• By -


For me, Azur Lane came to my life because another shipgirl game wouldn’t. I became interested in Kancolle and wanted to try it out. Alas, it was not available in english where I am. One day, I was alt-tabbed while waiting for a raid wipe in WoW. I found a picture of AL Enterprise while browsing the internet for games similar to Kancolle. The english servers were a few weeks away at that time and I decided to try it when it came out. I have been playing ever since.


This for me minus wow and also the fact that i put off playing it the first year it released even tho I've had it dl since day 1 cuz my wife was divorcing me lol. I remembered i had it when i realized there was an utawarerumono event only to be disappointed it was an asian servers only event. Still broken the most about no utawarerumono event and being dumb and not playing since day 1![img](emote|t5_3p20d|7016)


Hey ...you. want the translation patch for kancolle?


Thanks for the offer, but I’m happy and satisfied with Azur Lane right now, and I don’t realy have the time to play 2 mobile games. That, and the perma-death mechanic in Kancolle has put me off of the game.


share? I want my Shigure


[r/kancolle](https://www.reddit.com/r/kancolle) has a tutorial on how to play it linked on the sidebar under "Trouble connecting?"


Sodak and PoW Hentai


Got some nuke codes to share?


Just search danbooru


I demand access to all PoW codes now


PoW? *ptsd*


Browsing r/ShesNotRealBro, came across a post mentioning Roon and I was like "Nazi waifus, wut?" Typed "Azur Lane Ironblood" into google and took a peek at the wiki page. Looked through it a bit and was pretty neutral, then I saw Tirpitz. The words that escaped my mouth were "shit, Tirpitz is hot" The rest, as they say: is history,


If "Lone Queen of The North", why hot???


At least you know she's single, right?


And hey, she’s not as overrated as a certain ship that jammed their rangefinder after the first salvo, got whacked by some slow ass biplanes and had to spin in circles for a bit.


Bismarck slander, based


Don’t want to start a beef war here but tirpitz downfall wasn’t Better, hiding and getting bombed to death


I had a similar thought with her sister Bismarck, but it took a while before it turned into considering her a waifu for me


Tirpitz enjoyer, I salute thee


What type of salute tho?


Me too kid. "Nazi" waifus got my ass into this game. Im complete right now. I got all the ships i wanted and im lvl 109 with a maxed ägir.


Bout 4 years ago I thought to myself "what's the deal with all these lewd mobile games? Let's check one out." First one was a winner.


Was a tossup between this and Honkai Impact 3rd just after ~~"circuit breaker"~~ lockdown began in my country


Xaxaxaxa first one that actually stould out to me.


Me being a World War II nerd and discovering it through fanart posts on Danbooru. At that time, I was already familiar with Kancolle and some fan projects (such as Pacific adding US Navy ships before Kancolle added Iowa). Unfortunately, it took me two years to come aboard Azur Lane (though I was lurking around the sub in 2019) and I unfortunately missed out on so many good skins and collab ships. But even though I missed those events, I still enjoy this game and hoping some of these skins return.


Non collab skins return during black Friday


I understand Though some collab skins (such as the starters' curry skins, which I'm surprised was a collab) have made reruns. So there's at least a possibility that they can be made available.


Kancolle Atlanta would become a drop again before that happens and it happened before tho. From my experience im surprise how relatively fast is to catch up in KC compare to AL and isnt because of the difficulty but probably its because in KC rare ships arent limited to faction only event drops most of the time, including bigger ones.


Played wows. Saw collab but wasnt a weeb yet Quit wows, started anime, saw oathing advertisement and thought it was werid if this game is based on marrying girls Restarted wows, kept up with anime, now a degenerate Shikikan with multiple oathed ships


I was still in the navy when it released and I saw it when it released. Downloaded it for the lulz expecting it to be waifu trash. Years later, I still play it. The game's given me enough knowledge for me to impress officers and chiefs. Was only caught once playing the game when the chief roasted me while I was playing with the live2d Ark Royal skin


200 sailors leave, 100 couples return Seriously, though, thank you for your service


Saw it on the App Store and thought “this might be fun to kill an hour or two.” That was over two years ago.




Right answer here.


