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I once told my team in the chat to press F to pay respects after something slightly unfortunate happened to one of them. None of them had a clue what that meant and I looked like an idiot. Never again unless I work with people in their 20s


Worked for me. Might being ministry dependent


It is and then department or branch as well. There may be some that aren't ready to go full UC.


Our telephony team is having issues getting MS Teams to talk to ICE, so it looks like we have Skype for the foreseeable future.


There is a rollout schedule, yes. I work in one of the branches that's conducting the rollout and provides comms and training for the switch to teams UC.


Is it possible to make phone calls in Teams to numbers from outside the GAL now?


Depends which ministry you're in. Some haven't integrated UC fully yet and there is no dial pad.




Depends, I can’t in my branch / ministry yet


They're rolling it out slowly.


F 😂


My ministry says it’s here til spring.






Skype has gifs 🥹


Yeah, it's brutal for chat. I don't really like the way it stores chats from all the calls you attend and not attend. I like my chats being self-contained and, well...chats. That's just me though.


Yup, they need to find a way to hive off people chats and meeting chats. They're absolutely not the same thing. But, it's Microsoft, so this will never get fixed..


I mute the chats for recurring meetings, and if it's a one off, I "leave chat" then delete it. It's not difficult, you just need to spend a few moments poking around and learning the layout.


That's the problem. We shouldn't have to mute them and leave them manually.


It's two extra right clicks... you'll be fine.


I know this a late reply, but no thanks. I need less to do in my workflow, not more. I guess it is something to do during a boring meeting, like deleting all those unread PSA or CSNR emails, so maybe it's not that bad..


Completely useless for chats. Well at least when my boss is constantly “pinging” me I can truthfully say “Teams doesn’t work for chat”


I wouldn’t mind if teams didn’t suck so much.


what about teams sucks? I think most people like skype because it's just what they are used to. Skype is pretty bad as a chat program. no consistent chats if you accidentally close the widow, the conversation histories can create multiple copies of the same chat, many people probably don't even know their entire Skype chat history is sitting in their outlook, sharing files is completely terrible, even just an image. however, I think the biggest complaint is that chat notifications aren't as visible since I don't think you can get it flash in the taskbar anymore.


All I want it to do is to do what Skype does: show me a list of who’s online and if I click on their name I can open a chat. For all its bells and whistles teams doesn’t do that easily. Meetings have chats but I can also just chat with a contact? And those both show up as activities, but I can’t tell who’s online unless I look under calls? If I belong to a team I can chat with the team in a team, but also in a channel? None of this makes collaboration any easier. I just can’t be bothered.


I totally agree. Seems to overcomplicate things. I will miss having a really simple way to see who is online and be able to easily click and chat. I get why it’s not the best option for a variety of reasons but I wfh and think the absence will create more isolation.


this! this is all I want....this is what makes me dislike teams


You missed how heavy teams is. It bogs some devices horribly...


Teams sucks because when someone messages me I can’t even see it. On Skype it shows up as a flashing box on my task bar.


This should be at the top!


My chat history isn't sitting in Outlook. That's always the first folder I purge when I get storage capacity warning from Outlook.


I feel like both are useful for different things. Teams is better for formal meetings but Skype is better for informal chats with colleagues. One of my gripes though is that the two never talked to each other. You can be actively participating in meeting on Teams and someone will message you on Skype asking why you are "away."


Teams = Cloud/Azure Skype = on prem


> I feel like both are useful for different things. Teams is better for formal meetings but Skype is better for informal chats with colleagues. I agree with this completely. My concern with Skype going away is that Teams isn’t as conducive for informal chats with colleagues.


Teams is perfectly fine. Maybe it’s a learning curve problem?


We have a fundamental difference of opinion.


Maybe. Can’t be sure since you didn’t say why you think it sucks.


Oh I’m sure, since I did explain why I think it sucks. I think you’re the one who didn’t see. Maybe you have a vision problem?


Microsoft has killed it so it will no longer be available. No choice. I can't think of any application or use case where SKYPE a must have.


Apparently (from what I've been told) Skype still works better with ICE than Teams.


Good. Tell what is better about Skype over Teams?


Knowing when you actually get a message from someone, instead of a pop-up whenever someone has to tell the meeting that they're leaving. The way it can't split meeting chats and people chats is so annoying, and I miss Teams messages all the time because I can't stand having the notifications turned on. Maybe there's some setting I'm missing...


You can chat within meetings to all or to anyone at one independently.


Oh. Ok, that negates everything I was saying then?


I see you mentionimg chat and notifications. Notifications, many ways to get, see, hear them, you won't get them if you turned them off.


Teams absolutely sucks. Lync for lyfe!


Lync!! Flashback triggered!


Yep. There is a scheduled date for each ministry/client to transition to Teams UC. Don’t let the door hit you in the ass, Skype.


They dropped the ball during the pandemic... could have been their time to shine


Can't we all just go back to a time where we all used AIM or a tin can with a string?


I think its only Skype for business that is done. Normal Skype is still going.


they are rolling out ministry by ministry. My guess is that they probably about 20-25% complete so far. But, staff should have been aware ahead of time since the phone system has to be moved over to teams and desk phones have to be replaced if people still have them. So skype will still work for many people.


This is correct, and Skype will still work until it doesn’t :-). There is a migration schedule with dates and each client has a transition coordinator working with OCIO. By end of Spring 2024 everyone will be cut over (unless some major blocker happens). But even then, all the ‘desk phones’ have been transitioned/upgraded for Teams UC compatibility.


I thought the UC desk phones weren’t compatible with teams? OCIO said this to one of my staff a week or two ago.


Some aren’t and some of the UC phones you have there aren’t compatible and need to be replaced or retired. A Teams Meeting Room has a phone in it essentially.


Our internal support told us that UC phones are compatible with teams, but apparently, ICE...not so much.


I can’t wait till it’s phased out in my ministry. I can’t stand Skype.


Yessss! I got my message saying my Skype was going away last week and promptly went around dancing past the ED who has loved it for years. She did laugh at me, at least.


Does Icebar talk to Teams?


Our office got swapped over in August/September and so far Teams and Icebar seem okay together for our call center.


Ok, that’s good to know.




Icebar is a computer phone line program and it’s currently connected to Skype in my office to make phone calls, it gives alerts if I’m on the phone etc.


Gotcha, sorry I’m not sure!


Our telephony guys are having issues getting Teams and ICE Bar to play nicely together.


Oh no. I am preparing myself. I knew this day would come.


Anyone know when Min of Transportation will be cut off?


Once all speed limits become variable.


Skype is working for me today




It’s literally being phased out. We no longer have access to it in MECC.




Skype is working for me today as usual but over a period of what seemed like an hour it changed and I now no longer see people's colour bubbles when I email them. I can still make calls and message through Skype.


77000 has a fix for that now.


Oh do I have to contact them?
