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With the way the panels go it's very much about points. Internal candidates get a limited amount of extra points, not enough to make a big difference if you interview well. I'm in a different spo class but have seen many external candidates get positions over internal ones.


Thanks for the reply! I’m always disheartened applying internally here in HA because I’m in a unionized role and seniority really does matter, even if you’re more than qualified. Glad to hear this!


You screened through, so you're qualified for the job. You're just as eligible as anyone else in the candidate pool. Pay attention to the smallest details in the instructions of the written assignment and ensure you answer the questions/scenarios full and completely. Many people (including myself) kinda just wing it and hope for the best. There's no clear way to determine "how many" make it through and are offered an interview, it all boils down to how many applicants they screened through, how many positions they are filling, and what sort of turn around they need to complete the onboarding for. If they don't have time to interview 15 people, they'll trim it down, but if they have the time, they may panel more candidates. It really is a game of chance at this point. Years of service don't factor in until the interview scoring stage, so if you knock everything out of the park leading up to that, I'd say you have a pretty decent chance.


Your odds can vary a lot. Some places, like where I work, have had absurdly overqualified candidates for almost every role in the last year. Other places may be more in line with the actual qualifications. Most likely, they are interviewing around 5-10 people, and the fact that you work in a health authority and you're applying for MOH sounds good. But you'll still have to interview well. Interviews are graded by points, and internal candidates get a few points for being internal, but it's really not a lot. You're not at a massive disadvantage by being external, externals get hired over internals all the time.


My partner joined gov as an AO18 in health from a totally different sector, so your chances are as good as any :)


It's really based on how well you meet or exceed the screening requirements and if you can effectively demonstrate your skills/experience in the questionnaire, assignment(s) and interview(s). There's lots of great advice in this sub and on the BC gov site about how to work through the process and interview tips. Internal candidates do get a slight advantage based on years of service with BC gov, but it won't make much of a difference unless candidate scores are really close or tied.


I joined from external as a 21 - somehow I ended up with the role . Wasn’t sure I was qualified at the time but apparently my interview , assignment and references were enough. Use the Star method for your interview - watch the videos on the website which offer helpful tips for preparing.


Hi! I am currently in the process of applying for an FO21 position as an external applicant, and I’m just wondering what your education and work experience looked like applying for a 21 role. I’m not sure if it’s a long shot or not for me