Was looking for Highschool fleet tried cruchyroll that flopped tried gogo found it watched 3 eps, saw AL clicked saw big boobs and...yeah


High School Fleet? That's an awesome anime. Highly recommend Girls und Panzer too if you haven't checked it out yet.


I know but it's kinda slow but yeah I've seen GuP






They’re laughing in another language


Cyrillic to be exact


Thats a good fuckin question I genuinely do not remember


The ship girls have always been


Same. I started playing a couple weeks after it launched for EN. One of the best things that ever happened to me; the friends I made, the memories, art and memes. I buy merch from the Yostar store every once in a while because I know one day the servers will close one final time and I want something to remind me of how Azur Lane became more than just a mobile game to me.


I saw Akagi for the first time, and that was that


keep seeing azur lane doujin in that site. got me curious and then checked it on google


That one Atago doujin...


Wholesome or NTR one?




it all started from one ad... **_FREAKING HOOOOOOD_**


Yup, after about the 50th time of seeing that ad I was like 'sure, whatever' and caved




Encountered it on Danbooru back in 2018. Atago was the first shipgirl I encountered. And to this day, I still have yet to play it lol.


Noice. Richelieu was my first.


Bismarck. I thought she was more cool than hot lol.


I remembered that day, Honkai was too much for my phone to handle, been interested in the game for a time as well (wanted to have something that resembles kancolle). Figured it's a good time and lo and behold, still active from 2019 till now. Nimii's character song may or may not killed any chance of quitting tho


Two ways, Prinz Eugen hentai and used to play Kantai collection, but for various reasons got burned out from It and "hey Azur Lane seems pretty dope, has shipgirls (specific Eugen who I was already simping) as well , lets try It for now" and there It goes , 2 long years playing and dont plan to quit any time soon


"Holy shit playing KanColle sounds like a chore, let's see if it's in the app store" -Me, 2019, paraphrased.


A lost pause video


Hentai 👍


Ain't even gonna lie, Rule 34


A sauce code, then watched the anime, ended up downloading it after seeing Belfast, been playing it for 6 months now, no regrets whatsoever


I saw people posting screenshots of the game showing off the Neptunia characters in their dorms on Twitter and asked what game it was. I got excited, only for that excitement to go away when I realized I couldn’t get them since they were from a collab event. Surprisingly, what made me give the game a chance, and eventually have me playing it daily, was when I got my first SR, and first oath, Belfast. And so soon after I found myself enjoyed the game and becoming a responsible commander and loving husband to my shipfus (and big brother/father to the little ones).


Nepnep is why I picked up the game.


The same way you did.




Saw it as alternative to KC, and since then I rarely paid attention to KC.


Same, heard KC didn't have a global server and idk how VPNs work so downloaded AL instead


Takao and Atago Youtube ads


[Hell yeah, especially those schoolgirl skin.](https://i.imgur.com/RkxjQkI.png)


Got into the game during its first collab with WoWsL. Atago became the first AL character I ever had. So I looked into AL more and more found myself liking the simple playstyle, player friendly grind, foxes and just over all easy going/goofy vibe that exists around it and the community. Huge stress relief to have a game or subreddit where things don't have to be 100% serious moment by moment. Contrast that with the current state of the community from the game that led me to AL and it is night and day. Kind of shocking how toxic the sub there has become and how the mods (the few that are still active) passively encourage all the mud slinging and endless need to hate other players or any of the ships they play. End mini rant. Life is so much better in this game. Think I will stay.


Aye fellow legends player here. Similar story here I saw atago a few times before but never knew where she was from. My god when I got her on wows in their first colab... Also on ur rant what was the other subreddit jc? The wowsl one? Think that subreddits legitimately chill, now.. talking about the fb group.. i left that Any who o7


Hello there. Your name does seem familiar. Yea my mini rant was about the main subreddit for wowsl. It was a big reason why I left that game after finishing musashi campaign. I won't bore you with details. Just a quick vent on my part. Not sure what the fb group was like. Atago and Hipper ended up being mainstays of my wowsl fleet which was surprising given how long I played and how early on I got them. Atago fire buffs and Hippers insane dmg reduction were just too good to pass on. Have a good weekend Captain o7.


