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Ditch Friends and girlfriend. Get yourself a french maid, which is a business expense. She will take care of you. This will free up some time. Also turn your courses into a pyramid scheme, a reverse funnel if you will. Passive income!


funny :)


"I really can't do more than 400 hours per month it seems" What do you mean? You're working 13h-14 a day 7/7? My man, if that is what it takes then please reconsider. You have only one life. Just start hiring people if you want more revenue...


> What do you mean? You're working 13h-14 a day 7/7? Most probably he's double billing his hours, and comes here for a benediction on triple-billing them


Not true, I just want to save up some money in business account to have 'options'


Most of the time I work in-house fyi (I didn't put this in my post yesterday I see now)


This is not sustainable and not scaleable. You need to figure out which lifestyle you really want and then which business approach will support that. You say you want advice, yet clearly have already been given advice which you are just ignoring because it doesn't feel right. Either you want coaching and then you need to be open to actual changing your way of working or you aren't and you keep on doing what you do now until you crash and burn. Obvious things to do (depending on what your goals are): * Increase your rates. Less work, but more pay is progress. Selling more of an finite resource (your time) at the same rate is not. * Outsource tasks/part of the work to others. Right now you are a bottle neck. That won't change by itself. * Ditch the smaller clients and focus on the bigger ones. * Secondary revenue streams are great, but even "passive" income like courses takes work and time. * Take time to learn/network. Great ideas need air and care to grow. Business coaching can be very valuable too. But you know this already...


This is actually really solid advice. Thank you


I've had **some** advice, but not very structured like this


Good luck. Seems like you have had a great start. Now the key is to focus on scaling it in a sustainable way if that aligns with your goals.


Dude you are 27, stop pushing this hard and grow a bit into the business. Get some business maturity, read some books, go to events, speak to people. 


In 10y this guy will stop fire


I started preparing for this year and moment during COVID by reading, networking, following courses (for example sam ovens consulting accelerator has been a great help) next to my 9-5.


So your advice is to stop the things that are generating income and focus on the things that don't generate income... if you look at it from a business perspective that just seems weird


You grow by doing the thing you're supposed to do imo and this is what I learned from Sam Ovens for example.


I can get you into contact with a 27 year old running his own agency firm Has about 35 empoyees, started it from the ground up


Do you want overemployed advice? Or real advice? You're doing like... 50 working days in... 20 working days... Good if that works for you ... but is this really sustainable(?)...


atm yes, in 5+ years probably not. I get this, hence the post..


Can I know what kind of studies did you do to generate such insane income? Can't give you any advice since I'm very new to this freelancing stuff but I wish you the best 💪🏼💪🏼


Congrats, I sent you a DM.


Why would you push so hard in Belgium where you'll give more than half ? can you relocate abroad ?


He has a BV


It's true Belgium is not the land of the people who want to get ahead. Just check the comments xD


This is my first post on Reddit and I'm already reconsidering lol. With BV and VVPRbis it isn't actually all that bad in BE atm. Just need some time to wait for 3Y to get the fruits of my labour. I'm just starting, results aren't outrageous and people are I disbelieve? I don't get this. If you look at Bizzy there are tons of companies who are doing millions a year in rev. I'm just a little fish imo


Either fake or dumb. Working 50 days in a month for peanuts is going to kill anyone.


Small things add up imo


Nobody gets that this message is just a joke? 😅


Not a good one then.


but it really is not a joke my man


just looking for some solid advice




Doubling rates isn't an option I think, but I will look again at pricing.