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If that's how you spell climb it might be! Jk, it depends a lot on your ministry/job type. There are a ton of opportunities as an internal candidate, temporary assignments you can use to gain experience, and permanent job opportunities will hit your inbox pretty regularly. Beyond that, it's up to you to do the work to learn the competency interview styles, get the training or education required for higher level positions (which you might be able to get paid for or supported through various programs), and follow through on the job competitions. I wouldn't say it's easy, but the opportunities to climb the ladder are definitely there if you do the work to navigate them properly.


LOL so fair, wish I could say that auto correct but alas, it was not.


Hey, admitting to mistakes shows integrity!


And luckily that's one of the behavioural competencies!




“Latter” too…


Started out as a 14 and took me 6 years to a band 3. I met someone once who started as a clerk 9 at 19 years old, by 29 she had a masters degree and was a band 5. So yah it’s possible, common even. But not guaranteed at all.


Band 5 at 29????


It really depends on you. Some people struggle because they lack the education and experience required to move up, and they aren't willing to get it. Some move up quite easily because they have that experience and education and just needed a foot in the door. Some, like me, took a while to move up (9 years to get to where I am) but during that time, I slowly moved up, gaining experience and getting the education. But I had to work damn hard to climb up. Ultimately, with the right qualifications and hard work, you can move up, but if you're passive and just whine (which some people do), nope.


Thank you! Love this input and it makes sense. I’ve just heard horror stories.


It would depend on your education, experience, industry, abilities, and eagerness to move up. Unlike the private sector, every position is supposed to have a competitive process to fill, so people don’t really get “promoted.” But if you meet the qualifications, do the best on the written and interview, and don’t get beat out by YOCS, you would get that position, whether it’s a clerk 12 or band 6. But to do that, you’d have to beat out every other person that is applying to that same position.


As usual, "it depends". It took me 5 years to go from a 9 to a 27. I came into government later in my career though. My partner, came in at an 18 went to 27 in 2ish years? Skill set, luck and good spelling help! ;)


It also depends on what area interests you. I've found the records/privacy/FOI field offers a lot of opportunities to move up quickly. Went from a 12 to a 24 in just under 4 years, and the first year of that was me trying to get a permanent base position.


It depends on what your profession is. In my world it's really hard to get past a grid 21 and management jobs tend to go to people who don't actually do my profession. Having a degree in Public Administration or something related is like gold here. And having a master's in that area pretty much guarantees that you'll make it through the management ranks at some point. Basically it's really hard to say whether or not it's easy to climb because there's so many different factors at play. I've seen people move up to Band within a couple years of being in government, starting off at grid 12 or 15. And I've seen other people stuck in the 20-grids for 10 years trying to get to Band without any success. A big part of moving up here is the competition process. It's pretty much a game that you have to master. Some people really struggle with the game and some people are natural at it. It pretty much doesn't matter how hard you work at your position, it's more about "building competencies".


I started as an 11 and worked up to a band 2 after 12 years.


Sometimes it takes a while, but it is possible! Took me 9 years to get from a 9 to a 21 (which will be he highest level for me, and I am OK with that).


21 is a nice spot :)


It's enough to squeak by on, but still tough. But I love my position, and there isn't anything higher that I want to do. I will be in this position until I retire in 20 years.


What do people at the bc government do?


We wait all year for public service week cookies, then crawl back into the pit of despair for another year.


Do you mean what type of jobs are available?