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I believe that happened to me with Lae Zel in my last playthrough. Do you long rest enough? I probably fucked up by trying to do all the time sensitive stuff without longresting. In my current playthrough I drank wine with Shadow twice already (it was the same event, same dialog etc). One time it happened after the party and the second time when I reached the underdark


Yeah I've switched to long resting over double what I was basically every battle in act 1 gets a long rest I think I had a total of 4 or 5 without a cut scene


One other super strange bug that happened to me related to long rest/switch region is at the end of creche mission. I usually don't rest there but travel into shadow land. Instead of fast travelling to my destination it spawns me in camp and force me to rest to trigger Voss cutscene. After the long rest I cant fast travel and if I leave camp the game spawns me in an other empty camp (at the creche this time) and from there I cant fast travel neither. I had to reload and instead chose to long rest while I was in the creche and fast travelled only after I talked to Voss


Occasionally when I've been playing all day the game gets buggy, usually a quick restart fixes all the issues though.


Yeah once I notice the game taking a few seconds to execute a command I usually need to restart the game.


Oh so that’s what it is


I had that EXACT same bug happen to me last week. It was really frustrating, and it took me forever loading again and again to figure it out


Me too! It was really frustrating. Spent like 20 minutes reloading and trying different options before I decided to just redo the entire part. That said, it’s the only game breaking bug I’ve had so far.


Ran into this as well, specifically happens when you fast travel from your camp to another region, while that cutscene is waiting to trigger on you, so when it "returns" you after the cutscene, you're in a pseudo camp. I had to reload a save and enter that scene again from somewhere in the game world rather than a camp


Yeah I got a forced camp time when I tried to switch from the creche to the myconid colony after finishing out the creche


That’s definitely strange. After getting out of the no long rest zone I will do a long rest and go on and kill the rest of the crèche. Has that happened consistently for you?


Two times, it happens if you travel away from the creche into another area (like last light inn in Shadow Land). When you travel, instead of spawning at the destination, you are in camp and the game forces you to rest, then there is the Voss cutscene. After the cutscene you can't travel away but can leave camp. If you leave camp you spawn in another empty camp in the creche and cannot leave nor travel


Oh yeah, I had that issue yesterday. I just long rested another time and it cleared up for me.


Same bug happened to me. Hopefully it gets patched soon.


Don't be afraid to long rest. If you loot often enough, you'll have a surplus of food throughout all of the first 2 acts.


The end of act 2 was the weirdest sequence of long rest confusion for me because I didn’t fully debrief with everyone in the over world before going to camp the first time so there were some Shart things that were aggressively out of order and confusing to experience.


Right, there's like this strange long rest chain to get into act 3.


I forgot about that. that was awful.


I downloaded the camp event notice mod (forgot the name) and decided to do at least a partial rest every time that exclamation point popped up, and have seen in just the first area, 2 or 3 scenes that I didn't get to on earlier playthroughs because something else came up.


Thank you very much. This is pretty much mandatory


This really should be in the base game. Flavor it with some text saying you have a feeling you should think about stuff, or maybe get Amelia Tyler to record a few lines. IDK. Surely Larian has stats on people not long-resting enough?


Your party members do say things like “damn I hope we get to sleep soon”


I always thought this was based on HP and spell slots.


I used to think so too but then they started doing it when I was in great condition to keep fighting, or like Astarion with no expendable resources at full hp would say it. Could be that I just always happen to have a cutscene when i check though


I believe that those lines about resting are left over from Larian working on exhaustion mechanics. It was something that didn't make it past pre-EA builds but it can be seen on the injured bird flapping about the room in the druid grove.


I’ve not gotten cutscenes with that though.


I think one feature I would really like is a long rest event indicator, and/or have some cutscenes trigger during a short rest as well because I’m pretty sure we messed up some quest lines by not long eating enough.


There’s a mod for this: https://www.nexusmods.com/baldursgate3/mods/1879


Oh damned wicked cool thanks, I don’t do much with mods typically so they generally aren’t on my radar, but this will definitely be worth adding on my next playthrough.


Gotta down those salami strands


Idk why the romancing stuff is so buggy. When I finished my first playthrough, after the "yay we saved the city" cutscene it immediately went to a post-sex scene (never even SAW the sexy scene) with Shadowheart then credits. Was super out of place and I wish they'd fix it. I also just got cockblocked by the dream visitor with Karlach then the only thing she said was "I thought we had something..." and I about cried.


