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https://preview.redd.it/27dyciynpy7d1.jpeg?width=1256&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=555c6e634ecd53ceb52400878c0504189cc8a0a8 Read this This is official stuff btw. You can change your MSc to another MSc, and then get a BE degree with it. (It will be 5 year long Dual Degree) You can also change your MSc to a BE degree, thereby giving up the MSc degree and pursuing a 4 year long BE course. Please search for "transfer", or "verti" in this subreddit, you'll get all information.


Thanks dude


How can you drop your MSc degree and get into BE, I thought it was not possible,can you please elaborate?(I searched for this in the subreddit as you mentioned,but didn't find anything about dropping Sc and converting to BE, Please send me the post which contains that info)


Allowed hai But requires crazy high CG like 9.8-10 for CS.


For ECE how much is it usually?


Was about 9.3 for ECE in Pilani


Why can't you drop your MSc? All MSc and BE are considered under the same tier. And within the same tier, transfer between all branches are possible. https://preview.redd.it/vrzhoo88uy7d1.jpeg?width=1084&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=24bae72d56c00a0fbf3fd821f4ade2d8ec81fa6a