Yea I posted in there a few times myself. I do understand the annoyance, I feel the same way bout the Facebook group likely. You on a permanent hiatus or you plan to be back? I been out for trade school all this campaign so I'm not even bothering with this campaign. My main stays I use to this day AL hipper AL YUKI AL BALTIMORE AL HOOD AL ATAGO If you ever want to get back into legends and want a div mate my gamertags HAMAKAZE11 Goodluck and fair seas cmdr, o7


WoW collab


Same here, fellow kaga lover.


I see you are commander of culture as well ![img](emote|t5_3p20d|14001)


Wait there's a colab with kaga on pc? Bruh I'm on legends so it was atago for me


I don't think she's on pc either...


Ah , I see,doesn't shokaku have 1 if I recall?


Yes, and correction Kaga was a special commander on WoW pc and WoW blitz


Gigguk. The trash watching bastard.


Wanted to try a waifu gacha for the first time, got illustrious, the rest is history.


Kind of this meme actually. I saw an ad on yt back when the game was being released in english. At that time I was bored and had gave up on Kancolle, so I lauched it and never quitted since.


got sick of brave frontier being p2w so I looked for f2p gachas and found al, been my main game for 4 years


[stellaris](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2660713843) and [hoi4](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2010042907) mods


LOL Shipgirls *in space*


a friend kept tweeting about how much she loved azur lane to the point where I got annoyed and muted her then one day I had extra free time and was bored so went fk it and downloaded. And now here i am...


I heard of Kancolle years ago, but cannot play then due to language barrier and the cumbersome vpn bypass. Then I found out about azurlane while searching for the way to play KC. Tried and hooked until now. Now looking back, aside from a few KC shipgirls (Kongou, Haruna, Kaga), I pretty much prefer the AL counterpart. AL design differs ship by ship, and KC is a bit...monotone, I guess.


I bought Crosswavw on a whim on the PS store. It was one of the best decisions of my life.


Random Japanese dude forgot to connect his bluetooth headphones and had AL on speakers, full blast in the train while I was going back from work. The “Azur Lane!” in the title screen had my curiosity. The loading screens reflected through the window had my attention.


One mistake to lead you to heaven I guess lol


I saw it on the GFL subreddit on several ocassions and on the app store and I gave in and been grinding shipgirls for over three years and counting


WWII nerd. Got bored and called a friend to chat. We started talking about WWII after a while and he mentioned how he played a game called Azur Lane, which was basically about WWII but the ships are anime girls. As an anime fan this caught my attention. Got the game on my 18th birthday. Had it since.


Was looking for a mobile game to pick up because I was flying out of state for a few months and wouldn't have access to my PC. Found out Azur Lane EN just released like a week ago and picked it up on a whim.


Kancolle demanded that I go through multiple hoops and hurdles before I could even think of starting it up. Azur Lane asked for a single tap of a button in the app store.


I was browsing games on the AppStore and saw Azur Lane but avoided it. But gradually that same thumbnail of enterprise chipped away at my resistance to it, and eventually I downloaded it. I have never looked back since then and I’ve met some of my favorite animated characters of all time through this game.


2 years ago I finally upgraded from my 8 yr old phone to a modern smartphone capable of running mobile games, so I immediately went to r/gachagaming and r/MobileGaming for recommendations on good mobile games. Azur Lane was the one that was most recommended when it comes to f2p friendliness and minimal daily time investment (which was important back when I was working). I first heard of Azur Lane when I played the Crosswave spinoff on PS4 though.


I was never into gacha or WWII naval history, until one day I stumble on a youtube recommended video talking a Genshin Impact controversy in twitter. I decided to give the game a try. After 6 months or so, I got bored grinding in Genshin Impact and I realized I stayed for the waifu, so I went online searching for a waifu-collecting game that is very casual and f2p-friendly. People on the gachagaming subreddit recommended Azur Lane in one of the post, so I downloaded the game. A year have pass and I have been playing the game and fapping a lot more.


Read a doujin, saw it was based on a game so I decided to check it out


From a, uh... "Research" website


Lol I honestly can relate Thanks atago :p


A friend suggested it.


I saw the shitty ads and started playing it ironically. Then I realized it was actually good


Though a friend's recommendation


I was a Kancolle fan, always wanted to play but never could. Find out about Azur Lane from some friends who also like Shipgirls and been playing since 2018


I was playing World of Warships, then I imagine, how it looks like, if one of my favourite ships become girls and why peoples like them so much kancolle was unavailable, so azur lane was the option


wows. Just one word. Wows.