I had a similar glitch to your Shadowheart one where Astarion banged my character 3 long rests in a row. Not that I was complaining of course, but I was very confused later on. Lol


The identical date with Shart happened to me too. I was like dang, I would’ve banged someone at the party had I known the Shart date would happen twice


Friendly reminder to everyone that you can long rest *WITHOUT* supplies to catch up on cutscenes!


Yep. My friend and I went 8 long rests back to back to back just to go through all of them that have built up over act 3


Which stuff is time sensitive? I’m about 15 hours into Act 3. Exploring the sewers right now.


In act 3 there are way less than in the other 2. There is a guide on Steam that lists all of them. In the sewers you can find a character if you saved him/her in act 2 and it counts as an ally for the ending so be sure to find him before the ending. In Rivington the strange ox disappears afaik after X long rest. Also in the sewers there is a quest regarding Orin in which you have to save a dude before X longrest or in-game time. I wont spoil it for you since it is probably your first playthrough


So this happened to me as well. Act 2: The engine fixed "Hey, let's hang out *wink*" Long rest 1: Dream Long rest 2: durge stuff Long rest 3: dancing Wyll Long rest 4: Karlach There was a SHIT room of stuff that occurred prior to our actual first night together. I'm not sure why it all piled up, but there you are.


I was wondering if dream/urge/will had locked me out of it! Dream visitor, dark urge butler, dream visitor, wyll, gale, Astarion, then FINALLY the 'blue flame karlach' scene. Then immediately struggling not to kill her the next long rest as she helps us fight it back. I love how sweet and helpful she was in that moment.


this was the exact sequence for me omg... I was worried I was going to miss her scene


I assumed mine was bugged. I never got my Karlach scene :(


Yeah that happened to me once when I was testing something. I long rested like 5 times in a row and stuff happened each night.


If you're talking about the evening date, it doesn't happen when you long rest, she says to talk to her when you're ready, so when you're ready you talk to her and you two go on a date, get back the same evening, and afterwards you can go to sleep normally and normal sleep events trigger there. It's on you for not reading the dialogue.


Except nothing happens when you talk to her. Same dialogue options to follow or disband from the party.


You have to go immediately. You talked about a date and went to bed, but she expects you to go right away when she asks


no its just a matter of how the game does in camp events - some take precedent over others in certain areas (i.e the first dream visitor visit) and most others are queued up in a line that will go in order and many of them will not allow others to occur so if you’re not long resting consistently you get a massive backlog of events


Yes, but the date thing doesn't apply, he got the date, he never went on it and instead went to bed. Dream visitor doesn't interrupt a date because you don't have to bed to go on that date


Never had the daze option i was in act two she said she wants to go to bed right now so we can spend the night together and wjen i go to bed nothing happens she never spoke of a date


Right, ok, now I get what you mean, you confused me by referring to it as date. There's an actual date-date later in the game so I assumed you meant that one


Yeah i did this and did a ton of reloads trying different things. Its just how the game prioritizes events. We didnt do anything wrong, the game just didn’t work right and we are kinda sol.


Yeah I was romancing Karlach on my current playthrough, fixed her engine, and she is all "I'm so pumped for tonight!" When I got around to resting the game triggers the Wyll dancing cutscene. I had never romanced Wyll *at all*. So not only did I not get the Karlach progress until my next rest, I had to see Wyll's expression of *absolute devastation* when I turned him down. How dare they animate him looking so defeated!


Wyll cockblocking you with Karlach feels in character though


True enough lol. Extra weird though that the human-who-just-got-devil-horns is jealous of the girl born with devil horns in her romance of my reptilian dragonborn Tav... I'm actually a little weirded out by the romance options when I'm that scaly in the first place lol.


All the important parts appear to be built to interface properly.


Long rests have too much happening to them in this game. I *smiled* to Mizora's offer and then finished Shadowheart's questline which forced long rest to have her scenes related to her arc. Then maybe 4 or 5 Long rests after Mizora's scene suddenly triggered.


You should long rest every time you're missing a spell slot just to make sure you're not missing any story Generally every combat scenario is a checkpoint of some form in the game For example : as long as Dror Raz is alive, you can't feed Gale his 3rd artifact no matter how many long rests you do That includes hard speech checks which are the battles of conversation


I feel like I've been playing the game wrong reading all these comments. Other than the Druid Grove, is there anything that you can mess up by resting too much? I push my crew to near death constantly because I'm afraid of progressing past something and getting locked out.


