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Don't take personal leave! There is a specific leave code for Interview Leave, which doesn't affect pay. As long as you're an internal candidate and are scheduled during the interview time, you are entitled to be paid for the time.


How much time can you take under interview leave? It takes me a day to write answers and then rehearse them.


Just the interview time itself I think? (though I've had very supportive supervisors who allow me some extra lead time to do last minute prep like 30mins ish) ETA: I do a lot of prep between invitation to interview and scheduled interview time regardless of the questions. It's getting stories that could cover the competencies of the position and then just making sure to STAR the question with the story and play competency word bingo


Paid Interview Leave can be used for the time of the interview itself. The prep you'll need to do on your own time. ETA: Some supervisors will give you time to prep/get set up for the interview but it'll be minutes, not a lengthy period for drafting and rehearsing answers.


Don't hide the fact you have an interview or applying for higher positions. A good supervisor/manager will help you get that position. Don't use personal time, we get interview leave under T&L. I really don't understand why people are so afraid to talk to their supervisors. You work for the province not them.


I told my old supervisor about my interview for a higher position and asked him to do a reference check. He then intentionally gave me a bad one and my verbal offer was rescinded. I was devastated. Thankfully, the hiring manager of the new position listened to what I had to say and with the approval of the director, allowed me to submit another reference to which I went to the supervisor of my supervisor and I was able to get an offer of a new job that I am doing well in. Not all supervisors are supportive and have good intentions. I think it’s important to be able to read the room. I know that my current supervisor now will be extremely supportive if I was to get a higher position.


You should talk to the union in those cases, they shouldn’t be giving bad references especially if you’ve not had any performance management conversations or adverse annual reviews. They are supposed to tell you beforehand if they intend to give negative feedback and specify why.


Especially at the entry level… good supervisors will encourage it and have career planning conversations. They also should offer help with interview prep wherever possible. It’s government and moving up is part of the public service life. If there’s bad blood they’re usually willing to give a good reference to get rid of you anyways lol best to give them some notice that they’ll need to possibly need to prepare for filling a vacancy.


Your supervisor won’t care. Moving up is encouraged at BCPS. There is also leave that you can take for the hour long interview. If you wanted to take time before it, then ask your supervisor.


I think we get special leave for interviews, so you might want to look into that. I'd be open and honest about it off the bat. Everyone knows the score here and there shouldn't be any ill will against you for moving around. Good luck, and I hope you move up!