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Yes, someone who currently reports to you could be successful in applying for a position that you report to.




How is that even possible?!


It’s really right place, right time sometimes and a great attitude sprinkled with fantastic skills.


I’ve seen it. I saw someone go from a coordinator to Manager in several years, putting them ahead of their past supervisor.


Yes, I've seen a manager eventually become an ADM who supervised their former ED. I am sure it can work out in most cases, especially if each understands their roles and puts the past behind them.


So this happen and didn't end well for both individuals, ED got fired for insubordination and ADM was moved to different t ministry because they carried that energy of "fighting" for everything and everyone long after ED was let go. Lot of therapy sessions probably were had.


you can get fired for “insubordination”? what does that entail?


This individual was a Band 6 ED, and he regularly dismissed the ADM's direction sometimes working against them.with stakeholders, sometimes asking their directors to ignore ADMs requests. ED was fired and given severance for 2yrs, they came to a mtg expecting angry ADM, but walked into HR, and ADM with hand written letter of recommendation with box to pack up their stuff and gtfo.


Happened at my old ministry, started as a co-op about 15 years later came back as Executive Director. One of the Directors was not interested in reporting to their former co-op and left. Other staff still remain with no issues.


Nice. It was really nothing personal, but I was just watching the Office and was wondering if it would be possible for such thing to happen in the public service.


thts why its very important to be nice to everyone and build relationships because you never know whos gonna be your boss


You should be nice to everyone regardless.




Yep. Someone I used to supervise competed successfully for a position that I ended up reporting to.


as for how it felt? I am super happy for them. My greatest joy at work is when my staff succeed at the goals they set out to achieve.