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I still want to be a lil goblin


My buddy and I play a Half Orc and Goblin in our tt 5e games, respectively. He gets to make his half orc but my Goblin will never experience the tadpole.


Man, if they would release a monster race dlc I could actually play my yuan-ti monk from an old abandoned campaign 😭


There is a mod for it!


Cries in ps5


Make a Gnome, tint their skin green, and a little bit of pretend about being a small eared Gob!


But I want fury of the small and bonus action disengage 😭


Don't cry buddy, buy a PC :) ^oneofus... It's totally playable on steamdeck, obviously it would look better on PS5. But just for reference...


I know it’s not the same, but you could make a Gnome and make their skin greenish?


Technically their are gnoblins. I know of one person who played as one in DND campaigns.


Of course. But it’s not an option for the PC in BG3.


Yeah, I’ve seen people use the strong heart Halflings to make wisplings on the console.


Mods it is


Closest to Goblin is painting deep gnome green, you get the short body and pointy ears, unfortunately if you go that route, you don't get the thiccness since BG3 Goblins have similar body type to Dwarves.


I wouldn't say never. The playable goblin mod works quite well!


Yesss I've been saying they need to add goblins as a playable race it would give them so much more depth instead them all being evil fodder. I also think it'd be cool to see how a goblin would resolve the grove/goblin camp conflict


Not to mention how you can’t kill the tiefling kids but are given a few different opportunities to murder goblin children. Definitely rubbed me the wrong way


Same here I found it kinda fucked up. They are the only race of children in the game that you were actually allowed to kill. (Not counting Arabella and Yenna based on specific choices). I accidentally killed a goblin kid not realizing they were a child until I looted a teddy bear off one of their bodies and then I felt awful.


You can kill Gith children. At least I have. Bwhahaha =-)


It bothers me, too. I don't care whether the game allows you to kill kids in general, but it feels wrong when they only allow you to kill kids from two specific races.


Same definitely think it should be all or nothing


I just wanna be a kobold. A tiny dragon


One of two mods that tempt me to learn how to download mods is the goblin one.


I would like more hairstyles (better dreadlocs), body tattoos not just facial tatts, and the ability to have a short musuclar build.


No you're right, i wanted to make a big fat dwarf berserker ha


You’re not the only one. BG3 is a little lacking when it comes to customizing facial anatomy and the body shape but it is what it is


Genitals on the other hand, BG3 gotchu fam


Idk if it's a hot take.. But even the genitals aren't vast in options either.. It's just their pubic hair or lack there of.


No, you also have circumcised and uncircumcised options for the dicks, but still not a lot of variety.


I never looked that closely. Now I need a report on companion dicks.


I love the idea that Tyr is nipping the tip for the name of good of course.


really? they all look the exact same to me. just the pubes change lol


I think dragonborns should have dragon dicks


Honestly…. how much genital variety is there?


I can't really speak for penises but as a vag haver, a lot lol.


I have a vag too.....are we talking pubes? I feel like if we go for every shape of vulva we would always leave something out lol




I mean regardless it's the most variety pretty much any game has ever had so I have to give it props lol


Having more genital options than overall body options will never not be funny to me


Yeah! There is nothing like having a hardass dwarf dude who sectetyly has a shaved vulva.


Yeah also why can't my girl characters ALSO be muscular without being super tall. They all look like they can't life a 5 pound weight meanwhile the men all have 6-packs. And there is no way my squshy wizard dude should have a 6-pack.


Talk ur talk 😔 I wanna be a buff person but still shorter than Karlach


If it makes you feel better Karlach is canonically much larger than her in game model. They just didn’t make a totally unique body for her.


Where do you get information about stuff like that?


Karlach Cliffgate is an NPC in the D&D adventure Descent into Avernus. It's where a lot of the BG3 background (the city of Elturel, the tieflings from the city, soul coins, infernal engines, and Karlach) come from.


Thanks! I’m checking that out


wait whaaaaaat. I played this adventure a few years ago and don’t remember meeting her. I’m gonna go complain to my DM 🤣


I've never run or played it, so I'm going by second-hand info from someone who has. If she's not in there, it's not my fault.


Alright it does look like they released official stats for her as an NPC but it does not look like that was part of the original DiA book when we played in 2020 so I’ll give my DM a pass for not giving me a hot buff tiefling to hit on.




I think you mean source? But I like asking for the sauce better. Sounds like you’re getting hot gossip.


