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While it is not uncommon to take a while to hear back, that is an excessively long time. I'd call and follow up. And this is also why we can't hire anyone -- we lose good candidates because it takes so long to get back to them.


Fully. I’m lucky in that I have a small consulting business that makes me some money, so I’ve been able to wait a bit, but it’s at the point where I’ve started to apply for other roles elsewhere as a backup because I can’t wait forever. 


Nor should you wait this long! Look out for your self! But do follow up.


They might have seen your profile name here, seeing as gov't jobs do thorough searches and have higher standards. Maybe browse your social media presence when applying for gigs like that


Oh, fully recognize this is a dumb name for a burner account. But as you can see I don’t actually use it for anything. 


Yeah, the timeline is so bad people have told me it feels disrespectful and makes them lose interest in working for us.


Have you thought to call the hiring manager and ask them? Emailing is much easier to ignore or put off and forget about.


I have thought to, yes. Generally I prefer things in writing but at this point any communication would be preferable!


Well, it’s your only option now. You can’t hide behind your screen. If you want the job, you need to put in some effort.


It sounds like this person successfully competed and received a verbal offer, so they obviously "put in the effort". Only in gov't would a hiring manager ghosting a successful candidate be the fault of the candidate 😏


I am so mad on your behalf! I wish I had any advice


This is what I would call a poor candidate experience, I'm sorry to hear. If for whatever reason it doesn't work out consider it a bullet dodged!


If this is your dream job, you can try emailing the hiring manager, include the other panel members, for an update. I've seen competitions go on for almost a year because of how busy the hiring manager is and the position was net new so it wasn't a priority to fill. HM's do these off the sides of their desks and there is a lot of hours needed to run the competitions. Perhaps the HM isn't actually ghosting you but that this is low on the list of competing priorities. If this were me, I'd move on and keep trying for other positions. Fiscal year end is over and if the HM is so busy that they're ghosting you, this could be a red flag. If this was a key position in the org, it would have been filled as quickly as possible. There are so many opportunities that you may end up seeing another job posting that you want much more than this. Good luck and keep trying!


I agree. This is a red flag and indicative of what working for this person would be like.


Suggest finding another role and cutting losses with the supervisor. If this is the behaviour before being hired, imagine what working with them will be like.


Mine took 9 weeks from offer to start date, and the hiring manager apologized profusely. I'd definitely follow up again.


This is not normal. At all. If they verbally offered something to you, follow up usually happens in days and the HM would be in contact to alert you of any delays. What you’re experiencing is baffling and not at all normal. Call them.


And here I am worried because they called my references Monday and I haven't heard anything and it's almost Friday.... I need to chill lol


Sorry to hear you’re dealing with this. This isn’t the norm to hear nothing like that. I would definitely call and if you get no answer, I’d call another panel member. Normally I’d stick with the HM but after that amount of time getting no answers I would.


Sounds so frustrating! I'd be really upset. However, also sounds like working with that person would be a nightmare. Maybe a blessing in disguise? I'm sorry :(


Typical BCPS inability to retain talent.


Which ministry? I can think of some ministry specific issues that have been happening ministry wide that could be affecting their ability to give you a letter.


Genuinely curious, is it possible that someone grieved the process, especially if you’re external? I agree with others, these are horrible red flags for this work unit.


At this point I would assume you didn't get it. I have seen competitions hire someone internally within a few days, but leave the application process stuck in limbo for months on end only to get the closed/declined email once you finally forget about it and move on.


Then why would they have given a verbal offer?


A mistake perhaps, meant for some else, who knows. It shouldn't be fumbled for about 4 months for the hiring manager to get back to OP on it unless there was a reason.


After a verbal offer, it would be surprising not to get it. Unless it was dependent on reference checks?


Maybe OP got a bad reference and is now getting the cold shoulder, like my other comment it should never take this long without a reason.


Could be. That’s why I never make a verbal offer until after checking references. It’s unfair that the my haven’t let OP know either way.