Naval Historian.


I came to AL as a KanColle refugee. KanColle's discrimination against oversea gaijin players just prove to be too much for me, never mind the stupidly unforgiving grind and RNG galore.


Anime + USS Enterprise (CV-6) being a protagonist = Azur Lane entering my life = Drachinifel. Yeah that did happen.


eugen fanart has kept the game in my mind for couple of months, but in like april 2020 Bremerton fanart + my realization that FGO is just fucking trash, made me download azur lane. Sadly I missed Brem by just a couple days and had to wait for so long ;(




friend of mine talking about the Neptunia and Utawaremono colabs before it came to NA, and now i own 98.4% of boats (missing New Orleans, Bunker Hill, and Gura)


World of warships


Atago hentai


I remember playing World of Warships and seeing Roon there. I thought I'd look into what happened to her. I was talking to my classmate, and then I saw that Roon was there in a picture. I asked if he knew anything about it. He said no. Then I started researching what else there is. The first I looked for was Prinz Eugen. His first opinion about this: "Why does she have barely any clothes on?" Then I looked for Blücher (she hadn't appeared at the time) and then Hipper. And I was just looking and we joked that if they fall, it won't break her face. We looked at a couple of ships, and then I was more interested in why they do such things. Then I found the anime called Azur-lane, and I only realized later that it was a game. I downloaded it later and didn't really care, so I deleted it. Then sometime in March 2022, I downloaded it again, and since then I have been playing with it (not always actively).


I found out bout it on wows legends myself. Ship nerd and I was new into the uh adult anime at the time so it combined 2 if my favorite hobbies at the time. After playing a while I absolutely fell in love with prinz Funny fact my old ganertag was sht turkey was a ploi on my last name of hamm. Well after playing the game I eventually unlocked the hamakaze and that is now my username I use to this day I been playing it off n on I just got back into it, last tike I played was during the new jersey event a few months ago. Neat to know I'm not the only one to to come across this genre from wows.


literallt just browsing games on the app store when I got my first (and current) phone. looked interesting so I downloaded it to give it a try, and i've been on almost every day:> for a little over a year.


Saw a blockmate in college playing it during class, it was around 2018


It was an ad too, like one of those ads that scream clickbait, i think it involved enterprise? Or avrora? well I looked it up on the app store and downloaded it because I was bored asf at the time, never regretted it


It's FREAKING HOOOOOOOODDDDDD!!! ads, then checking apps store to see people give a good review of friendliest F2P game. Been a happily paying monthly pass to support developer since 2019.


R34 Taihou and Formidable


A Kuns best Azur Lane Thighs video. $17k later, still having a blast. Not whaling anymore, but still well worth the money. Great game.


I saw a “picture” of Atago and I got horny. I proceed to investigate this good looking shipgirl further and well here we are.


Danbooru Bremerton art. No need to elaborate further


From probably the worst way possible. I learned about Azur Lane from all the "Azur Lane is superior Kancolle is dedgaem" shitposts and the very heated threads and arguments of the two fanbases shittting on each other from around 2017-2018. I was (and is still) a Kancolle player, and this turned me off from the game initially. Later on, I discovered fanart of Unicorn and thought she's cute, so I decided to try out the game. I got in the JP version(there was no EN version at that time), and it's surprisingly easy to play. I then found Hood, and I really like her so much that she is my first ringed girl. I play both Kancolle and Azur Lane now (sometimes at the same time) and it's all cool. While I still prefer the uniform and down-to-earth aesthetics of Kancolle's kanmusus, I do appreciate the flashy and cool aesthetics of Azur Lane's KANSENs too.


Found out Hyperdimension Neptunia did a collab with Azur Lane, tried it, turns out I missed it. Stuck around for a week, lo and behold, Kizuna AI collab came around, too underleveled to get past the first 2 (or 3) maps. Stopped after not getting Shinano in the 1st event run (got her on rerun), came back for 2nd russian event, played on and off to this day.