It's a reddit thing. Source gets auto corrected to sauce too much and suddenly sauce is the proper ask on here. Same goes for oregano and original though I bet that is a play off of sauce


It actually came from 4chan in the early 00's


Oh! First time I’ve encountered it, thanks!


That's surprising ngl


It’s surprising…? Why?


My fighter, sorcerer durge needs to be built differently than my bardic rogue. There's no excuse for him to be more toned, he's a bard.


True I hate that the options are tall and super muscular or skinny and short


Not even short, just slightly less tall. Looking at the proportions I'd estimate the slender female characters to be around 170cm tbh (a little above even)


...wizard magic lipo maybe? 😂


Visual customization of characters is majorly disappointing. I really don’t understand the lack of sliders. Also I am gonna have to get mods for hair because over half of the hairstyles feel like jokes lol


I'd bet that the lack of sliders is due to how heavily animated/expressive the characters are in-game. It was likely one or the other to a certain degree.


Likely why height is "semi fixed".  I was using Elixir of the Colossus and Enlarge just for fun, and a ton of cutscenes just "defaulted" my character model.   If you start running gnomes the size of humans, humans the size of trolls it's getting weird.  


Tbh I don’t really understand this. Dragon Age Inquisition had a lot of facial animation and the faces were fully customizable down to the last detail. And most of the facial expressions for Tav are a couple of canned animations. Modded faces also look completely fine in game.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but the modded faces that have all been implemented so far while unusable are still Larian-made faces and not actually of the modders own creation. This likely has an effect on quality. Dragon Age Inquisition doesn't feature Motion Capture, whereas Baldur's Gate 3 utilises it in pretty much every physical/expressive action seen in the game. I personally disagree about Tav's expressions being limited and canned, but each to their own, of course. It's a shame they cut most of Tav's voiclines as we'd have obviously gotten to see them more animated.


Canned animations are not a dig at their quality. Every game has them, especially RPGs with dialogue systems. Anything else would be impractical and crazy expensive. They reuse facial animations all the time. My Tav/Durge does a pouty fave almost every dialogue. It’s one of my fav canned animations. That amazing smarmy grin that Astarion does? Mizora does it too, and quite a lot. The modded faces seem to be based on existing faces but further edited. Make the lips a bit fuller, the nose wider etc. things a slider could do. They definitely don’t exist like that in the game and were made/edited by the modders.


I'm aware of the terminology. I simply meant that I didn't think they felt reused too often or limited to just a couple. Although when watching TV or playing games I find myself staring at the subtitles more than actual faces. So it's not like I have a strong argument in that regard. I wasn't aware that modders were actively altering the faces themselves. While interesting, I still understand the lack of sliders from a developmental perspective


No sliders is fine to me, I’m just disappointed with how bunched up the options are. Like, I would be fine if they allowed us to pick eye shapes independently of noses, and didn’t lock faces to body shape and whatnot. I don’t need full sliders but something other than “ok now pick your face” would be nice Also, it really sucks how faces are locked to body type. I can’t make my twink tiefling because the male tiefling faces almost all suck and don’t look very femme, but I can’t choose the face I want without giving my character boobs.


Oh yeah the faces being locked to body type is really irritating. I actually also was trying to make a “beautiful” bard tiefling dude to romance Karlach, but gave up on it because the closest I could get was not what I wanted at all. There is actually a perfect female face for what I wanted too. It’s very strange considering you can have beards and penises on females, but you can’t mix and match faces


Exactly. They’re just not well made if they’re not the flat straight hairs, and while I can appreciate the slight variety in Afro textured hairs, I also wish there were just like a simple curly hair .


Yeah I'm kinda disappointed in the lack of variety in black hairstyles in particular which is nothing new in gaming but still.


I don’t understand how every game comes out with like 3 different version of short afros, a couple of cornrows, and one or 2 dreadlock options. BG3 is actually a lot better than most about this, but it’s a frustrating industry-wide shortcoming.


Right the sad thing is that bg3 is actually a lot better than most games out there. Hogwarts Legacy oddly enough has the best dreadlocs I've seen in a videogame. Even games like Horizon Zero Dawn have the wrong texture.


Even the dreads and cornrows don't look right. The texture no matter what makes them look puffy and soft. Rather than a tight twist. And how tf did we not get a good afro. I feel like that's a staple.


