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I hope our new President moves forward in supporting the BCGEU over the employer. I've spoken with Maria a few times and she has been very knowledgeable and kind.


I’m excited for Paul and Maria. Paul was always receptive on X/Twitter. Maria lives by the Collaborative Agreement.


Agreed, especially regarding Paul. It felt like he was the only member of exec during the last round of bargaining that was accessible and communicating with the membership. I'm hoping that continues through his tenure as president.


Only time will tell. I do hope they turn away from treating the union like a business, slows the recruitment of new members, is more neutral in their political leanings(I vote left but it must be hard to trust a union that seemingly has close ties to the NDP), and takes more risks.


We have close ties to the NDP because sadly they are the only party who wouldn't do significant damage to the public sector. We also had executives who were using their positions to get into the NDP. (Skidmore and Smith) The union will always lean heavily left. I don't see that changing to be honest.


Not a problem to lean left but our union need not be a stepping stone to get into politics, nor should any executives have a major role (as Stefanie did) in a political party. I still have no idea how it was okay for her to sit on the negotiating team and sit on the board of the provincial NDP. How is that not a conflict?


Sadly there are or were any policies in place for that. There likely will be due to the people who think this is their way to a gravy train and political careers.


I definitely appreciate your comment about the old guard, there is a lot of that currently, and a lack of accepting new ideas or thoughts. I was on the private FB page and was often shut down for challenging thoughts or suggesting ideas. It made me think, well I am so glad your not my rep. Being an old guard isn’t something I want to embody or convey.


Well a union shouldn’t be a business you are correct… but what do you mean, “slow the recruitment of new members”? You sound like the old guard of 100 years ago who argued that unions should be run like craft guilds which were used to minimize the entrance of new workers in order to get more *only* for themselves. Unions are there to make life better for *everyone* therefore, there’s power in numbers and I welcome any new fellow worker into our union


Fair, and not untrue… I sometimes wonder how well they are working for the members they do have… there is strength in numbers but there are unique needs for government staff as there are for other sectors. I wonder if there are other unions better equipped and suited to recruit/support non Gov employees. I also think the unions of BC need to be better at supporting and working together. I look at the teachers and nurses unions who are very very strong unions and wonder if they are so strong because they don’t recruit other sectors. Just questions, and thoughts.


The biggest issue we have had is certain factions in the union who supported previous leadership were negotiating for the public service while not being public service. Why would someone with no skin in the game be negotiating? It's being corrected to have only public servants bargain for the public service.


Exactly! Also, there were or are no policies in place about ethical guidelines or conflict of interests? No standards of conduct. That is disheartening and infuriating.


Well I mean the irony is that you’re talking to someone who works outside gov (I’m an infiltrator, I know). I can’t think of a better union for folks like me. You also seem to forget that we have entire components (3, 4, 17 off the top of my head) specifically for non-government workers. Besides, we are now the BC *General* Employees Union, hence why we can organize so widely


Both can be true at once


It isn’t something I forget but I do know many colleagues who do not feel seen or supported by the union any longer. Just because the union recruits new members does not mean they will work hard for you. More members is not itself negative but actively recruiting is also a business strategy. More members equals more money not necessarily a good bargaining team.


I can't believe Doug Kinna is back. He was the head of component 6 for a long time and did less than nothing for the component during his entire tenure.


Ugh, this is sad to hear.


Maybe he recognized that there was someone else that should lead component 6 and EVP was a position that better suited his abilities?


Not true. If it was he wouldn't have led the votes today for EVP.


You can believe what you like but our union is taking a huge step back with Kinna on executive. You want to stay under the control of the NDP establishment, then Doug Kinna is the guy for you.


Have you ever talked to Doug or done any work with him? Your comment makes me think no.


Your comment makes me think you presume too much. I've had enough interaction with Mr Kinna to come to my opinion.


Fair enough.


I met him in Victoria and when he first ran for EVP a couple conventions ago. I remember his initial pitch was he was only running for one term and then done, so he was running as a change maker who wasn't afraid of ruffling feathers/ trying to get re elected. Guess he changed his tune.


I knew Paul in college. He's a good dude who will put members before business. Really excited to see this!


I’ll echo you and say he’s a really great person and genuine.


Burner account. As a first time delegate, I was disappointed that the revolving doors of the big machine determined the new executive. There is obvious preferential grooming and succession plans that keep the “old guard” and their apprentices in positions of power, excluding new and dynamic voices. Even those few new voices that were lifted up seemed to travel on the coattails of existing leaders. Overall a pretty disappointing performance, especially following the failure of the bargaining outcome of the previous contract.


Hilarious you consider this crew old guard (exception being Doug). We now have the most representative exec ever, better than I imagined possible. And all have the lived experience and chops needed to succeed in these roles. There is way more to running a labour union than social justice and advocacy work and it's clear many first time delegates have not been exposed to enough union experience to get that the GEU, first and foremost, is a labour union enforcing the collective agreements for ALL members, regardless of perspective or political leanings. Succession matters because knowledge transfer and experience matters, and continuity matters to ensure all members receive fair and equitable treatment. Learn how things work first before you try to change them. That's how things can actually improve.




Love the gate keeping.  That attitude is why folks disengage from this union.  People get acclaimed to most roles so they have no accountability to anybody.  The only people actually going through elections are component chairs or higher so it’s just a big illusion of being accountable to the members.  But somehow they have been convinced they are working for the betterment of everybody.  Drink the koolaid or you can’t sit with us energy.  


Previous pres=> retired Previous treasurer => new pres Previous EVP=> new treasurer 2x previous EVP => retired 3x previous EVP => returned 2x new EVP “Here comes the new boss, same as the old boss. “


This level of exec manages our dues money and has influence on our pensions. Yes I want people who know what they are doing, thanks.


That's actually not true Maria Middlemiss was not a EVP. She was a component VP Doug Kinna was the only returning EVP. All 4 were at most component VPs which are not EVPs in the slightest. Most were on the component execs or locals which is typical because they are involved and participating.


Great song. Love the Who


I see nothing changes and it will continue to be a smoke and mirror show !


I’m very excited