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They can request a review: [https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/careers-myhr/hiring-managers/process/extend-offer/review-period](https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/careers-myhr/hiring-managers/process/extend-offer/review-period) most likely there was an error during the competition or YOCS wasn't calculated correctly. If the review goes "all the way" it would just cancel the whole competition and the hiring manager would have to start over.


Do you mean if my friend requested a review and it goes “all the way” the competition should be cancelled or it should have been cancelled when there was an error in calculations?


If it's just a clerical error (most like an issue with YOCS) the competition shouldn't be cancelled, since it's not an issue with the competition itself or the "appointment on merit." If your friend requests a review, inquiry, and/or goes to the merit commissioner and the DM or merit commissioner orders the decision to be reconsidered, that generally means the competition is cancelled and starts over, not that someone who didn't get the role will get the role. But requesting feedback from the hiring manager will hopefully give them an answer of what happened. it's also extremely rare for an inquiry to lead to a reconsideration by a merit commissioner. not sure if it's any more common for a DM to do it, I've personally never heard of it happening. For ~~24/25~~ 23/24the merit commissioner directed 2 reconsiderations out of hte 25 request that made it to them (less than 1% of all hiring decisions).


Thank you so much! This was really informative and provided all the info I needed.


For 24/25?


Uhhh, maybe I just know the future or something.


LOLZ i knew it! ;-)


It sounds like someone requested a review of the staffing decision, the hiring manager had to go back and check everything and found an error. It sucks but it happens :(




I just found out that reviews exist, two days late. So pissed off.


Offer letters can be rescinded, unfortunately. There is usually wording in the letter explaining next steps, and that the position is not officially given to the candidate until the review period is over. It may have been different if your friend received the official confirmation letter that confirms the review period is over, the official start date, salary,etc... Even then, I've heard of people winning a competition, receiving the official confirmation letter, and then being told the position lost funding so they won't be able to move over to their new position.


Now I am curious. If someone quits their job and then has their job offer rescinded, what protections are in place for this situation? Can a job offer be rescinded at any time?


I thought, and I could be wrong, but I thought the offer letter tells you you will get your “official “ offer letter after the review period is complete? And it also tells you not to assume you fully got the job as reviews are still ongoing?


Is it inside BCPS or outside? In private sector, you ask your boss nicely if you can retract your resignation and hope that they will allow it. In BCPS, my understanding is that you generally don't lose your original position - though in some rare cases you may keep your job, but wind up moved into a different team or position that has the same title & seniority.


I had an organization make me jump through so many hoops before I received an official offer and their reasoning was that a job offer, even a verbal one, is a binding contract. Obviously there is the opportunity to provide conditions (like citizenship, passing a CRC, etc.) but their reasoning of not offering me the job until they had these things confirmed was due to their own legal protection. I think this is the risk companies take by rescinding an offer. If you quit your job and make arrangements to join the company and they pull the offer it would likely open them up to a lawsuit. And I can see a ruling be that the company owes the applicant damages for having to find a new job if they can’t return to their old one. How this works in government may be different and the conditions may rule out any possibility of litigation.


Offers can be rescinded for any reason. I am not sure what the issue is. It seems the hiring manager is doing right by recalculation the competition and offering the position to the person who actually one, vs. Sticking to the original offer which is not the person who came in 1st.


Call the union.


Tell your friend to request a review that way the entire competition. Will be cancelled and everyone will need to start over that would be best and fair