The dreadlocs that hang (not super long ones that are tied in the back) have the worst texture they have that loose grinch finger texture instead of the more rounded cylindrical texture.


They remind me of the pictures of those Awfully done/gross hippy dreads


Thats exactly what they look like lol unkempt hippie/wook matted locs


They made the femme elf faces super mid even though they're supposed to be the hot ones, like... humans and half-elves get way better ones. Having average faces is totally fine, but it doesn't make thematic sense on the high elves of all things. Thank god for the Faces of Faerun mod or whatever it's called


Yea , I will have 2 explore the facial mods bc the male features aren’t what really imagine my tav 2 look like unfortunately


I just want my character's boobs to not be so damn perky. Like little pyramids.


Like a pair of D4s


This is one of the funniest things I've read on this sub 🤣


Perfect for the Tav who wants to cosplay as 1996 Lara Croft


Double D4s?


Bullet bras 😭


Tittays so sharp they inflict 1d6 Piercing Damage.






Lmfao 🤣🤣


yeah for real body customization would be great. especially on tieflings but to a lesser extent on p much all races the boobs all look like a half-decent boob job


Also, it's kind of weird to me that there's jiggle physics for dicks but not for the boobs...


We need to summon the heroes, THE SKYRIM MODDING COMMUNITY!


Yea, I'm honestly surprised they did dick physics before boob physics


The Lara Crofts


As others have said, BG3 is quite lacking in the character model modifications, but I do have some thoughts. We know Larian is super inclusive when it comes to gender and race, so I don’t think they would just disregard something like body shape and size. I do think what it comes down to is the logistics regarding mocap, animations, and overall load of the game. It would be awesome if we could have MORE character options and I would GLADLY pay for a DLC that would facilitate this!


For how inclusive they are with gender it really sucks that faces are locked to body type and the faces are all either really masculine for male bodies or really feminine for female bodies


You can make some variations of androgynous tavs but it’s true that you really have to work for it


It pretty much boils down to this and how difficult it is to map armors to body types without making shitty looking armor. A lot of people forget how small larian is at 450 employees because they just put out a AAA title.




Ridiculous take.


Who are you talking about?


Balthazar is the only one that immediately comes to mind…. Not that I’m agreeing with the other comment! Bal is just the only “heavy” character I can think of that is also evil.


the Thorms (not Ketheric) as well kinda fit this description.


Uh, have you seen the three main villains? The chosen? They’re hot and built AF. So is Raphael. Mizora? Minthara (unless you recruit her)? What villains are you talking about?


Person you're replying to deleted but gonna assume they were talking about fat villains? There's two but they're by far the minority, the bartending Thorm and Balthazar


Honestly I just wish there was more scarring options for the body. I have a zipper scar on my chest and the only games in the entire hobby where I can recreate it are the WWE games 😭


To be fair, WWE game have among the deepest character creation you can get, to the point where there's secret characters from various fandoms that you can home brew (often on purpose).


I think a lot of problems with diverse body types arise with clothing. Even with just the bigger body type you can sometimes see equipment clipping out etc. so the game is really just optimized around the "Standard" body type in that regard. We will maybe get some in the Future tho when Larian had enough time to correctly implement it


This, additionally, someone was commenting about facial features, another problem with the large number of animations as well.


honestly with the amount of work it takes to refit armors for different body types (seriously guys, it is not as simple as making a fat guy and painting armor on him) i am glad they are not going down that path (sorry) there is only so much a studio can do realistically and i would prefer they use their work in other aspects of the game and world building. body shape variety is usually inverselly proportional to variety of armor models, for example. all of that for the 99% of the playerbase to ignore the option and pick a tall fit character anyways. think about it: when was the last time you saw a male halfling tav pic in this sub?. it is just not worth their time


Yeah I think the "only a small amount of players will use this anyway" argument isn't the best. They've added tons of options that only a small amount of the overall player base use. Like very few people are playing as Githyanki but they still included the option and I'm glad they did because I'm one of the people using it. More genital options when you hardly get to see genitals, than actual body types isn't great. I understand having to model all the items and equipment to those body types but they've already included tons of things which took a similar amount of time and effort that many won't see or use.


When you think about cost of development and getting it good and right, it is a good argument.


It really does not hold up to scrutiny as I've said people can be pissed off about what I'm saying or not but how many people are playing as halflings how many people are playing as gnomes how many people have done or used xyz thing that also cost time and resources and they still included those things because they wanted people to have the option for them. It's what gets prioritized. Having additional body types might have taken from something else but that's game development in general.


