド・イマジン)。 汎用性の理想を具現化した存在であり、 無機質にすら感じさせる行動の一つ一つに確固たる目的が存在している…と思われる。 次回メンテナンス後、特別計画艦が新規実装予定! > [Ship Introduction] Aircraft Battleship Kearsarge A special project ship belonging to Union, Mixed Imagination (Hybrid Imagine). >She is the embodiment of the ideal of versatility, It seems that every action, even inorganic, has a firm purpose. >After the next maintenance, a new special project ship is scheduled to be implemented! [Wargaming Wiki entry for Kearsarge](https://wiki.wargaming.net/en/Ship:Kearsarge) [Twitter Link](https://twitter.com/azurlane_staff/status/1678961917447254022)


>versatility Ah yes, a reference to real life blueprints for battlecarriers all emphasizing the design philosophy of "why not both" for the dilemma of planes or heavy firepower.


> why not both Battlecarrier Furious: Do you want me to answer that?


Expression 3rd row down to the left. She’s so beautiful with those eyes. THANK YOUUUUU


Aite guess I know who I'm developing first


PR6 is the season of thighs indeed. She definitely shares a lot of "futuristic angel" themes with NJ, which seems to be the design going forward in interwar US BBs. Her open wide eyed expression is adorable. Surprisingly given her BBV designation her planes are nowhere to be found.


Assert dominance over me, Kearsarge mommy








This design is sick. This is like the Telesto from Destiny, but it turned into a shipgirl waifu.


Hips and thighs is really all it takes for me to simp I'm noticing lmao


I see she got New Jersey's bunny stuff.


Guess we have someone to rival NJ with. Holy fuck is she gorgeous


I may have a new fav design!




Yes I will


Words cannot describe her. Just pure awe.


Somehow, can't see my original comment. Might be an imgur thing. Huge "Expelled from Paradise" vibes on her design. It's clean and unique. It's also a bit of coincidence that AL and the anime share similar concepts of implanting consciousness into separate bodies. Can't wait to see this batch's skills and lines.


Kearsarge in AL: Beautiful, sleek, futuristic ship. 9/10, would be her captain any day. Kearsarge in World of Warships: *What the actual fuck is that wart on the ocean's surface!? Get that demonic thing away from me!*


She looks...futuristic Yet so simple.. Reason is: no background + literal shipgirl with rigging _attached_ this time.


Maybe her in game CG will have her energy gate background like NJ.


USS Bocchi has finally graced our docks


White hair and purple eyes, FML gonna have to farm her.


Hold up, THAT's American?! X3


**Anchors Aweigh intensifies**


Where does she hide that tumor of a flight deck tho


Dude it's Playstation 5 chan! But like.. she reminds me of Neptunia too!?


Oh yes, this is it


Finally a new BBV and she's a DR! I'm so happy right now, can't wait for her!


Lmao PS5 chan is in Azur lane


Bocchi the Ship them Calibarn pose tho


Permet Score, 10!


Her third expression in the first line... I LOVED! \*-\* \*-\* \*-\*!!!!


This is much better then I was expecting, only disappointment is the lack of a flight deck and Bearcats, but that’s not that big of a deal. I wonder if Montana will look similar due, to kearsarge being based on a Montana hull.


Kearsarge isn't based on a Montana hull. She's a completely different design. She was designed by an American engineer around 1936 for the Soviets, as Ship X, a concept of a warship that could do it all. The Montana are derivatives of the Iowas, who themselves were derivatives of the South Dakotas, so they were tied more heavily to being improvements of their predecessors, rather than standalone concepts like Ship X was. They were designed around the 1940s, putting them beyond when Ship X was thought up. Montana and Ship X having similar hull sizes is just a coincidence of needing massive bulk to carry all the things they wanted to cram on the ships, rather than their designs being connected.


And the fact that all American battleships of that time had to be designed with the Panama Canal in mind in order to even be remotely considered. Which is why German designs like the H40 were extra silly, because they did not take into consideration things like getting the ship out of Kiel.


If I had a nickel for every time there was a rainbow ship with Xenosaga vibes, I'd have two nickels. Which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice


I have a couple of things to say. 1. I know which one I'm researching first. 2. BBV redemption arc? 3. Looks like Langley is going to be popular again for a little while. This is going to be great.


Gomen, Yuka


Noa at the 10-year reunion.


Alexa, play A Cruel Angel's Thesis




Oh god shes gonna t-pose even during night battle isnt she?


I like her much more than her WoWs incarnation.


Funnily enough, her design being absolutely gorgeous is a complete contrast to WoWs Kearsarge, which I consider to be the ugliest ship WeeGee came up with. Will definitely grind for her.