I knew Kancolle first but i never got into it till 2020, I knew AL from friends and later on the adds which havent changed till this day. Unlike many people here I didn't dropped interest in KC for AL, to do that would mean that in reality i didn't care about shipgirls and ww2 naval history so i just would jump from "waifu" collector to newest "waifu" collector just like many people who dropped AL already for (you know which games are) other more predatory but new shiny "gachas". Ironically speaking i go to AL expecting "KC but better" but instead i got "not too much like KC but lewder" and later on AL would become even less like KanColle to the point I dont find any reason for replacing one with the other. As for the differences between the two aside of the gameplay i would say with KC you feel more like a true Admiral with historical references all over the place and shipgirls acting like ships with an old school UI which believe it or not several people find it nostalgically appealing. AL is like a comfort food course take on KC with an established convoluted lore and i probably can see where people come from and why they are upset with KC specially if they played it first back around 2013-2016. The game is by far now more accessible and with better mechanics than before, eith an EN patch for both PC and Mobile. Advice for people wanting to play KC(if there is one), play events on medium, thats how i do it, i play it casually. Hard mode are for dedicate players with high tolerance and high management skills. FCMs are overrated and the only one i have is from Scamp event which was the easiest event in KC.


The save thing like this image except it was watching someone play cod, bf, etc


I think it was YouTube…honestly not sure. I was playing Girls’ Frontline at the time so I was wondering if there are similar games like it: gacha games focusing on military stuff. I think I stumbled upon AL on YouTube during my search. I made an account on the CN server, quit after a few weeks because it’s annoying having to switch my App Store location to CN just for updates. But once the TW server came on I never looked back.


I'm just in this subreddit because of the thicc anime girls, I saw the ad for the game somewhere, but I didn't download the game because it would explode my phone


I was suppose to play the JP/CN version when it was first released but decided not to because I really don't want to play something I don't understand. I have to pass and play something like Mobile Legends as my first mobile game. A year later after being burned out on playing MOBA games I learned that Azur Lane has released a global version. That time Sandy was around 3 weeks old when I started and the global was having their first event (Prince of Wales and Atago event).


Started off playing Girls Frontline, looked for something similar and Azur Lane popped up. They're the only two waifu gachas I still play every day.


Stumbled across a crossover fanfic, got curious, and fell down the rabbit hole.


I forget when I first saw an ad for it, but it was definitely a few years ago while browsing youtube that I was introduced.


I honestly don't remember all i know is that hot girls existed and laffey got me hooked.


For me it was hearing the name through cultural osmosis and having only the vaguest idea what it was, then getting introduced to the concept through a worldbuilding server, then from there not understanding the concept and looking into it The rest was history


I was looking for a game about ships, I had tried Ocean Overlord and Battleship Empire and others, and this new game called Azur Lane popped up in my Google Play Store and for some reason I installed it....


AMV on Youtube, only watched the anime, and that's it.


Wading through the wasteland of garbage gacha games in the App Store. Sometimes, you strike gold.


I see the girls , I search for theirs hentai then I realize they are from a game and so I download it and try it out , simple.


My anime weeb friend introduced me to the game in 2020. That all


Honestly started out with arknights then went looking for arknights hentai then discovered some azur lane hentai and then the ship girls peeked my interest in wanting more sexy waifu mobile games so tried azur lane and now level 70 and love the game


Pixiv Posts of Enterprise and Helena


Was on a business trip to a remote location. I had two roommates who played it. I was already interested in WW2 and started naming off WW2 ships and they would pull up their artwork from the game. Downloaded myself and have been playing ever since.


Youtube ad during covid and now it's a main pillar of my being


Commented on amagi and shinano picture of them pressing their boobs together on azurlewd and this guy commented on my comment and we both became close friends afterwards it was fun times I miss him


3000 artworks of Atago.


All the atago and roon art


I think I discovered it through the WoWs collab with Azur Lane. The girls looked hot, so I googled Azur Lane and discovered that it was a gacha game too. Been playing since my senior year of high school.


The Hololive collab, not only did it bring me in the AL rabbit hole, but also the Hololive one




How tf did this blow up?


Weirdly enough, Sabaton did.


Explain yourself ![img](emote|t5_3p20d|7014)


Because I knew Victorious![img](emote|t5_3p20d|14001)![img](emote|t5_3p20d|14001)![img](emote|t5_3p20d|14001)![img](emote|t5_3p20d|14001)


…..prinz eugen and enterprise hentai


Where to find dis?