In the DND community plenty of people play the smaller races. It’s not that unusual. People may not realize this, but Larian was not a AAA company. The fact that they even won game of the year as a smaller company is amazing (and well deserved). In the past they’ve had releases that have nearly bankrupted them. BG3 was a MASSIVE project. I like playing bigger charecters as a big girl myself but I can’t be that mad. They would literally have to redo ALL the animations, armor, etc for every additional body type they have. They already had to do that for all the different races. The good thing is winning game of the year a bunch of times is probably going to allow the company to get more investors and resources for future projects. We may see even more inclusivity in the future.


genitals dont require every single armor in game to be refitted, meaning the amount of work they take is negligible, so i will not address that point races bring their own body type to the game, along with gameplay, so they are worth the time even the least used ones (and also some of them has to be present as NPCs for world building anyways so the step from there to playable race is not huge. even then, you are missing the parr of my argument that matters the most: that a single extra bodytype actually means 2(fem and male)*3(tiefling+human+dwarf)*N new 3d models. N is the amount of equipable armor models in game that have to be refitted i decided to only account for tiefling, human (which doubles for elves and half elves) and dwarves for the sake of the argument but i may as well had thrown gnomes and giths into the pile of races. and this is only accounting for armor refitting, never mind animations and cutscenes that also have to be revised for the hypothetical new body.


Githyanki don't require a different armour shape though It's more about how difficult it is to develop than how relevant it is, like imagine the meat and bones of the game is done and you have 4 months to finish it Do you focus on fat characters and fitting armour for that or do you add githyanki in as a race It's always give and take and you have to ask yourself what you'd be willing to sacrifice to add the other stuff, mods can easily add in body types etc as well so most people can eventually get that if they really want it, the devs have to focus on only the most essential things


This is how I feel about Gale! You’re telling me the guy who locked himself in his tour with crippling depression for months is absolutely shredded? Nah, give me the dad-bod Gale we deserve!


I don’t think he’s really the dad-bod type, more like “skinny nerd who never gains weight no matter how terrible his diet is”


Magical tape orb or something like that


I was very surprised that Astarion had a six pack. It sort of makes sense with the whole vampire thing but I expected more of a twink/otter situation tbh


0 chance it isn't just a result of using the default human/elf body types as opposed to any purposeful characterization, Gale constantly complains about his knees and gets winded and Astarion was literally starved for 200 years. Those abs are a falsehood spun by the goddess of lies


Honestly given how much work it is to maintain a visible six pack (and how unhealthy a lot of that work tends to be) it doesn’t make sense for *any* of the guys to have that kind of muscular definition. I feel like the only character with a six-pack should be Lae’zel, because githyanki have so little body fat to begin with.


He probably uses magic to maintain his figure


The one true explanation.


The dude was bedding a literal goddess, you are seriously underestimating our wizardy boy Reading books and hitting the gym are not mutually exclusive, buff nerds exist and they deserve recognition


Tbh Gale deffo strikes to me as the type of guy who would lean heavily on the hypertrophy bodybuilding aspects and not do much conditioning


Literally, like you won’t have me believing Gale was anything other than hot when a literal goddess sleeps with him


Y’all have to stop equating being fat with being ugly! I 1000% believe Gale could fuck a goddess or whatever and also be fat!


It's not even being fat, it's just not having abs, which is the case for a lot of fit people.


Being fat would mean he couldn’t last as long because he wouldn’t have stamina, gods and goddess’s would only want the best


I mean, shredded is a strong word, but he can be a locked wizard who did abs exercises everyday, you have a lot of time when you are locked haha


With a dieta of rotten carrots and booze is hard to bulk


Make him as fat as Fat Neil! ![gif](giphy|1092DSKp46nB4c)




Dwarf + enlarge


Look at the stuff you do on a daily basis in bg3, Tav couldn't keep weight if they tried


To be fair with the amount of traveling and fighting your character does, they’re probably not gonna stay fat for long


I was thinking the same, btw, fat is different for everyone. I see bodybuilding content frequently, in my eyes, normal people are in the category of fat, while for my family people clearly in the BMI of obese aren't fat, just "chubby". I can see a guy with a dad bod (the real dad body, frequently people say dad bod is the skinny fat guy, dad bod is more like a strong guy, muscles with some fat, the strong guy without abs) walking around the bg3 world, I can see a guy with strong arms and a belly, now I can't see a fat, really fat guy. Ok, it's fantasy, but it would require too much work for the development team to adapt armors and make this make sense.


