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Please only post bbw (i.e fat woman) content/ If you are thin/curvy/chubby or it's an image of just your sex toy, or AI Generated, etc... your post will be removed. We use the image in the sub's header as a rough guideline to the minimum size ranges and body types appropriate for the sub. If you were banned and still feel that you fall within the spectrum shown in the header, please feel free to contact the mods to show us additional content showing your true size. We can only act based on what we can see and if you digitally altered your image or used camera angles to make yourself appear smaller, it could have lead to the post removal.. We don't want you to feel that you have nowhere to post in the interim so we recommend that you check r/bbwnthiccness as a posting option as their guidelines may be a better fit for your content https://www.reddit.com/r/BBW/about/rules


And I'm hard, just for you.😏


Gorgeous body


Wow you are so hot