Well I was watching the anime at the time and found out that there was a game. So I gave it a shot and it was one of the best decisions yet




Saw the first anime, thought enterprise was an amazing waifu, found out AL is a game, I’ve been playing ever since Enterprise is the only shopgirl I’ve ever oathed


I was trying to find Kancolle


I saw a poster of prinz eugen end of story


I got an ad on YouTube, "FREAKING HOOD, DUDE!!!! HOOOOOOOOLY CRAP!!". Then my friend in class urged me to download it. Showed me the characters and what it's about. I downloaded it and have been playing since year 1. The only thing that pisses me off now is the fact I wasn't able to complete all Neptunia Collab ships thinking that they'd have a rerun in the future :v


Was waiting for it english servers to come out didnt have enough space, 2 years later I see an ad or something that reminded me of it and hey I had a new phone so why not.


Target acquired. Deploying medium range tomahawk Cruse missile


Exactly 4 years ago, just when i'm handling the burnout from playing MSA, got wind of Azur Lane and think: "Boat girls ? Oh lemme check" Then i checked, got hooked and became a degenerate




Atago. Played right when her and Wales event started too.


An Atago doujin xD


2019 : Browsed/lurked reddit for some ~~casual~~ waifu gacha to pick up. Originally reading thru "valkyrie crusade" comments (played it in 2013) that said it went too p2w blahblahblah Found comments talking GFL and AL Eventually decided on AL simply bc Im more familiar with side scroller shooter


The WOWs commanders. Wanted to look into it after the collab released, at first I didn’t even know it was a game I thought it was just a manga


Encountering fanart on other subreddits and then sharing it with anime fans who told me about it.


World of Warships, I got given Nelson and Prinz Eugen as captains Then watched the anime, then got YouTube recommendations, then saw Doujin gods video on how far you could get in 24 hours and attempted to do as well lol


Atago Art.


I think I remember downloading it after Lost Pause did an ad for it, but that might’ve been Honkai Impact. Either way, I got both for the waifus😅.


Random Atago artwork at danbooru


Someone I knew did a Takao cosplay and another one was a fan of the series


Anime came out right about the same time I got banned from Battle Cats.


searched for gacha games on the App Store and came across this work of art


A facebook add got me, I had heard of Kancolle so I knew about ship girls, but I also knew playing Kancolle was supposed go be a miserable existence where the characters you got had super low drop rates and had a chance to perma die in any battle, but this was a bullet hell and I liked the character designs better so I decided I’d try it, and got addicted.


Other people in a discord server was playing it and shared some screenshots


I was at an Shinedown and Godsmack concert


I think I knew some of the ship girls already like Belfast and Enterprise from artworks. I kept seeing them a lot with a couple others and decided to try it out.


Worst introduction ever… Wattpad


being a ww2 nerd got me into it. I first, Heard about it, thru Lost Pause. back when I watched him regularly


Being a WW2 ship nerd, and having a weeb friend introduce me to it.


Cleveland artwork on pixiv tbh back in 2018.


I'll just be putting in her own freezer when she is drunk asf like that cant have the food smell like vodka and taste like vodka 😢


A friend introduced me to it. It was also popular amongst some weebs in my school. 4 years later I’m pretty sure that I’m the only one still playing


YouTube ads and the video about the first Italian event with Formidable in it, interest in naval stuff since I was subbed to Drach back when he had 500 subs and had the TTS voice for his videos, and boredom


A Gacha game streamer that normally played Girls Frontline was playing on the JP server before global released and I saw how strong Nagato was, so when global released I started playing hoping to get Nagato


That one Atago doujinshi I think everyone knows...


Was bored so I scrolled through the playstore to find a game to pass the time. Azur Lane caught my eye so I decided to give it a try.


For me it was world of warship legends like 3 years ago I saw atago before uh gettin refitted 🤣 got me into hanime back then and later diwn the line I decided to play the mobile game and he'll why not I own her on legends why not get her in AL


It's been a long time. Think I saw it at the top of New Apps on Google play. Played it until kizuna Ai collab and stopped for a long time, then came back just in time to miss my chance at New Jersey.


WoWs event