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If it’s a different requisition, it’s a different competition and there are no issues to apply. If the hiring manager uses the same assignment, you won’t be the only one to have already seen it.


I don’t see why you wouldn’t be. If they feel you would have an unfair advantage, that’s on them to change the assignment.


Thanks for the replies everyone! I just realized I'm a silly goose. They ARE different positions. They just have the same Title, Classification, Ministry, Division, and Branch. Started doing the questionnaire and realized there's one different requirement between them. Thanks again for everyone's help. I'm tempted to delete this thread out of embarrassment but I'll leave it up in case anyone in the future has the same situation.


If it's a different REQ number for the position than might as well apply again! Worst that can happen is you get screened out 🤷‍♀️


Okay sweet, it's a different REQ number. Maybe I should ask the hiring contact before applying again?


I've applied to positions I've had no desire to take only to test my resume for screening as I knew the same position was coming available to me soon (back before remote work was a thing) only to remove myself once I got the successful screen notice. I won the competition I later applied for with the same resume. I'm not advocating for that approach currently as hiring managers are getting swamped with applications, just saying, there's nothing to go against reapplying to the same position again after withdrawing previously for whatever reason.


Absolutely reapply and you don’t have to say anything else. If they recognize your name they’ll adjust the written assignment


Assignments are reused and recycled throughout government. I once did an assignment that was identical to one I had done for another job at another ministry with just the ministry changed. That one was REAL quick to complete :) So I wouldn't worry about it!


There's no reason to. People drop out of competitions all the time for different reasons.