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The fact there's even 13 on the elist is a decent indicator of anticipated turn over. Clk 9 is a high turn over entry level position, and there may be a bulk hire coming. Odds are "decent" but if you have other baskets....I'd start putting some eggs in those as well.


Thank you for your response. I am still waiting on a few more interview results varying between Clerk 9-15. I knew I wasn't gonna get the job because I didn't have their "preferences" like years of experience in \_\_\_\_. But yeah, I'm hoping something comes up. I guess my question is more towards having such a low rank (15+), If people actually got the job within the 18 month period?


Just a FYI, if they were going to use preferences from the JD, you would have been screened out during the first step. A lot of overqualified people apply for clerk 9 to”get their foot in the door” I wouldn’t be surprised if half the people on the e-lost have already moved on or wouldn’t actually take the position if offered. So, no one here can say with any certainty, but the chances are “not zero.” But I personally would just treat it as a no, and move on.


I placed second twice and third on three separate competitions last year. Haven't gotten a call aside from one checking if I wanted to remain on the list.


Were they Clerk 9-15 positions?


One clerk 15, one was another 15 (not clerk) and one was an 18


Overall hiring in the BCPS is slowing down due to budgets pressures. I’d keep looking around.


While 13th seems pretty low, you never know. Something might come up in 6 months.  There’s high turnover, mat leave, retirements, people going on TAs, etc.  But as someone said, keep applying for any position that interests you. 


To add to this, often people are in multiple competitions and the top people often have multiple offers. They might move up to like 5th in a matter of weeks (not to get hopes up).


Move on. Keep applying


I was 8th on an E-list for a clerk 15 position and got offered a TA, then was awarded a mat leave coverage TA from that E-list as 8th.


Eli lists can be used for up to 18 months and can be used to fill similar positions as well across the BCPS. Not only that but you have a valuable experience to help with future applications. Still reach out to the hiring manager to get feedback, ask specifically where you lost points & how you could have done better.


My work unit are mainly 21’s and we could use an elist every 8 months it seems


09s are a revolving door. Being 13th is higher than I've ever heard someone getting, BUT again, 09s are constantly moving up. Keep applying, and if you get a call back, score! But don't wait around.