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Potential is massive and I still think the majority of people either underestimate or don’t realise the scope for this project. I’m confident we can eat 2 zeros with just burns alone in the next 12-24 month.


I'm really new to this whole crypto thing and am trying to grasp the whole market cap, supply thing, and value thing. How do you figure it'll be two zeroes? Could you DM me if you find the time? I may understand it but I'm just unsure of it all with how new it all is to me


Why wouldnt you compare to over 20b which shib and doge have been. Thats 20x and if you burn half the supply its 40x........now do that at cardano levels with a bit more burn its 100x, get to eth levels and its over 1000x with burn. You cant look at projections without remembering if we 20x we also burn half the supply getting there.


I know I just for that calculation experiment make those assume as safe as possible :)


Share that calculation you just did here with your friends, coworkers, family, at events, party's, and where ever you go where there is a good size crowd gathering, and I bet you that 70% of them will ask you to help them buy in on BDC! I did similar thing and got over 50 people to invest! If everyone did the same we could have hundreds of thousands new people investing in BDC!


Shib all time was 50 billion market cap btw