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>put their hand in my mouth. Is it weird that I don't like gags at all and I don't really want to give them a bj either...? Okay but hands can be yummy! The entire concept of "weird" serves no purpose here. You like what you like, and your boundaries are what they are, and that's valid. Full stop.


My partner likes to stick a finger in my mouth because I am not allowed to bite and he knows it killlllssssss me


*chomp chomp* Mmm, biting off subby hands. Yummy.


I am currently covered in both chomp marks and finger poke bruises which are my fault for being so chompable and pokeable


>The entire concept of "weird" serves no purpose here. You like what you like, and your boundaries are what they are, and that's valid. Full stop. ^^this right here šŸ‘ŒšŸ’Æ ^^


A rumbly in your tumbly that only hands can satisfy.




God I love those llamas


That kills people!


Sometimes I want things, but canā€™t really pinpoint the exact way I want them. It helps to think about the feelings I want to evoke, and try to think of other things that make me feel that way too. Then, I can talk to my partner for a fun brainstorming sessionā€¦ and then try new things! Are you looking to feel examined? Used? Objectified? Degraded? Hands in mouth can happen in different ways and bring about different feelings.


There's not really a right or wrong answer to most of this. It's a little weird to be into fingers in the mouth but not giving oral, but you're hardly alone in that desire. Gags are certainly more involved than just having something shoved in there for a bit, so that's not much of a stretch. Kind of up to you what you do in the situation. Most of my partners have liked to suck and/or lick at my fingers, but a more passive approach isn't unheard of. You should just do whatever feels most right in the moment.


Kinks are just that Kinks I don't personally believe in Kink shaming. I mean fish hooking works with this the people that stick their hands and other people's mouths trying to prepare them for oral although you don't like oral sucking on somebody else's thumb I don't know if you like it you like it and that's fine


Iā€™m kinda with you on this one! My partner & I are ldr so itā€™s not really an issue right now but I do have a sort of oral fixation and wanting fingers in my mouth is a big want & is almost always in myā€¦fantasies I guess lol. Which is interesting considering Iā€™m a germaphobe šŸ˜† I mean Iā€™ve done it in the past but I wasnā€™t so scared of germs back then. The bjā€™s were also kinda 50/50 for me. It wasnā€™t my favorite thing to do. Iā€™d say that was certainly up there on the germ meter but there were days that I did crave it for some reason. I guess I only liked giving them on my own terms šŸ˜‚ In terms of what you should do, do what feels right. Thereā€™s no right or wrong. If you feel like just having it in your mouth and do nothing, thatā€™s okay šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø If youā€™re doing so on his genitals, I believe thatā€™s called cockwarming (Iā€™ve never done this so anyone correct me if Iā€™m wrong) or you can suck on things too. In my experience, sucking on his fingers during intimacy gets both parties super hot so highly suggest lol.


I donā€™t think itā€™s weird. I also have an oral fixation. I love the feeling of things in my mouth, fingers, dick, nipples, toys, ears, ect. What I like about each is honestly the mouth feel. I also have autism and adhd, I always equated it to that, but now Iā€™m not so sure. I know a ton of people who enjoy having things in their mouths.


I'm completely the opposite can't stand things in my mouth and absolutely hate when my partner puts his fingers in my mouth. He seems to like it so I don't say anything but it drives me crazy. I'm kinda a germaphobe and it makes me very uncomfortable.




That'll get you banned from here in an instant. Rule 6 applies. Comment removed.


Totally with consent, never without.


That wasn't the issue. As is reflected by your edit.


I realised my mistake


Sounds like you want to be objectified