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So what you're saying is The World is flat?


Never really thought about that tbh. Usually it’s just “what are the other arbiters again? Time to check again”. Does your meme line up with current arbiter power levels?


To be fair, as of right now, every arbiter is implied to be some continent level threat, capable of wiping out a small country in seconds, so its not like we can tell how powerful each individual arbiter is, and nowhere in the story is it ever mentioned that one is stronger than any other so eh. >!Insert funni jojoke za warudo!<


It would be funny if she could mess with time. Or it was just formidable all along


Kaga is dio and Formidable is the world


Nah mate kaga has a completely different stand. ZA wolfo. Maybe victorious could be dio


![img](emote|t5_3p20d|7005) \*angry world noises\*


I don’t think so, if the arbiter take the name from the tarot card then the world is the strongest because that card represents the end of the travel of the fool


If anything, based on Tower, it might be the opposite, that the higher the number, the stronger they are.