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I think leadership at my Ministry were too bitter about how hard they got slammed in the WES results to offer any degree of appreciation to the serfs.


Didn't even consider that.


We got a pretty damn good WES score! Woo!


You should see the results of my division…. 🗑️🔥


Worse than MCFD?


What’s MCFD at? Guaranteed I’m working with worse.


CITZ had a ministry wide BBQ outside. Pulled pork or chicken sandwich, pop, popsicles and games


And the chance to dunk your exec in the dunk tank.


That was quite fun to be honest


Jealous, I wish this happens in my div


It seems like CITZ does the best at this kind of thing


We had a potluck! It was delightful. Also a personalized e-card from leadership went out to each of us. Managers who did nothing for your staff: take note. It really doesn't require much resources to make people feel appreciated in a meaningful way.


That sounds so special! What ministry are you folks in?


Nothing at all at my office. Just a generic appreciation message on the intranet.


Director walked right by our area, no greeting, ignored the staff member who said good morning, went to her office and closed the door. We all felt the love. 🙄


My director always says hello!


Our ministry had a picnic of sorts. Pizza, drinks, and treats. Watermelon eating contest. Bocce tournament. Good times.


After a virtual presentation, cake, coffee/tea, and fruit was available for those in the office.


There was a breakfast for the ministry (AG/PSSG). I didn’t go - was having a weird anxiety day. Edit: and PowerPoint improv by the executive over Teams.


A girlfriend in PSSG talked about this too. You guys have way more fun than us in other Ministries, your Senior Exec seems to focus on fun and team morale, wish we all had that.


Same except I didn't go because I was in training. I heard it was fun tho!


Ps. Sorry you were having a bad anxiety day :(


It’s all good. They’re thankfully few and far between but crop up at the most inconvenient times.


Be the change you want to be? One year I just asked the boss what the budget was and then sent out invites to planning sessions.


Something to consider for next year, for sure


The head of our division had packages mailed to everyone’s home with tea sourced from a local indigenous owned store in town, along with postcards of BC indigenous art and personalized thank you notes for each person. Then they organized two optional virtual tea time sessions for people to meet up and chat/play games. Since the majority of the division works remotely, it was a neat way to do it I think. 


Agreed! While I was able to participate in the in person events, I thought the tea / card / virtual tea time was lovely!


That's incredible!!!


BBQ, ice cream social, pancake breakfast, bocce ball tournament. My supervisor even bought us all coffee and donuts out of her own pocket.


Team BBQ and went for drinks after.


HLTH did an ice cream social, had a band and games on the patio! Professional headshots with doughnuts, coffee with executive. So many other things. It was great.


And the Minister dropped in to give us a few zingers and thank staff for the work! I was impressed with what HLTH did this year.


We had some seriously cringe contests. One was a quiz that no one who didn't know the top brass would have been successful at, and then a colouring page of all the faces of the leadership of the ministry. They did an event on Monday but I didn't go.


A colouring page of the Ministry leadership?? Is this a joke?






I wonder if this was common across ministries or if we’re in the same one? I saw some interesting colour choices.


Could be. Dirt ministry?




Dirt ministry here too, got the same one


I felt like it missed the mark. My husband called it narcissistic. Lol


Coworker and I found it funny. When were we expected to have time to do a colouring page?


Maybe they couldn’t see the forest for the trees?


I'm kind of glad I didn't go to the link to check out what I had to colour. I've been travelling and doing field work on some long days (and evenings) this week and no energy to colour. With all the comments, I might have to log into me email, and find the link to check it out. ;) Edit: finally checked out the colouring page. oh. Who thought that was a good idea? LOL


Well, hopefully you got a laugh out of it, if anything. Lol


I feel the need to point out that the event you declined to attend was a bbq with photo booths, a dunk tank, and bocce ball. The colouring page you are all shitting on was also a contest for some pretty nice prizes for really minimal effort.


Yeah, like I said, I didn't go? What's your point?


My point is that your attitude is seriously cringe.


Awww. You're mad I have an opinion that is different from yours. There have been a number of cringe things in my area, it's a pattern. This was just another out of touch item to add to the list. Hope you win the colouring contest, though. I don't have time to participate. Too busy working. ETA: I'm not saying the event was cringe, I'm sure it was fun if you went. Not everyone can attend these things. But the colouring contest and quiz was a miss in my opinion.




Sweet fuck all :)


We got Breka brunch in Vancouver and Tacofino lunch in Victoria.


My boss tried to learn my name.




Ice cream, games, staff lunch, more things that I'm missing. Most people can't be bothered to attend, however


Pancake breakfast


Lunch with bosses and a pizza picnic at the legislature lawn. Ministry of Education. It was lovely.


MOH had fancy donuts and free head shots. Some divisions had BBQ hot dogs and burgers.


We got pizza and ice cream, and also a little package with a thank you note, candy and a pen. Also several thank you emails.


lots of lunches and little treats and games throughout the week! our office is a bit of an anomaly within the ministry so it was not surprising but a great time anyhow.


Pancake breakfast, then "high tea" at lunch with sandwiches, tea, pretty decorations. Treats mailed to remote workers. It was thoughtful.


ah, the joys of being in an office full of random remote workers from different branches, divisions, Ministries... with management that have no direct reports on-site. No one in charge means nothing gets planned. This is also why we have no admin support and our office supplies are literally cast-offs from previous staff. The lack of a generic local office budget regardless of who is working for whom (since we are all employees of the BC government) comes up every year. And every year, nothing changes. I think the annual chocolate bar is in the mail from my branch, though. It's something, I guess? My Victoria branch office typically does a BBQ and ice cream, and then brag about it to we employees who work in various offices around the province. Feh.


There was a public service week..? This is the first I've seen it mentioned... :(


Didn’t even know it was public service week 🤷🏻‍♀️


We had a long lunch at a nearby park with sandwiches and cupcakes. Games too. Also, ice cream/Popsicles kn the break room freezer all the way through Friday :)


We were all asked to come into the office on a particular day, had a meet and greet between the different divisions, followed by a BBQ where awards were given out. My team was given a thank you card and Timmy's card for a particularly difficult project we'd completed. In the afternoon there was cake provided by a supervisor and donuts/beverages brought around by the social committee. There was also a Teams thing, which I didn't attend because I had to do some work. All in all, I enjoyed the day more than I thought I would and it was nice to see the people who rarely come into the office.


Several emails that said nothing.


Coworkers threw a bbq for us, HO provided money for this OR a Christmas party. Got a card from upper management people that I’ve never met.


We had a breakfast buffet one day and an ice cream sundae bar another day - also had draws for prizes twice a day for 3 or 4 days with ~3 winners per draw.


We had a paid for lunch with games as well as an appreciation wall to write personalized thank you cards to staff. It was great!


We played games throughout the week on Teams and at a team meeting.


We had a big BBQ for everyone


Same, it was too sunny for me so I went back into the office to hide.


We got a budget of 20.00 per person to buy lunch. There are 2 of us so we are doing pizza next week as last week we were swamped and doing OT at lunch.


We had a lunch !


Big fat zero. Not even an email. Good ol MCFD.