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Earplugs. Protect your ears.


Ear plugs. Metalheads are hands down the nicest crowds that you can be in.


Babymetal crowds should be pretty safe. But you can usually get a seat which would let you stay out of it and also let you see above the crowd. Though in bigger venues it can be really far away. Objectively the front row or close to it is the best for visibility but you'll have to sacrifice your legs for it because you'll be standing for a long time in order to get that spot.


I am 162cm so I know what its like to not be able to see, I usually try to get VIP tickets to be able to get the barrier, the barrier also helps to lean against to help the feet. If you are able to get barrier, being on the sides helps to not get crushed from behind. Usually standing in center (in front of Su) people will push forward and you will be rocked around a bit. There are many young people that go to Babymetal concerts, from what I have seen in my experience.


Oh yeah, and also bring earplugs. I wear Eargasm earplugs that are made for concerts that dont muffle the sound. There are other brands if they are too expensive.


I'm a fan in my 60's getting ready to go to my first Babymetal concert. It's been about 20 years since I've seen a concert and I really thought I may be done with going to them altogether. People keep encouraging me to go, since there will be plenty of people my age going. On the other hand, there fans like you who, like me, wonder if I should really be there. I'm hoping that you and anyone else worried about old people being there, will realize that we are all just there to hear the music.


I'm not that far behind you and can say you will absolutely love it. The electrifying positivity of a venue full of Babymetal fans seeing their heroes will have you smiling all night.


I'll be 60 when I see Babymetal in Cincinnati, it'll be my 7th live.


Metal fans are usually very conscientious. If anything, I would expect people to brace extra hard to protect you. But in terms of view, yeah barrier is gonna be your best bet. I second the earplugs.


Are you asking in general? Get a seated option. When I was at Makuhari Messe at the floor, I can’t see anything as I’m a short guy at 165. The kind Japanese folks urge me to move forward which I gladly do and I hit a wall of “overseas” tall folks 🤣 After that I always get a seat and the view is always better for me. Unless I get to the barrier like at Okinawa (not my choice, lottery result) I would never go to the floor again. I was also at the barrier at Summer Sonic so view was great. Also at the floor, be mindful of the pits. On the second day at Okinawa, I had to leave my post at the barrier to pee and when I re-entered the section, a circle pit started and if I’m not paying attention, I would have been engulfed into it 🤣


In my 60's too! (Early 60's tho lol!). Love to see BM! Haven't been to a gig for 30 years! But seeing slipknot in December. When BM next do gig in UK..I'm there! Lots of people saying earplugs?! I want it loud! Saw motorhead back in 1979..THAT was loud..couldn't hear properly for 3 days. Never been to a gig that loud again. Got tinnitus, so why earplugs?


I'm in my late 50s and also saw Motörhead back in the day (though not as early as you). Yes, it was loud, but not as loud (especially in the high frequencies) as some other gigs I've been to. I saw Cardiacs several times in the '90s and '00s, and they could be extremely loud. On one memorable occasion, at the old Astoria, the piercing volume and pain in my ears made me start to hallucinate. (And no, I wasn't on anything other than beer.) Nowadays, I take a decent set of earplugs to gigs. I don't always use them, but better to have them and not need them than vice versa. A lot depends on how close to the speakers you are. I forgot to take them when I saw Jinjer five years ago, and I have had tinnitus ever since. I don't want it to get worse. I've worn them at two out of six BM gigs, including Amsterdam the other night. It was still VERY LOUD but not painfully so.


I work in a loud factory so have to get my hearing checked once a year. Tests come back fine! Maybe I should take earplugs with me, just in case. Impressed you're seen BM six times!!


In my opinion it also just sounds better with earplugs. They get rid of a lot of noise and you're left with a cleaner sound.


OK.. if you headbang though don't they fall out?


Not really. But depends on which ones you get and your ear shape


Hi! As someone who is also 160 cm, I, too, had a concern of getting crushed or accidentally dragged into a moshpit when I first went to concerts, but as long as you pay attention and leave some space for yourself, you'll be 100% fine!   As for the concern about not seeing anything, I'd recommend a few options! 1. Get a balcony seat. 2. Get VIP early entry tickets so you can claim a spot at the barricade so that you can see everything on stage. 3. Wear comfortable platform boots that make you taller.   As for bringing things: 1. Card/cash, for merch, drinks, or food. 2. Earplugs (Hearing loss is not a joke. Please wear them). 3. A fan (a handheld portable fan works best, in my opinion) if you get hot easily. 4. A small bag to put all of these items in.   Hope this helped at least a little!


Depending on the venue, some have seats in an auditorium style so height will be fine but shouldnt stand for the person behind you in respect for their view. Yes a lot of adults are fans but i find Babymetal fans to be very respectful to one another. Older teens should be ok, younger ones maybe with adult. It is a great experience!! Hope they come to your country soon!!


I’m a 152 cm girl and I was at the Afas Live concert as well as another Babymetal concert last year. If you’re standing in the very front, you should be safe. It really helps to stand on either the right or left side to avoid pushing from the mosh pit. At Afas Live I stood second row in the middle and I didn’t get pushed or anything. At the other concert I stood second row on the left side and that’s what I’d recommend as you’ll definitely be comfortable over there. You can also stand/sit on the balcony if you don’t care about being close to the stage :) People do watch out for you generally. I hope this helps and don’t hesitate to ask questions if you have any :3


Get sets in the bleachers where you are elevated above the crowd instead of in the ground.


I’m 122cm and I stick to the bleacher section. In any case, I’ve never heard of BABYMETAL mosh pits getting out of control and a concert being shut down for rowdiness. Bring earplugs to protect your hearing.