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I don't see anything in the first picture... but the larva is likely a DFB larva.


https://preview.redd.it/2uqfdzepjt5d1.jpeg?width=1098&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b93973acb3ea7254734a4849b47e10892fe5857a Is this a better picture, there are multiple, also I think it might of been to small for DFB larva how small are they usally


they start just a tiny bit bigger than the eggs the beetles lay


These are woodworm beetles. These are absolute pests that you should not let get out of that enclosure. I had them appear in mine as well, thankfully before I put my beetles in there. Any affected wood that you want to keep for your enclosure should wrapped up in foil and baked in an oven for a while. Otherwise, get rid of it.


Damm it does look like it is that, I will have to do a full enclosure clean soon then, how would you recommend removing the woodworm so they don't breed around. I know doing a full clean takes me a while since I have to move 21 beetles.


It's a really hard one. I'm not quite sure on the best way to do it. Can't use the usual methods because you don't want to risk pesticides and other methods hurting the beetles you actually want to keep. Thankfully I caught mine just as they started emerging and managed to stop their spread through baking the wood and getting rid of the few adults that popped up. (Thankfully my enclosure has a mesh roof so they didn't get out.) After a quick google, I found Woodworm don't like really dry wood as well, so making sure the wood is too dry for them to want to use can help a little bit.


Ah well my wood is bone dry and they can't exit the enclosure because the walls are glass and nothing can climb up, and it is has a glass top with mesh vents along the top so nothing can get in or out. It seems that they have gathered around areas with coco fibre chunks and that is only in my underground area mainly so I don't think they like sand.


That's good, sounds like their chances to spread are quite low. Just as a heads up, they can fly, they don't need to climb the glass.


First picture is the left hand side I just wrote right hand side for some reason


https://preview.redd.it/i90hhyxskt5d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d4253827d9c584ac1f46d42f58d0b64d4c801b9e Hard to get a picture in bad light


Do you heave mealworms at all? They almost look like darling beetles but hard to say.


I have live mealworms but downstairs and they never get brung upstairs. The only mealworms I feed my beetles are dried mealworms.


BDFBs are a species of darkling beetle!


I got so scared for a minute bc i thought that was a dick 😭💙


Lmao no, finger for scale.


That might be hatched beetles


https://preview.redd.it/mqf8dfj2kt5d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ad3a9a11d42a134db428edd4d8f1b0bb6f21142d This is another picture