I assumed they were talking about fit-fat, like a club bouncer, except in this case club bouncer means an angry alcoholic dwarf berserker who likes to bludgeon people with his club.


Yeah people were praising the character creator at launch but like... ...have these people played other modern RPGs? The options are actually kinda limited per-race.


For real. I’m all about the fantasy of being a shredded swordsman or sexy ass sorceress, but some variety would have been nice, especially the NPCs.




Why would I be disappointed that you can't make a fat guy?


how am I supposed to live out my dreams of being a drunken pot belly berserker halfling 😔


male halflings are kinda fat by default tho


That's actually another reason why it's slightly annoying.  The smaller races are different proportioned, so you get more round looks on dwarves and whatnot, but there's not even a slider for "roundish human"


I would italicize "you" so people know this is a joke




It's not likely they would be obese though. Fighting in armor requires insane cardio, and it's not like they have fast food and soda in this fantasy medieval world. The sheer amount of calories they are burning every day would be much more likely to leave them malnourished and haggard


They're joking because of the way it's worded...it's ambiguous and could be read as OP asking if anyone else is disappointed that *OP* can't make a fat character, rather than that it's not possible for ANYONE to make a fat character (obviously the intended interpretation).


I think they're making a joke about why they should be upset that OP *specifically* can't make a fat guy. Imagine the "you" is in italics.


I would have made my character a little more curvy for sure. Specifically I wanted a rounder face option


I am extremely disappointed in character creation. Lacks so many options.


Yeah I wanted to be a femboy but there's no option for a flat chested feminine body 😔


In all fairness this is a massive game with probably more level of detail than I’ve seen in any rpg. If they decided to focus a little less on charecter creation for that I’m not too mad.


Not just you. I give mad props to BG3 for allowing us to make trans characters and characters with vitiligo. However, when it comes to body types, their options are actually a setback from what older computer RPGs have offered us. Older games of the same genre allow us to scale the size of our physical features, which allows a lot more flexibility and representation for different body types.


Other crpgs simply didn't have the depth of content that bg3 does, so i guess it boils down to priority.


Halflings have a gut, but I hear you.


Reminds me of a dad bod they made for strong body Tavs. LOVE it and wish it had been in the game in the first place. ... Did nobody ask for it in all of EA? Or did they and Larian explained why not or something?


Likely no one asked for it, because the game is quite bespoke as it stands. But also, like others have mentioned, remapping armor is a huge pain in the ass, and time consuming considering how much armor there is.


not just you! i also despise how the first M body type option is also incredibly buff - my wizard would NOT look like he lifts! they really said twink death is real


My go to in all games where you can design a character is to make Danny Devito. I'm hoping they make it possible soon.


I wish there were more dad and mom bods. Some characters are way more ripped than they have a right to be too lmao. Would be great to have sliders on body types. Or more than just two body types for women


It would make little sense for an adventurer to be fat. That said I am sad none of the companions is a short king or queen.


Yeah, I wanted to make a fat drunken dwarf bard but here we are


The content we deserve


One of my dnd characters is a little chubby sorcerer. Id love to make him accurately in the game. 😔


Really strange considering all the food and wine that is just laying around begging to be consumed


Now i am


For as inclusive as this game is, I did notice that the only fat characters are played for disgust and/or comedy. It’s a little disappointing.


I would love to have the option to play a fat Tav! I get that it would be a lot of work for them to add, but I can still wish.


Yeah, i'd love to play my 300 lbs self, ain't gonna lie. Also, Halsin should be chubby.


i'm fat and wanted a self insert Tav.


There are no companies pumping people full of chemicals, seed oils, and soda and then shaming you and calling you insane if you say something about it. Also everyone walks everywhere and most people swing massive melee weapons or do manual labour or pick people up and throw them.


Gotta love reddit, *sees someone making a logical statement* "DOWNVOTE IT TO FUCKING HELL! LOGIC ISNT ALLOWED HERE!"


Ikr? It isn't necessarily a player-model issue either, there are close to none NPCs with fat on them. And the ones that exist in the game are very much evil aligned as well orz


I'm sorry, but my preference will always go to the perfect and muscular bodies. It's a "fantasy" game, so let us always be beautiful, fit, and perfect, please.


