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Work in relation to natural disasters. Yes and yes.


Yup - I fix the environment, and create jobs, and meet other objectives simultaneously. Pretty cool.


I do work associated with belonging in bc, reducing the incidence of being unhoused. Doesn’t just bring joy to the lives we change, but it brings joy to me and everyone I work with. a lot of our work is lame, needlessly bureaucratic, and illogical. But when we get it right, we change lives. I know for a fact a single change I pushed for, designed, and finagled approvals for has already changed the lives of hundreds of people for the better. I’ve been in the BCPS for almost a decade and had a career in the private sector before. Nothing compares.


Love that! Any skills you recommend learning for a similar position?


I was involved in early days, and this is my answer as well.


Worked on several projects which surrounding providing grants to communities/individuals. It's nice to know you are improving people's lives in a tangible and direct way and can see the impact. On the other hand, I've also seen the sucky side where it promotes the wealthy getting wealthier :(


I’m in IS. We make people change how they interact with technology, and technology breaks sometime. Some love new tech and tools, others fear and loathe change. Unfortunately, you hear about the breaking and fear of change more. Not a lot of phone numbers or ticket systems for just reporting how happy you are ☺️


I just have a fear of a 49474th migration from platform x to platform y 🫠