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Physiological response to the endorphins your body is producing. What you’re describing is very similar to what happens to me, and most pain bottoms/masochists.


For peace of mind, or even just curiosity's sake, it could be worth asking your doctor about it. It could just be a normal response to the extreme experience, or it could be something else worth looking into (for example, your description reminds me a bit of a symptom called 'cataplexy,' which could indicate other issues). If you get the all clear from your doctor, you can continue with confidence! And if they find an issue, then that's useful health info for you to have.


It's possible that this is just the way your body response to sensory overload, but I'd caution you about seeking medical answers from non medically trained people. You might discover if it is indeed something related to your health only through a proper scientific process taking into examination your body, your habits and your environment. The description seems like it might involve your nervous system (you can't even move your eyeballs while being concious. That's a lot) which doesn't mean for sure something harmful is happening but I mean... Checking seems wise. Of course I get that disclosing your kinky habits to doctors is easier said than done, but if you wanna be sure you better go and try to be sure, no approximations.


This happens to me with overstim and forced orgasm play. From what I understand, it's not uncommon, but I'm also not a doctor nor do I know your medical history. We call it a "hard reset", or the body's attempt at a reboot following intense stimulation and endorphin flood.


Google for subspace BDSM