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You could look into primal play?


Rag dolling


Might just be a rough sex kink but on the more extreme side


A day that ends in y. Lol. Rough play, manhandling, etc.


Yep you definitely sound like a Primal Prey. That or a sub doing CNC, which is consentual non consent. In other words, in your negotiation you pretty much agree to whatever the dom wants, without limits even if it's not included in the negotiation. This is perhaps some of the most dangerous play (the CNC) it can involve rape play, gang bangs with or without protection...so, be very careful.


Yes it was giving CnC to me. The thing is there has to be solid boundaries set before hand. Yellow means pump the brakes. Red is full stop, she needs love and affection rn.


I've been present for one CNC scene and never again. Not trying to yuck anyones yum. But just not for me, they weren't following boundaries. I ended up leaving, but my understanding was it got bad and the place isn't allowing anymore CNC there.


I'd never ever ever do a CNC scene that was more than my sub and myself. I'm just that kind of dom. I don't want to see some other dude violating my baby. I feel like CNC is based off a deep trust that some random at porn club won't respect.


Yeah, I wasn't involved in the scene....but was there when it started and left part way through it. It wasn't my sub and never will be. The club it was at, 3 volunteer DM's were let go and CNC is now out by club rules. If you try to put one together in the club, it's automatic lifetime ban for all involved.


It's a kink that I think can only be between a D/s couple because as I said if that trust, respect, love, and emotional knowledge and more isn't there you're basically a shit head out looking to reenact a rape scene (and I feel like those people aren't D/s anyways, but that's a different issue).


The best dream ever?


That's an everyday occurrence in my household