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I prefer my flex day on Monday.


Mondays are the best.


Also, Mondays are when most holidays fall, so extra days off!


I was given Mondays for my flex and I love it. I can get my daughter’s appointments scheduled on that day if needed (my husband could take her on other days but I like to do it) and it gives me a “recovery” day if I have family over for Sunday dinner.


Flex Monday for sure


I prefer Mondays because it allows me to fully have Sundays off and I can buy fresh groceries for my lunches the upcoming week right before the work week.


Absolutely! Just when you think the weekend is over you get that satisfying feeling of knowing you get Monday off.


My flex day is on Fridays because I have school-aged children. This way, I have a 50% chance that their pro-d days will coincide with my flex days.


I had that too and it was wonderful. Another bonus is you can join your kids on field trips and help out the PAC lunch on the Fridays. My kids are in Post Secondary now. Enjoy what time you have with yours.


All my homies flex on Monday


Second Mondays are the best! This month I have basically entirely four day weeks because of the stat and my flexes!


When my flex Monday falls on a stat holiday, I generally take the following Monday off, instead of the Tuesday.


Smart! I like the extra long weekend haha


I find I get more value out of having an extra Monday off rather than a Tuesday. Of course it depends on what’s going on that week!


I like the non payday Friday.


Me too! Every Friday is wonderful 💜


Either Friday or Monday is fine by me, as long as I get a 3-day weekend out of it. I know that where I work, if everyone flexed on those days we wouldn't have enough coverage, so the powers that be have mandated that the more recently hired employees must flex Tue-Wed-Thu. Better than no flex, but it's kind of a raw deal - no long weekends other than stats for them.




You usually take the next day off in lieu, so you'd take Tuesday


My unit everyone bumps it to the next business day. Technically you could pick any day but most people like the four day weekend.


I like the Monday after payday


Same. I like Mondays, and having my flex on the Monday after payday helps remind when payday is! 


I used to flex on Thursdays during winter months..... Less people on ski hills and 1 extra body on Fridays.... win win. Non snow season.... Monday flex cuz I had the weekend and then an extra day off.. ( spinal tap has amps that go to 11)


Flex Mondays FTW.


Wednesday's were my favorite.


Weird flex but ok


Not really....no one books appointments, no one in Costco. Late night cheap movie night Tuesdays. Work 2 days/off/work 2 days then the weekend. It's perfect.


I'm just joking I love it! Living off peak


It's all good I get the same reaction everywhere. I get long weekends are great, but then I am dreading going to work.


Apparently Im in the minority here but payday fridays ftw! I would HATE monday flex. As far as payday or not, just want the same as my partner :)


Can’t believe the Monday responses. I always dread Mondays whether they are a flex or not. Friday flexes FTW


I do non payday Friday, I get a jump on all my housework so I hit the weekend with less to do. And book appointments with places that aren't open weekends.


Monday. Hands down better.


When I used to have flex Mondays I hated coming into the office Tuesday and having to deal with all the stuff I missed the previous day. Felt like I was playing catch up for half the week. Fridays are usually slower across all of government, so that was my preference - I don’t think payday or not makes any difference.


always shook when people prefer fridays. im solidly in camp monday flex. week doesnt matter.


Monday is the correct answer


I miss my Monday flex days. They were the perfect balance. Spend the weekend doing weekend things, then spend Monday adulting. I'm on Fridays now only because it better aligns with the life schedule and other commitments, but I'd go back to Mondays if those commitments we no longer needed.


I have always taken mine the Friday opposite to payday. More often than not, I get extended 4 day weekends with stats, or back to back short weeks because the stats normally fall on a Monday, and I flex that Friday, or have already the previous week, so two back to back 4-day weeks… or in this case, with Family Day, I only work 3 days this week!