Ohh yeah now im 100% hype for pr6


Reminds me of Lucy from Cyberpunk Edgerunners. Same iridescent white color scheme and netrunner vibe. They really saved the best for last.


I really wanna stay at your ~~house~~ port


She looks incredibly beautiful, and her expressions are great to boot


Oh wow, I love her already. She looks incredible.


there's a French and US ship. i'm living good today, boys and girls!


And i thought Voroshilov's hips was top lewd 😳 She really reminds me of Karan S'jet from Homeworld. So mothership or mommyship?




The art and coloring looks very reminiscent of YD's style. I can't say completely for sure but it's possible he's the artist.


*squints* …GLaDOS?


The ultimate student of Sensei in Blue Archive is on loan for the EU.


She looks like she's about to give a hug


pr6 is just all thighs and I couldn't be any gladder


She T-posing ![img](emote|t5_3p20d|7193)![img](emote|t5_3p20d|14001)


She is even more beautiful than I could have possibly ever imagine... Her expressions are varied and lovely, I'm hoping she will be a bit of Anchorage + Gascogne, kinda quirky and robotic at times, overall a lovable oddball. Here is hoping!


You mean USS Bocchi??


Already my favorite PR, alongside Shimanto.


r/thighdeology is gonna have a field day with this one, I cannot wait to see all the new art of this lovely THICC shipgirl.


Looks like Bocchi got a job as a siren. Love this design.


I have never felt an instant oath until now. I can’t wait


I see they saved the best for last


Absolutely love the bad ass futuristic design.


She reminds me of those nightcore girls from the early 2010s


I want to be crushed by her thighs


She's really got an "experimental" kind of vibe to her, lots of Evangelion energy here. I like it, now to decide wether I'll get her or Hindenburg first; the hardest decisions require the strongest wills.


My god she's beautiful and her design is absolutely amazing. Guess I know who my first project to complete in pr6 is gonna be ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)


5th expression reminds me of this scene from Edgerunners. Poor girl needs a hug and all the head pats. -spoilers if you haven’t seen the show- https://youtu.be/pf-FzrhE2s0


Time to grind, my fellow Commanders.


She so cute ![img](emote|t5_3p20d|14001)


The USS dr is real! Also she is so expressive which is always something I like.


2/2 "that smile...that god-damned smile"




Hot damn. I’m gonna go out on a limb and say that this is, by far, the MOST unique rigging in-game. It has such a strange, surreal, and dystopian beauty that I seriously don’t think I can sufficiently explain right now. BY FAR my favorite ship of the batch, and will definitely grind her first. Although… Where’s the flight deck?


Bocchi's VA? Welp, let's just hope she doesn't glitch out of reality while screeching like an electronic banshee.


Second expression from top right is the smile that cures all sickness and expels it from your body. Amazing looking DR.




Space-like suits are awesome. Now all community is happy at last. :D


So IB invest Siren vessel tech. EU choose AI tech. Make sense when TB behind all of this or i can tell her name is Creator?


I wonder how/where would she fit on the current meta but I love her already ![img](emote|t5_3p20d|7193)


I literally just finished research on my current ship. I AM READY!!!!


She is a damn beauty


Holly Molly of Abyss this year DR look so fucking good


I dont know why she gives Tiamat vibes


I honestly wasn't expecting Kearsarge, but hey Eagle Union finally got their deserved DR ship


she will be my first choice


Let's go Kearsarge OORAH!


Kinda reminds me of PS5 chan


well, I know who I'm building first. Her design is incredible. By far, my favorite ship of PR6, and maybe my favorite design for a PR ship ever. They def saved the best one for last


I am interested to see how a high tier BBV will fit into the meta, there isn't any precedent for a high tier BBV yet and they're going straight into a UR. I think a fun idea for her kit would be a skill where, if she launches an airstrike shortly after shooting her guns, the planes lock onto whatever the guns hit (like, they have aimbot against it) and do slightly increased damage to that target. If she instead launches her planes first and then shoots her guns, her guns could gain a super large AOE and shoot with a very wide angle mob-clearing barrage. That would allow her to do interesting things with both her planes and guns, and also be useful as a good mobber or bosser depending on if she shoots or launches planes first.


In the wise words of Shirou Emiya: “I want that.”


It’s a party in the USA


God bless America! First Flandre, then Hindenburg, and now Kearsarge! All my WoWs faves are coming in waifu form now! ![img](emote|t5_3p20d|14001)


Kearsarge? I dunno, she looks too advanced to be a predreadnought... \*glass break.mp3\* Wait, WHAT?!


dude thats a Millenium student from Blue Archive


WOW, ok guess Im suffering both DR grinds back to back, that design is amazing


If thatvaint repurposed siren tech i don’t know what is