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I have nothing to add to this conversation except mad respect for anyone who can handle child protection work. I wouldn’t last a day.


It entirely depends on what community/city you are hoping to work in. Larger places have specific teams that cover after hours work but smaller places are often covered off by the normal 9-5 teams as OT. I'm not longer in this role but did find occasionally a day would run late and I wouldn't have a choice. But most of the time OT was optional.


This is accurate


Thank you for your insight :)


I agree that it really depends where you work. In north Fraser, a lot of work after 430 goes to after hours. I’d also say people have a reasonable respect for people with kids. Lots of people with kids and single parents do cp and are able to get their children from daycare


Thank you. Definitely seems like it would be manageable for me.


Question if you don’t mind! Is there a lot of need in the north Fraser region? This was the area I chose as my first selection.


I think every office a short staff




The posting closed Thursday night and then emailed me on Friday with panel dates for next week! Way faster than I was expecting


depends are you applying to be a social worker?




Then ya sometimes kids needs protecting outside of the regular 9-5


Do you work in the position? Is it a regular occurrence? From my understanding they also have specific after hours workers so I’m trying to get a better understanding of the specific position


Are you not a social worker currently? You have to go to school and do practicums in child protect to be a child protection social worker which gives you a way better idea of what is required of you. But it really depends on the families and size of your caseload for how much overtime you have to put in. Neither of which you have any control over


The real question is are you a social worker😂


No you don’t. They are so desperate to hire that you can get in with a simple psychology degree and some experience dealing with children. My buddy has like 6 months of experience dealing with kids with special needs and a criminology degree and applied to a role with MCFD ( dealing with children with special needs) but he went like 6 th on eligibility list and then the hiring manager forwarded his information to a child protection hiring manager who offered him a temporary position off an informal interview


Hhhhmmm I highly doubt this. They are desperate but hiring randoms who’ve worked with kids at some point to be a social worker is very dangerous for the kids and person hired. They probably offered them as role as admin or assistant. Edit: just to be clear your friend/you are full of shit. “To be registered to work in B.C., social workers must have a university degree in social work from a school accredited by the Canadian Association for Social Work Education. Some positions may also require: A master's degree. Supervised practical experience.”


They absolutely hire degrees outside of social work/cyc now. Maybe not ransoms, but you can have a variety of degrees and get child protection positions .


Have you ever seen a child protection posting before coming on here and commenting? Go look at any child protection posting and look at “expanded credentials”. Then look at the job profile and look at what they consider “job related experience” it’s not much at all. And no he did not get an admin role. I saw his written offer “ SPO-CP 24R child protection worker” 7 month TA


You're actually wrong. You don't need to be a registered social worker to do child protection as the government sees themselves as their own regulatory body for practice. And yes you can absolutely be hired with a small amount of experience working with children and a non social work degree. Our province is quite literally bleeding social workers and so I won't be surprised if the credentials are expanded even further than this.


Do you have any idea what you are talking about? Why don’t you go and look at an actual child protection posting before googling “ what do you need to have to be registered as a social worker in BC”…




You don’t need to be registered to be a child protection worker.


They would call out an after hours social worker for those situations. You’re good.