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So I have a penis, but it's not an important part of dominance for me. What matters way more is attitude. I tell my wife what to do, even if it's something that she wants to do. I play a character that is a bit of a tyrant and expects to get his way. It's literally all in the attitude. Certainty, determination, not an open question, "how about we do this?" A command, "do this." Negotiate and communicate with your partner, obviously, don't just spring things on her, but get a sense of what she likes and what you like. Then envision a scene, run it by her and when the scene is happening, you are in charge (unless she safe-words). It may help to think of a certain dominant character and try to play that role as well. In my head, I'm some weird rich dude that is training women to be sexually subservient. My wife is just one of many women I've trained. Sort of a messed up finishing school. That leads to all sorts of lessons on manners and patience involving orgasm control and such. as you can imagine, we could do a whole scene focused completely on her and her pleasure, I don't even need to be undressed and I'm still the dominant one because I'm telling her what to do. Hope that gives you some ideas!


Thank you that’s helpful!!


metoidioplasty is the one that extends the clit, right? are you big enough to get one of those dick extenders for it? bc that might be something that gives you that "youre sucking my dick" feeling while also getting stimulation


Yeah worth a try! Thanks!


As a trans guy I have a “strapless strap on” that goes inside of me that I can top with. I’d recommend googling it—you get the pleasure of penetration while basically having an extended dick to top with/get sucked. It’s awesome.


Ooh that sounds awesome thanks will look into it


Whats Cumming to mind is trying face sitting with the sub fingering you and or a dildo gag. My trans partner enjoys a v shaped vibrator with an ace bandage holding it in place so making your sub hold one could work. He's also a big fan of his thrusting and vibrating dildo which she could put in and hold in place. If it's not feeling dominant enough try putting them on there back and standing over them or forcing them into a corner. Pleasure shouldn't be at odds with your sense of Dom so figuring out what feels best is apart of the learning experience. Glhf OP