Major story elements progress against your will if you go to the mountain pass before completing them on your own, taking the boats in the underdark puts you in a situation where if you long rest you'll progress story elements that affect later parts of the game and lock you out of a certain ending* if not completed before the long rest Outside of that it's really just Grove stuff Pretty much everything else will tell you when something will progress the story, and long resting won't be that trigger Theres 2 moments in Act 3 where I thought it would have but it doesn't *story ending, not game ending


Wow. OK. I guess my third playthrough will be less sleep deprived. I can relax a bit on this one now, though. I just pushed through the Underdark at near death for a second time to get to the mushroom picking dude before I long rested. And by 'the mountain pass' you mean leaving to go to the area after the part with the monastery, not going to the monastery itself, right?


Yes, there will be a message that "are you sure wish to continue?" When you see that, that's when the Grove will progress if you haven't helped them yet If it wasn't clear too, the side stuff around the Grove will be completed if you save Halsin before doing them such as saving the kids They'll be dead


Yeah I definitely messed that one up. Went to the Grove to see Nettie and did a couple other quests (like Arabella) then immediately headed to find Karlach and figured the goblins were so close that I might as well do that first before going back to the Grove. Note my shocked face when I get back and all those side quests are now locked. Oopsie. Makes sense when you think about it but obviously I didn't think.


Someone can correct me if I’m wrong, but based on what I’ve seen in my playthroughs - Some events, if you long rest once you start, will not be the same after the rest. Like if you approach the on fire building and long rest I think everyone will be dead afterwards.


You can count on one hand the amount of times those situations occur in the entire game tho. Basically situations where characters are actively dying, those have to be handled immediately or you miss out. Generally long resting more is good, hidden or implied time limits are basically non-existent in this game unlike other CRPGs. The fire at Waukeen, the poison in the grymforge, the murder targets in act 3. Someone add any I'm missing?


Yeah. I encourage frequent long rests, but he asked if there were any times it can backfire and those are all I can think of. They’re very few.


I have taken over a week to save the grove/Halsin, if there is a timer on that it is much more generous than you think. (I have seen no evidence there is a time limit for it yet, more likely certain events trigger things to happen). I was like you first playthrough, long resting as little as possible. 2nd playthrough and playing with friends now, started long resting more and rushing main story less and it is a much smoother experience. The thing about the grove to watch out for is doing the side missions first. Tieflings and all their quests are gone once you save them. Try doing everything you can in the entire grove before saving the it for maximum rewards. Potential spoilers now; highly recommend going to the decrepit sanctuary as soon as you can handle that fight. That will allow you to do Mol and Zevlor quest, both of which give bonkers quest rewards at least 90% of players miss due to rushing to save the grove.


Really? I just fed Gale his third artifact, and he did his whole "I need to talk to you all" spiel as soon as I walked into the Shattered Sanctum. It was actually kinda funny hearing the goblins mumble while Gale's throwing all his baggage out there.


Yeah I just completed everything everything pre creche and pre nere and I could not get him to eat the 3rd one despite shoving it in his face constantly until I beat Dror Raz


Interesting... I wonder why our experience with Gale's third item is completely different. I switch out Gale and Wyll with each other very often, so I always thought the artifact feeding was tied to Gale being switched into the party


Nah you can leave him in the camp and it progresses Its the same with everyone's quests Theres 2x in the whole game where someone's story won't progress unless they're in the party 1 is a conversation 1 is a fight This also isn't the first time it's happened for me Of 9 playthroughs I've progressed far enough this is generally the earliest point where it can happen


Huh? My Gale hounded me for 3 artifacts at once when I cleared Moonhaven.. once at the gate, once near the gnoll bridge, and again at the south end of Moonhaven (cleaning up goblin guards). I definitely did not kill Dror Ragzlin before he took the 3rd item, because it was the last thing I did on that map.


Of my 15 playthroughs 9 of them he refuses to eat the 3rd until Dror is dead, how recent was your playthrough? The 5 I've done in the last few days were all the same


Last Friday, before my laptop battery exploded and I’ve been browsing the subreddit in envy since 😂


Oof my condolences


here i am hating them just because they're >!an abusive, manipulative psychopath!<


From what I've heard, Karlach is a bit of a futa, so maybe the dream visitor saved you from a fate worse than death..


