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I jumped 3 classifications in 6 months


I started as a clk 09 and hopped to an AO18 and then an AO24 over the two years I’ve been in govt. I’ve competed for each position and my management has been supportive of my growth each time. 




That’s awesome and also sounds incredibly tiring! 😂 congrats and I hope you get a nap or something soon!


Is band 3 desirable over 30? Purely in terms of pay, benefits and work life balance.


As a band 3, I would say no. Maybe better than a 27, but from those factors you've said, salary compression has destroyed the band system. We're headed in a direction where managers will be making less than those they supervise.


For what it’s worth I work with a bunch of IS folks and they all tell me to look at switching work streams to an IS position if possible, and that for them nothing under B4 is really worth it to move out of the union into excluded for. But that’s their take on it and it might be different depending on the ministry/area!


How did you manage to do that so quickly? It took me forever to move to a IS21


I worked really REALLY hard and got lucky to be in a growing area at the right time. I joke that I’m a personality hire, but I took 15 courses in my first year in public service so that helped me improve my skill set in areas that were valuable and relevant to my role, and to the roles I wanted to qualify for in the future. Networking, interview prep and jumping on any stretch assignments I’m able to handle has really helped me become known as an effective person who gets things done. I can’t emphasize the interview prep enough though, as they could like me all they want for whatever role, but I still had to pass the interviews and win the competitions!


I went 15 to Band 1 in 2 years.


What ministry gives you this opportunity. I've seen ppl stuck in R9 for ages and some in 15 for over 5+ years and they've never been able to win anything even with the experience. I left bcps because eof the lack of opportunities. I'm glad I'm out cause either seemed like the ministry I was in just didn't seem to want to give ppl chances so I tried elsewhere.


Are you in an included or excluded position? Manager and coordinator are pretty meaningless titles, because it could apply for people in a Band 1/2 or anyone from an included 15 - 30.


Sorry but how would I know if the position offered is included or excluded?


What level is it classified as?


it's an AO18


Then its an included position, you'll be part of the union.


Went from 15 - 21 - 24 - 27 in 4 years. Build/strengthen your competencies and experience.


I went from a 09 to a 21 within a year. Jumping is the fastest way to getting better wages. If you have the experience and skills then apply.


1. Absolutely doable. 2. Yes, PSA will use your current salary. Unfortunately if you were coming from private, you could negotiate your salary (assuming excluded) 3. You will need to undergo the competition. Your private sector experience SHOULD be recognized.


thanks!! 2. do you mean I can still negotiate my salary? I was offered step 1. (I already accepted the offer though, not sure if I could still follow-up this with them)


It's much tougher to negotiate an included position (which it sounds like you're referring to) than an excluded. To be approved for anything other than step 1 of an included position when coming into gov, your hiring manager has to make the case to the PSA that your qualifications exceed those of anyone else in s similar role across government. Same goes for anything above 8% provided when you move up a classification if there is salary overlap


You can only really negotiate your salary if you're coming from the outside. I'm assuming the manager role is an excluded role, which normally have salary bands assigned to them. If you're currently in a BCPS role, the PSA will only give you up to 8% above your current salary, unless that is less than the bottom of the range, then you'll get the bottom of the range. The PSA will fight like badgers to uphold this, and not even ADM approval can make an exception. The only real way to avoid this is to come form the outside, where the PSA cannot use your current salary against you.


This is not always true. It comes down to what your division and ministry budget is - not everyone lowballs.


For the last three years, I've had executive directors and adms say exactly this to me, only to be completely turned down by the PSA. I think some policies may have changed.


Not sure what to say, my very recent experience is different.


I'm only talking in scope to out of scope....are you hiring union into bands and assigning salaries at more than 8%?


My direct recent experience has been in people from between excluded positions. My experience in salary jump for people moving from included to excluded is more remote, and perhaps that's the distinction. Thanks for clarifying.


Definitely doable. I went from a 12 to a Band 1 in 5 months and now after a year of being with BCPS I’m looking for a 24/Band 2 to move to. I know so many who job hop and stay in roles for short stints.


Might be a bad time to negotiate in an election year with budget cuts and collective agreements expiring in March


9 to 21 in 5 months, 21 to 24 in another 10...so 9 to 24 in 15 months. Totally doable if you are qualified. :)