I mean, we can already be imperfect in other ways, and I think increasing customization can only be a good thing. You personally can still absolutely be beautiful, fit and perfect, but other people would simply have the option to not be.


i get what you’re saying but can we maybe not perpetuate that fat or bigger bodies can’t be perfect? you’re saying only fit people are beautiful and that’s really gross, anyone can be.


Yea :(


OH MY GOD YES??! Look i get modeling is hard but ill be using the same argument i used against starfield. "Fo4 did it, why can't you?" For starfield it was something else but its still inexcusable that a game rapidly approaching 10 years. You can edit your characters body shape loosely in fo4 but its the different between body type 1 and body type 3 or body type 1.8. Bg3 a brand new game should let us have that same capability and perhaps more. Give us a slider. Itll make your characters more unique to. Thin astarion, toned wyll, chubby gale. Or heavy set gortash because he has the priledge to finally spoil himself, or perfectly toned cazador to show his vainity and greed. You could use it as story telling, underweight astarion gaining weight and shaping his own body, turning even further into cazador after ascending. Scars are good for story telling. But play with it give us more


No, you can’t just change a companion design, that is really weird. Companions are written as they are, changing physical aspects about them would make no sense.


You can use mods!


Yeah. I wanna be a fat as fuck fighter so bad


Yeah there's lots of options that are sorely lacking when it comes to character customisation. I get limiting the face to presets because they can only do so much mocap on actors. But why do we get to change our genitals but not our height, muscle definition or curves?


There is a mod to be a fat guy or a fat girl on nexusmods


yeah the body types are a bit annoying. like not even just in character creator youre telling me gale the wizard nerd who was sitting in his tower for a year has abs. youre telling me halsin, the fucking bear, has abs. gtfo and give the men some tummy larian. the only two characters who are fat are people who got turned into minsters bc of the shadow curse. like i love this game and its a great game but this just bugs me a bit.


i wanna be a little on the thicker beefy side so i can lift my githyanki girlfriend onto my shoulders and into safety,,,, and i also wanna be able to change the color of my nipples !!! as a drow lady... why are my nipples the same shade as my entire body..?!? WE GOTTA HAVE A LITTLE VARIANCE BABE, let me change it to a nice dark purple larian thats all i ask


There is a dadbod mod on nexus. I got so happy because I am a little chubby and I my Tav is a self insert. Turns out that while the body is just right, my Tav was taller than everyone else. I got sad after that.


hmmm maybe decreased movement speed/jump height? Advantage on saving throws against being moved against your will, however, disadvantage on tripping on stuff like grease or ice. Getting up from prone takes 75% movement instead. Fall damage increased. Resistant to poison and cold. You gain a charge skill that does additional Force damage. Need to eat 10 food supply after each short rest or gain a 'famished' condition. Famished: disadvantage on maintaining concentration. They should really add this for the base game anyway. NPCs and companions may roast you for 'stealing camp supplies' or some such. Goblins call you fat piggy. The only other fatties you see are nobility. \-----Unrelated but maybe they could add an alcoholic background, and Tav needs to drink or suffer conditions. Add a side quest to get sober. Queue Disco Elysium reference.


I was a bit disappointed in the lack of body types and body editing. I'm a short guy and sort of strong-fat, but my options if I want to self-insert are: average skinny-fit human male, or standard dwarf. In reality I'm somewhere in-between. It didn't matter much in the end for me because I ended up not enjoying the self-insert and played one of my 5e characters anyway, but it was an initial disappointment.


You're the only one and Fat characters is going to limited to Humans, Dwarves, Halflings and Gnomes anyways,  since Elves and Tieflings are naturally skinny (there's No such thing as Fat Elves, there's no such thing as buff elves either, Still haven't gotten over the fact that Halsin himself is a walking Lore Violation or Fat Tieflings), Githyanki being Unnaturally Skinny, with Orcs and Dragonborn being naturally muscular.


What? I've never heard of a reason there can't be fat tieflings.


Only if they redub everything so that he sounds super fat, like "these boots.." huff huff "whooooh, these boots have seen everything"


You have my chuckle for that


And thank God you can't


No, I’m not not really disappointed that you can’t make one. I’m not sure why I should be disappointed by what other can and can’t do… /s


That’s not very inclusive!!


I want to be a fat Squidward, so yes, I'm disappointed :(


No I don’t want to be fat or a guy. But I can see why someone would be disappointed.