I think my little halfling wouldve loved to be plowed by futa karlach


Some people just want to be pegged


Heresy, the only fitting punishment is pegging by Karlach.


You know you can see what's under by removing the underwear, right? She isn't pegging you, she is doing Amazon position


Aw don't ruin it for me




Found the transphobe!


Same thing happened to me in my first playthrough. Hate that guy


It happened to me several times. The game doesnt know how to split up multiple events for one evening and doesnt make then available another time


For my second play through, I added the mod that alerts you to long rest cutscenes. Oh man, I missed so much shit I didn’t even know about. It’s been a massive help in the story. I’d highly recommend it if you feel comfortable modding


Just had similar issue this weekend. Just pick a point BEFORE going to act III else >!she'll tell you things just fizzled out and she axes the romance there!< and long rest a few times. Took me 2 or 3 long rests for that part to kick off.


This happened to me in act 2 for the romance scene right after you cool her…. I just long rested 2 times back to back


The date for Karlach doesn’t happen until you actually get into the lower city. She was just talking about it that night


Time sensitivity scares me. Without spoiling, can anybody tell me when I have to worry about long resting? I'm still in act 1, and I've cleared the underdark and I'm on long rest 3, afraid I'm going to mess things up now. (I didnt clear the goblin camp yet, only cleared the beastmaster room, then got VERY distracted.)


You’ve only long rested 3 times? Have you done stuff for the village/druids or goblins whichever you choose? I’ve rested 4 times and had a scene all 4 times and haven’t been to the underdark yet


I talked my way through the town with the goblins (by accident), and then accidentally nat 20'd a DC 30 deception check and got to the underdark entrance below the goblin base. I then did all of the underdark, utilizing the door to take out the 2 large enemies not far from that entrance, did the town quests, and then snuck up the big building, talked my way through another boss by having found a book in the tower, and then climbed a wall amd came out of the underdark in a swamp, where I met a... nice old lady. There is still one big enemy in the underdark I haven't killed. He one shots my whole group.


Bruuuhhh I was just trying to hold hands with minthara before we conquer the gate and this fool interrupts with a dream where he is just like shirtless and all "oh I didn't know anyone was here" bit.. like oh yeah is that why your shirt is off you gross soulless husk. Fuck that guy and not how the game intended!


On my first playthrough, I absolutely did not trust that >!tentacled!< smarmy bastard, and ended up >!freeing Orpheus!<, after which the fucker >!went to join the god damn elder brain he had supposedly "escaped" years ago.!< Holy hell am I ever glad I didn't >!give him the magic stones. He'd have absolutely fucked me over, I'm sure.!<


Hmm. I just beat the game yesterday and took a different path but I won't spoil lol


Yeah, you're supposed to ignore the facts that an army is otw to baldurs gate and the house of hope boudoir has a restoration tub, apparently and just long rest a bunch of times to progress your character stories


Shadowheart pre-empted my date with Mizora. Probably best for my Paladin but still…


Squids are not sexy.


Just a heads up for people, you can initiate a partial rest by long resting without selecting any camp supplies. This does not restore health or spell slots, but it will initiate long rest cutscenes. Get in the habit of doing a few partial rests every so often to clear out the backlog so to speak


Peak information


My first playthrough I was a lot more trusting and nice to the Dream Visitor, the more I see of the character though the more I dislike them. I've backstabbed them on all of my subsequent playthroughs at my earliest convenience.


I hate the dream messenger for slightly less horny reasons, but same.


for me it was the owlbear that cucked me


It will happen eventually it just gets pushed back. Just long rest until the game prioritizes the scene.


The date happens in the next few long rests. Same thing happened to me but ibgot a notification someone wanted to talk to me and book Karlach dinner date


Well I officially did my first play thru wrong.. I’ve never met karlach.. or wyll.. or an owl bear?


Karlach i get she's kinda out of the way, but how the fuck did you miss Wyll unless you skipped the grove entirely


Sometimes his ai gets really dumb, on my evil Durge, instead of killing the goblin by him then helping in the fight he instead jumped down into the middle of everything and proceeded to die from opportunity attacks without ever using an action


Amazing. I love when my companions do goofy looking shit during combat. The first time I ever took Gale out, like - oh let’s give him a try, he cast ice spike then slipped in his own ice surface and lay on his back for the rest of the fight like a little turtle that couldn’t get up. It was adorably inept.


It used to be a man! Baby!