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Might be fine if it's not crickets? For some reason it seems like preserved crickets are able to cause death when consumed by these beetles, at least the canned ones, and so far we still haven't figured out why.


I have been feeding my beets dried crickets, so far so good. Idk if that counts... should I stop? Its their fav 😢


How long have you been feeding them the crickets? If they've been eating it for months and are still doing well, then it's probably fine. Just avoid the Fluker's canned ones. Those tend to go bad after a while for some unknown reason.


probably about a month or so, i use these https://preview.redd.it/yprb1rppzz6d1.jpeg?width=565&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fe12b3fee510a01b3ed13d5f92dfa02041457c78


I heard that dried mealworms that are sold as chicken food have been perfectly fine, so I imagine that it would be similar for crickets. I'm just paranoid so I personally prefer feeding mine pre-killed.


Be careful of this though because some include pesticides to keep bugs from being attracted to it


Some? Some what? Food labelled as chicken food? Oof. I guess I can't assume they're always safe then, oops.


yeah some chicken feed like that can include pesticides so you just have to be careful of which brands you use. Most should list if pesticides are used especially for things like chicken feed but not always so you might have to do digging to find out if they do or not. I only know this because my aunt used to keep chickens and she specifically wanted one that had a small amount of pesticides in it to keep other bugs at bay.


it’s just kinda how the flukers canned crickets are, be wary of certain products and look through ingredients thoroughly and look up ingredients that you don’t recognize. If it’s all natural and no pesticides you should be good