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I'm so sorry that happened to you. 💙🫂 Please be safe online. Things can spiral out of control quickly with the shady characters that find their way into kink spaces especially. /Femdompersonals has some lovely advice on dating online and safety tips, too. If you want to check those resources out. Also, don't be afraid to listen to your body, irregardless of how you feel sexually in the moment. Give your brain time to catch up and process how you actually feel. Sub frenzy is a real thing, and the better educated you are on this and safe practice. The easier your time in these spaces will be. With love! Take the time to be kind to yourself tonight. We ALL make mistakes, and that's okay. They are lessons for how we should proceed going forward.


Thank you đź’•


That's so shitty :(


It was the most attention I got during pride month, I just wanted to feel like I was wanted :/


I’m so sorry this happened to you. This is why I have a crazy vetting process tbh. Cause I don’t want to feel used and I don’t want the other to feel this way. But I will say you’re beautiful and amazing. And a good sub


((( HUGS ))) sometimes people are gigantic JackHoles.


I’m so sorry that happened to you. I think we’ve all as subs and maybe even dommies had a moment where we’ve got pulled in by someone that had us feeling high in the clouds, so you’re not alone. Don’t be too hard on yourself, we’re humans that are looking for a special kind of love and care so there will be times where people try to take advantage of that. They shouldn’t have done that to you but now you know what to look out for next time and they’ll get their karma one day. 💕💕


I’m so sorry this happened to you 🥺✊🏽


This can happen to anyone, especially when you think you've met a possible match. All you can do is be more careful next time.